So I've been working on a Module for the last week or so and just recently bout half way through the day, I did a test run of the Module. As soon as I logged in, everything vanished right before my eyes. Literally, I could actually watch everything disappear and what I mean by everything is, NPC's, Doors' WP's pretty much everything that wasn't nailed to the ground. Oddly enough this is the ONLY area that does this. I can enter any of my dungeons and everything is there no problem what so ever. I only have one script running OnAreaEnter as well as I took a look at OnModuleLoad but nothing seems out of the oridinary.
I'm running a few different things HCR2, Amanshadars Respawn System, CEP 2.4, A loot system + socketing system. I've tried making sure everything was in the right order, I use variables as much as possible with HCR2 and everything was running great.
I'm prety much all out of idea's. In the toolset everything is where it should be, I build the module with no problems what so ever. It's not til my character logs in that everything slowly vanish in about 3 seconds after I fully log on. Best NWN Magic Trick EVER!