SHOVA wrote...
returning to how it works, could the scripting be changed to use a concentration check dc rather than the random bad action via heartbeat? I do know that shelgarns (sp) persistant blade, (1st lev) works like BBoD, however my characters always seem to get around the bad actions unsummon thing. I have also seen SPB, essentualy go to sleep, or be dazed, (honestly could not tell which,) which imho, should not happen as it has no mind to be dazed, confused or asleep, or whatever happened to it. So I am wondering can BBoD also be affected?
Just as a side note, Shelgarn's does not do a concentration check. It behaves like most summoned associates and will (as intended) persist, regardless of hostile actions the caster takes toward others, until the spell expires, the summons is dispelled, etc.
BTW, I tend to agree that BBoD doesn't need to be nerfed. However, it wouldn't be a bad thing if it worked at least somewhat as described, preventing the caster from casting BBoD and then going on to cast other directly damaging spells.