Just a thought but try this.
1. Right Click on nwmain.exe in your nwn directory.
2. Set the Compatibility Settings to Something lower than what you are currently on.
3. Enable it to run as administrator (unsure if this setting is in the same window as Compatibility settings - im on Windows 7)
4. Check your windows event viewer for the specific cause of the error.
Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Event Viewer -> Windows Logs -> Application Logs
Look for the red error that occurs around the time of the crash.
5. As far as the PSU goes (Power Supply) - you are looking for the wattage eg - 550 w, or 650, 750 w etc) - But I dont think this will be the source of your problem, as nwn is not graphically intensive, and your graphics card is not one of those that would require a big chunk of power.
6. Also consider using imagecfg.exe to manually force your nwmain.exe to use a single core. Sometimes nwmain.exe has a habit of ignoring the affinity setting in the ini file.
Instructions are located here :
http://www.robpol86....ex.php/ImageCFG ( I used this on my nwserver.exe and it works great )
7. Just for a laugh - go into nVidia Control panel, and reset your 3d options back to defaults, and then change Power Setting (in the 3D Settings) to be 'Prefer Maximum Performance' , and the setting above it to be 'Single Display Performance Mode'.
You may need a restart after the 3d Settings are modified - give that a go, and report back with the requested info - eg, Event Log message for the crash, as well as the PSU wattage.
The error your symptoms remind me most of - is the OpenGL - lost connection to the Display error.
It generally results in a graphical glitch, and then a few seconds later, or x amount of seconds later, it crashes, with a popup advising you that the display driver has crashed because of OpenGL.
Im on Windows 7 - so my system is able to recover after this, you however, are on Windows XP, and I dont think you have the TDR system in Windows XP - Which means, when this occurs for you, you crash and burn.
In fact, I remember hearing on the web, that when the Open GL error occurs, and you have TDR disabled, it causes your computer to crash horribly - just like what your describing -
The good news is, that you can reduce the frequency of this occuring by doing what I suggested- Set the Power Options for 3d - to Prefer Maximum Performance.
When the setting is in Adaptive, the 3d card will try to operate at the lowest possible setting, but it often drops below the minimum that nwn requires, which causes the opengl driver to lose connection to nVidia. Its like a car stalling.
If you can force it to operate at a higher power setting, it stops it from fluctuating.
Note - I am on a nVidia GeForce GTX 580 3GB Graphics Card - and I still get this from time to time.
But while I had the adaptive setting on, I was literally getting it every 5 minutes, making nwn unplayable.
(Seems to be a new occurance, since the 300 series drivers came out.)