Your file count points to it not being a resource issue (I.e., too many .. exceeded 16k limit). It doesn't tell us if its a pallette issue though.
1 - What did you recently add to your module since after it last worked properly? Does a module copy dated prior still work?
2 - Do you use the CEP and if so, do you use the following haks in your module; cep2_add_sb_v1.hak, cep2_build.hak and cep2_crp_s.hak. If so, these all inflate your item, creature, placeable pallettes and you may have exceeded the 16k limit for your pallettes.
3 - Can you still login as a player? If you can, do items with "unique power" properties still work? Too many pallette entries often still allows players to login and play, but sometimes items with unique powers will fail.