Author Topic: Could use a hand with some things, namely EAccessViolation.  (Read 424 times)


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Could use a hand with some things, namely EAccessViolation.
« on: April 20, 2012, 03:30:15 am »

               Hello internet, I am asking (wait no, PLEADING) for your help on a matter, I'll start from the top...

I bought the Neverwinter Nights Platinum Edition a few years back at the local Cashconverters (I live in Australia btw) for... Wait for it... 4 bucks, and, needless to say, I got my damn monies worth, recently, however, my computer bluescreened, so instead of getting it fixed, I decided to order in a better (custom-made) PC.

I now, of course, have that new PC, (No dur) and have, after some time, decided to reinstall one of my favourite games, of all time. (Of all time!) Only to find that after the install, I run the game, Startup Menu pops up fine, I click on play and then suddenly I hear a notification and see this message.


After searching the living daylights out of it on Google, I discovered that it is caused by an error where it leaves some program files behind, thus conflicting with the game, I have used Regedit and the like to completely clear it from my system, reinstall it, and what happens?


I'm using a 64bit Windows 7 Pro/Premium (Whichever the best Windows 7 is, it's name escapes me '<img'>) but also, there is a slight hiccup in the Installation, which I believe is my main problem, when I go through all the disks, I put the play disk back in and it stalls at ambient\\tavern.amv or something like that, it just stalls and comes up with "Neverwinter Nights Platinum Edition installer is Not Responding."

If I cancel it then put the disk back in, I just need to insert Disk 4 back in, then put in the playdisk again, this time when it gets to that file it just refuses to download, it stalls for abit, then continues on it's merry way, is there a way to bypass this? Or do I need to just put it though my disk cleaner?

Cheers, kdread.

Specs are:
Windows 7 Ultimate.
Processor: Pentium® Dual-Core CPU    E6600 @ 3.06GHz  3.06 GHz.
Installed Memory (RAM): 4.00G
System type: 64-bit Operating System
AMD Radeon HD 6450.

(Did I do it right? I could only get what limited infomation I could, I'm not very good at this, sorry :'( .)


                     Modifié par kdread, 20 avril 2012 - 05:28 .



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Could use a hand with some things, namely EAccessViolation.
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2012, 05:55:08 am »

               Seems like a read error is at least part of your problem.  It's been reported with several different hardware/OS configurations of community members that NWN disc installation must sometimes be repeated to get a pristine set of game files... some times taking 4, 5 or more attempts.  IMO this indicates a poor match between the disc(s) and the reader.  Occasionally, a specific disc may read just fine on one drive and misread on another.  Sometimes, just  reseating the disc drive cables is enough.  "New" doesn't always guarantee "perfect".

Assuming you finally do get a clean install (meaning... no reported errors), use the Critical Rebuild to upgrade your Platinum installation to v1.69.  At least by that point, the game no longer needs to read from the disc drive any longer as far as NWN is concerned, only the hard drive.

Also, there are a few recent threads which discuss some of the tweaks needed to get NWN to run on the newer rigs including adjusting driver setting.  You may want to poke around and check those out.

At some point, you may need to publish the exact apecs of your current machine in this thread (or even better, insert into the original post).  Use the "Starts Here" sticky as a template for reporting the info so that others reading your post may form an opoinion easier.



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Could use a hand with some things, namely EAccessViolation.
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2012, 06:08:11 am »

               Thanks for the reply. Can't believe I forgot to put my Specs up '-_-'. I'll update them ASAP, as for the whole reading error, the disk has one rather deep scratch, which I am now CERTAIN is the cause of my problems, I'm reinstalling the game now (For the 7th time...) so I'll post a more... Detailed explaination of where it goes pearshaped, probably has absolutely no benefit what-so-ever, but you guys seem to be alot more capable when it comes to the files then I am, so even the little things might help, ya? ^^.



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Could use a hand with some things, namely EAccessViolation.
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2012, 04:19:12 pm »


kdread wrote...

Specs are:
Windows 7 Ultimate.
Processor: Pentium® Dual-Core CPU    E6600 @ 3.06GHz  3.06 GHz.
Installed Memory (RAM): 4.00G
System type: 64-bit Operating System
AMD Radeon HD 6450.

(Did I do it right? I could only get what limited infomation I could, I'm not very good at this, sorry :'( .)

All your config-type info should be listed in your
file within your NWN folder.  I would run the scan using
just in case the current report got mucked up by all the attempts you've made trying to install.  Typically, I will take the ini into an editor/word process and prune it down to include only those items needed for diagnosis.  The rest you can get from your System specs via the Control Panel (if Win7 still uses such a convention, that is.)



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« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2012, 09:54:20 pm »

               If you still have you old computer about,  Pull the hard drive out of it.  Install it as a second drive in your new computer.    Copy your old install of NWN to your new computer.   Run the game.    

Or you could just run the game from the old hard drive if you wanted to leave it installed in the computer.



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Could use a hand with some things, namely EAccessViolation.
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2012, 02:32:46 am »

               Both very good suggestions, I shall try both of them when I have the spare time. Why must I always over complicate things for myself? No matter, I'll try the nwconfig.ini and try dismantling my old Rig and seeing if anything can be salvaged '<img'>.

Thanks once again.