Author Topic: The Premium modules issue "AKA casting ressurection on the dead horse"  (Read 425 times)


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               because sometimes you just cant give up on a good horse.

the issue with the premium modules is not about the money or even the community it is just petty squabling between bioware and atari. at this point bioware cannot hope to ever turn a profit on this because the game is just too old. so why not just destroy the atari rights. it is not hard to do. all bioware has to do is rebuild the premium modules with some minor changes to render the origional copyright invalid and than release them as free downloads. wether or not the copyright is still valid or not atari will not waste the resources to sue a company that is simply giving away somthing they made.

releasing the modules with no drm would make the community very happy as well as give the builders somthing to sink their toolsets into. finally i might be able to play some of these packages with the cep resource pack so my armor doesent look like crap anymore.

damn it any good company knows their community is more important than petty corperate politics and if bioware really cared about the community they would risk re releasing these module with or without atari's permission.

and you know what if bioware wants to be sneaky all it takes is one employee to release the unencrypted modules on a torrent website it is untraceable and bioware will get off scot free.

damn it do something anything just get these modules into the public domain


                     Modifié par mikeloeven, 08 décembre 2010 - 05:33 .



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The Premium modules issue "AKA casting ressurection on the dead horse"
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2010, 12:46:41 am »

               It is not that easy.  The D&D rights where leased to atari by hasbro, Bioware made NWN under that ruleset.  in order to change there is no way to change the modules away from the D&D rule set. Therefor this will most likey never happen.  

This post is also way off topic for this section of the forum.