Helekanalaith wrote...
NWN General Discussion (No Spoilers Allowed)
NWN Official Modules (Spoilers Warning)
NWN Modules
NWN Persistent Worlds
NWN Server Admin
NWN Guilds
NWN Builders: Toolset
NWN Builders: Scripting
NWN Builders: Custom Content
NWN Builders: Tools and Plugins
NWN Technical Support (Self help for all versions and expansions)
In this example NWN Official Modules (Spoilers Warning) would house all the relevant discussions for the official campaigns and the premium modules.
That would be perfect I think though combining toolset and scripting would be fine with me as well. People as often post in the wrong thread anyhow why not combine it into a placeable, scripting catch all? It might actually lead to some exciting ideas when discussed between a great modeler and a great scripter. (Not always the same thing I assure you.)
Honestly MP Modules vs SP Modules combined would also be fine. The reason being is it would give a place for people to demo both and I have seen people snag a SP Mod and switch it out to a MP mod and just often do it the other way. This way BOTH the official Modules are combined and Custom Modules are also represented.
As for it being NWN1 vs NWN we all know what we are talking about when we say NWN as when we talk about NWN2 we always add the 2.
I also agree that Ye Old Tavern should be kept as it was. A place for all things NWN Community. Even a kinda off topic if you will for things like the Forgotten Realms Fantasy Football or what not. I have found I dig quite a few of you as people...some not so much, lol....and would love to have a place to shoot the dung and chew the granola with gaming folks. About the important topics like how much Sparkly Vampires from Twilight anger me not as a gamer but as a person. Or that the World Cup Refs need an overhaul or even more importantly that beer really is the nectar of the Gods.
*shrugs* There is my two coppers for whatever they are worth.
Modifié par TSMDude, 21 juillet 2010 - 11:27 .