Author Topic: I need major help understanding this game :(  (Read 1543 times)


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I need major help understanding this game :(
« on: August 03, 2010, 08:06:24 pm »

               Hello everyone. I've been trying to play this game for about 4-5 years now, but usually end up stopping right after the Prelude ends. I've tried putting things together on my own, but I just can't understand the concept of so many things. I'm currently at the start of Chapter One on my brand new Wizard and hope that enough people still swing by this forum so I can get some help.

I don't understand the tooltips on these spells. Ray of Frost says that it deals "1d4 + 1 cold damage to a target". I originally thought this meant that it rolls a four-sided die, gets a number, adds 1 to that number, and then does that amount of damage to the target, but it doesn't look that way anymore.

Also, what is fortitude, reflex, and will, and what are saving throws and hit dice?


Legacy_NWN DM

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I need major help understanding this game :(
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2010, 08:20:24 pm »

               There's a NWN2 Wiki site that should help you figure these things out (among many other questions you probably have).
1d4+1 indeed is supposed to work the way you think... what makes you say it isn't doing that now?
Also, if you are really not having a good time of figuring out the mechanics, a Wizard is about the last class you want to start out with.  Many suggest a straight Fighter for people in your situation, as the class has pretty well the highest rate of survivability while you're figuring out the game and how everything works.



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« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2010, 09:09:03 pm »

               I guess I doubted the dice roll system because a critical hit or a familiar hit threw me off. I read through some of the pages but don't exactly understand the concept of spells and resting. Is it seriously going to be necessary to try to rest after every encounter if I want to use spells other than the Wand/Rod of Frost? Also, I appreciate you suggesting another class, but I've never enjoyed any game unless I was able to play some sort of caster.



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I need major help understanding this game :(
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2010, 10:01:47 pm »


Kyakikino wrote...
I don't understand the tooltips on these spells. Ray of Frost says that it deals "1d4 + 1 cold damage to a target". I originally thought this meant that it rolls a four-sided die, gets a number, adds 1 to that number, and then does that amount of damage to the target, but it doesn't look that way anymore.

No. You are absolutely correct in your interpretation. There are other factors which can alter the damage like spell resistance, damage resistance and spell immunity but ignoring those factors, you are essentially correct.  I suggest that rather than perusing the NWN 2 Wiki (albeit I'm sure a fine source) you instead use the NWN Wiki to answer your technical gameplay questions.

However, in my humble opinion, I recommend just allowing the game mechanics to run how they are designed and try to learn along the way.  Check out your combat log (the scrolling text at the bottom of the screen) as you play to understand what is happening and which of your actions are effective and which need to be explored further.  Spellcasters need some special practice since it is always a mystery of the capacity of the foes you encounter and which spells work best.  But don't be daunted and just experiment.  All spellcasters are furnished with the ability to summon aid in some form which can be especially handy in early levels when casters are typically the weakest.  That's my 2 centavos on that issue anyways.

Also, what is fortitude, reflex, and will, and what are saving throws and hit dice?

saving throw
hit dice

Wander the NWN Wiki and follow the links that are furnished within each article.  It has been organized to quickly access all related information for your questions. 

As to resting... it is the only way to replenish your selected spells. Then you can supplement those spells with wands, rods, scrolls, etc. so that you do not need to rest as often.  Remember: you can immediately heal your familiar with a single menu command and it costs nothing (no heal kit, no potion, no spell).  Also, by buffing your helpers and helping them to survive, you can limit your offensive spells to only those especially difficult situations.
Later when your wizard becomes powerful, the AoE spells will destroy many foes at once.  Just some wizzy tips to keep in mind.

Cheers and welcome back!


                     Modifié par HipMaestro, 03 août 2010 - 09:15 .



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I need major help understanding this game :(
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2010, 10:05:47 pm »

               Playing a wizard is kind of tricky, I always end up using the lesser spells trying to save the big ones in case of real troubles... then sleep and never use them... I recently decided to spend them all in one fight, and rest more often. I gotta say it's very spectacular.
A cleric can be played as a devastating castor as well. Actually I wouldn't be surprised he would be able to send the wizard back to his studies pretty easily.


                     Modifié par jmlzemaggo, 03 août 2010 - 09:14 .


Legacy_NWN DM

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« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2010, 10:08:20 pm »

               Ah yes, the NWN Wiki... was getting my forum sections mixed up.

I am a little confused though... if you generally only enjoy this type of game if you can play a "caster", I wouldn't expect you to be thrown off by NWN.  Conceptually casting spells in all these games are generally quite similar.



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« Reply #6 on: August 03, 2010, 10:37:33 pm »

               My first big computer game was World of Warcraft. I don't know whether or not any of you have experience with the game, but it is similar in style but way different in how it presents information.

For example, if I were to cast a spell in World of Wacraft, I would hover over the tooltip, see something such as "Frostbolt: launches a frosty missile dealing 12 to 14 damage and slows the target by 50% for 8 seconds." It's all there in plain English. There's no rolling 2d6 for each level the opponent has, or whatever.

I think I'm ready to keep trying to play this game, but the resting issue is still a problem. I've been in situations where I'm in a house with only one room, and I defeat everyone in said room, but it tells me I cannot rest when enemies are nearby. In fact, I rarely can rest unless I go out of my way to find a place to do so. Is that normal?



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I need major help understanding this game :(
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2010, 01:37:36 am »


Kyakikino wrote...
I think I'm ready to keep trying to play this game, but the resting issue is still a problem. I've been in situations where I'm in a house with only one room, and I defeat everyone in said room, but it tells me I cannot rest when enemies are nearby. In fact, I rarely can rest unless I go out of my way to find a place to do so. Is that normal?

Yes, you will need to either clear the enemies out, or retreat a bit and try resting again.  Sometimes it's merely a case of moving to the farthest corner of the room away from the threat(s).

Actually, with no rest restrictions, spellcasters are quite powerful as they can, essentially, stop and rest after every encounter and regain all their spells.




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I need major help understanding this game :(
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2010, 02:36:57 am »


Kyakikino wrote...
I think I'm ready to keep trying to play this game, but the resting issue is still a problem. I've been in situations where I'm in a house with only one room, and I defeat everyone in said room, but it tells me I cannot rest when enemies are nearby. In fact, I rarely can rest unless I go out of my way to find a place to do so.

Actually, this has been a pet peeve of mine since the beginning.  In many occasions, there could be several closed doors between you and any potential attackers but you still get the no-rest warning even if they are on the other side of a wall without door. ':pinched:'  But this is the way the engine works so we just adapt to enjoy.

Not to throw a monkey wrench into your current NWN experience, but the OC is probably the most lenient when it comes to resting opportunities and you seldom have to move very far to find a suitable place.  Other modules can really test your ability to manage your spell repertoire (and even a fighter's ability to self-heal via rest) under stressful situations and limited/prohibited rest areas. 

The solution is simple.  The more you play, the easier it becomes to maintain control of your environment.  Once the higher level spells become available, I believe you will agree that spellcasters, unchecked by a restrictive rest policy, are unstoppable dynamos.

One basic tip for your wizard (if you haven't figured it out yet, that is), the higher your INT ability modifier, the more open slots will available for each spell level and the less need for resting.  For sorcs/bards, it's CHA ability and for clerics/druids it is WIS.

As for the comparisons to Warcraft, Starcraft, Age of Empires and any other RTS game... NWN uses D&D rules (or NWN's version of it) to resolve not only combat situations but just about every interaction your PC will encounter in the game.  D&D is admittedly more complex than what RTS games utilize but has much more depth... hence the RPG tag. 


                     Modifié par HipMaestro, 04 août 2010 - 01:52 .



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« Reply #9 on: August 04, 2010, 11:36:51 am »

               Or just read the manuals...they should be in PDF format in the folder where you installed the game under the folder DOCS or similar...

The good thing with reading the manuals is that you will understand both how the game works and also the ruleset Dungeons & Dragons...



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« Reply #10 on: August 04, 2010, 05:09:41 pm »

               I've read the hard copy of that thing many times. It really doesn't explain much of anything, just tells you about them.


Legacy_Shia Luck

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I need major help understanding this game :(
« Reply #11 on: August 04, 2010, 07:43:28 pm »

               The manuals are very general yes. The NWNwiki link Hipmaestro gave you is your friend to learn the mechanics of the game.

The biggest difference is, as you have realised, that there is no recharging mana pool for your spells. You need to rest to regain them. (Iirc this is called the Vancian system (?)).

This is actually the challenge of playing a caster in NWN imho. Learning what the spells do and which enemies each is good against is the art of casting. With practice, experimentation and the wiki you will learn how to defeat/incapacitate most enemies without using the major high level spells, which you can save for those "Oh Shhh...HELP!!! " moments '<img'>

Learning is fun...

Have fun '<img'>



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« Reply #12 on: August 04, 2010, 09:02:55 pm »

               The Grimoire is so much better than and more accurate than the manual furnished with the game.  It's not the NWN Wiki, but it is printable.  Delete that old manual!!!



Legacy_Bard Simpson

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I need major help understanding this game :(
« Reply #13 on: August 05, 2010, 01:11:40 am »

               Listen to the Hip one, for he knows of what he speaks. The lovely Lady Luck should also be heeded, as she definitely knows her way around casters.



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I need major help understanding this game :(
« Reply #14 on: August 05, 2010, 01:40:26 am »

               Ultimately this game is based off the Dungeons and Dragons rules/system. This is much older and a bit more complex than the simplified type of systems that current MMOs use. Thus all the rolling of dice to see how much damage spells do and what not. I don't want to turn you away from the game at all but it is definitely much easier to play if you are already familiar with Dungeons and Dragons. Since this system is quite a bit different than your everyday new MMORPG it takes some getting used to. That being said, if you want to learn more about D&D rules check this out: Official D&D Game Rule FAQ
I also play World of Warcraft. While it is a fun game in my opinion, my heart still belongs to D&D/NWN.


                     Modifié par GhostOfGod, 05 août 2010 - 01:10 .