Good Point Shova, then hard core may be considered Above Normal, easy being below normal then..
However, SuperFly, PVP may be in the Action Category, but often PVP must be highly controlled & balanced..
Often PVP servers may use a below normal systematic approach with game mechanics to obtain balance...
However you retain balance by systems / items or what have you, balance highly effects what is normal and what is not, for even uber items, like Sharon said, can be controlled to a point that they are in fact normal in comparison to say + 5 weapon, which is a normal weapon by the OC / Original Game Standards.. And low items can be normal, if used against normal monsters / creatures...
When you step out of the OC / Original NWN Game Standards then your module may shift in one of the abnormal directions... Low or High (below or above normal gameplay..)
I'm not saying anything is bad, nor is anything being applied towards my taste, I'm observing things, that's all..
The builder has ultimate control and the environment they create will effect gameplay one way or another, depending upon how they change things, what item properties they add, and what adjustments they make...
I'd dare say there is another Paradigm, and that being completely outside of the base rules, where a scripter may cause things to happen via scripting which the rules are thrown out the window, no rules are followed, or there has been editing to 2das which completely break the above normal paradigm..
An example of this is where a Builder makes a script that assigns damage and all of the PCs are not allowed a save, here we have forced effects, it's no longer in the below normal / normal / above normal categories, but would be another type of environment all together..
Another example is when things stop being legit, and start being completely Uber, where 2das allow for bending the rules far above normal, where a blank dagger with no properties would deal 20d100 damage or more.. This kind of Uber would not be legitimate gameplay & a new system created by the designer, furthermore, it wouldn't even be realistic.. All of the prior Paradigms are remotely realistic or controllable..
Uncontrolled / Unrealistic / Uber would be examples of the 4th Paragrim, I don't have a name for it though, we can call it simply Truely Uber and the above normal uber would be called Uber-Legit..
I definitely feel there is a distinct difference between Uber Legit and True Uber, for True Uber is often unrealistic, while Uber Legit, can in fact be realistic and well within the standard rules of gameplay... (level 41 - 60 would be considered Uber Legit, though it's a non-standard adoption of a new rule set, it follows along the lines of a systematic approach to normal)
Subraces would be considered above normal, until subraces were given extreme amounts of bonuses, like +12 or higher, or the ability to cast powerful spells / unlimited uses per day (Like Greater Ruin)...
Spell systems which far exceed normal rule sets can fall in either Uber Legit or True Uber, depending upon how realistic it remains.. For adding Resistance or Damage Immunity to a module can balance more powerful items or spells, but Unrealistic Power unchecked is not balanceable in any way...
For you cannot really balance a weapon that does 13,000 damage, not really...
I don't really enjoy True Uber game play, and even Uber Legit can be unappealling to me if it's not properly done..
And for the sake of continuing this rather lenghty and indepth discussion, we are talking about What is Uber to you?
Everyone has good points of view, nobody should be knocked for their ideas / views, for we may all look at the apple and decide what we want to do with it as we see fit, and building in nwn is all about the builder's & player's taste, therefore, what may appeal to some, may not appeal to others, while some may like a lot of different styles of gameplay...
I like how one player put it, they like RP sometimes, but may get bored of it, then goes to play Action untill they get bored of it, then goes and plays Story Modules for a while... Variety is nice, no doubt..
Modifié par Genisys, 31 août 2010 - 02:57 .