I know what your probably thinking, "what is this crackpot about to talk about now?", however, I do have something important to say here, in the liberation and defense of all players abroad the nwn multiverse...
FACT: If there are few players left to play with online, then NWN online will eventually fade into nothingness.
Learn to be kind to the players, after all, tis why we host a server, to invite friends to come play & to entertain others...
OPINION: I think players should lose X when they die..... I think it would be cool to have this monster that pick pockets the PCs killing their inventory, it's not like they can do anything about it.. (That's just wrong.)
FACT: Players don't like losing! Anyone that tells you diferently should have their characters placed in hell and left there till they wake the hell up! (literally) But toward the Server Admins who think differently, I'll make a very solid case/point here..
I noticed one server, which was loaded with lots of players, which started implementing new systems, changed things around, like nerfing spells, cause they THOUGHT it was too powerful, and shortly thereafter the server quickly fell to 0 players. Another server, which I loved dearly, chose to start playing with hardcore, players just vanished, immediately too, within less than 2 weeks, the server was dead..
I say this all for a good reason, because only you can harvest good will in the nwn community, for it's very important for the future of nwn to continue to survive, for our numbers are slowly dwindling away, so you (meaning everyone) need to do your part to make the game the most enjoyable experience possible FOR ALL & especially for the future of NWN!
If you inflict bad things on players, will that improve the nwn community as a whole? I'd dare say not, but if you continue to stab a player long enough they will get tired of being stabbed and go play some other game, however you may be stabbing them, consider what is being said here, for it not only effects your server, but effects ALL of the NWN community as a whole.
Enough said..
Modifié par Genisys, 11 septembre 2010 - 04:33 .