Well, what I've said is according to my personal experience on the matter, but I can't say for sure that the
harddrive(s) is/are the issue.
And no, I'm not suggesting 10000 RPM harddrive nor SSDs, I'm mainly talking about common 7200 RPM
harddrives as there are different models where performance differ. For instance, one of my harddrives is
a Seagate 320 Gb 7200 rpm 16 Mb cache which was at one time the only single harddrive in my PC and
the issue you speak was noticeable and happened quite regularly, but that harddrive was the cheapest
one of the 320 GB models from Seagate at the time. Now a few months ago I purchased another Seagate
of 160 GB and still the cheapest of their models but of their most recent tech though which they improved
a bit on.
That however, does not mean it's a whole lot better then the previous one, but I use it as the OS harddrive.
As a second Harddrive, I purchased a Western Digital Caviar Black 500 Gb 7200 rpm which is Western Digitals
performance series harddrives. The combination of the two which perform rather well greatly ensures
a stable performance ratio.
I have a similar setup in another computer with both Seagates 160 Gb and 320 Gb, the 320 being that
older harddrive a previously mentioned as the "Apps" Harddirve. That PC also has a NVidia 9800 GT ECO
I recently purchased brand new and again, that issue has not been present as of yet as I played for about
30 minutes or so when I installed the 9800 GT to have a feel of the performance of that card.
So, I'm not sure what else it could be. NOTE that if one of your harddrives is degrading in performance
can also be a possible cause. Other then that. I'm confident you don't need more RAM as 2GB
is more then enough for NWN in particular but even for the new ****e... I know that I have no RAM
size/quantity problem with any application to this day whit anything that is the latest.
As a last note... Sure having a great performance graphic card helps, but good/high performance
harddrive(s )is also important, but that is always with the consideration that nothing else in a system as developed issues, such as the motherboard or any component on it OR the CPU, the RAM, the PSU...
Out of curiousity, how big is your monitor and at what resolution are you playing?
Modifié par Lord Sullivan, 18 novembre 2010 - 10:24 .