Raijen wrote...
No dice -- The game crashes when i try to bring up the video options in-game menu. Gonna try doing another clean install but try 1.68 instead later tonight or tommorow.
OK. Look. テつ I'm at a tremendous disadvantage here because I only ever bought and installed via Diamond version but let me try to logic this out. テつ You've been reluctant to disclose the exact version that you purchased (eg. Platinum, Gold, Original, Collector's, one of the Atari Collection packs, etc. ) so all I can do is give an example and hope the community will clarify it if it is not accurate. テつ So here goes...
Suppose you bought the Gold version. テつ Then a year later decided to buy the HotU expansion. テつ
Now along comes the v1.69 patch and there are different versions of the patch written to update a specific version. okay?
So what I would do is patch my Gold version with the appropriate Critical Rebuild, and in this hypothetical example, it would have been
That would have updated the game successfully to v1.69 at which point I would start a game of the OC, then start one of SoU, then open up the toolset (if Gold provides toolset access, that is) and test it out a bit. テつ If everything works fine, then I would install the HotU expansion that I bought and test that out. テつ Should problems arise, I would suspect something on the HotU disc got corrupted somehow. テつ If no problems, I would install CEP and then test all the above once again to be sure the overall stability was not compromised by the CEP overrides.
Now that's the way ~I~ would do it, but if there is a better way, others will surely chime in about it.
My point is that depending on the GAME version (NOT the PATCH version!) you installed, the corresponding Critical Rebuild file name will vary. テつ Just because you bought both expansions doesn't mean you will automatically use the Diamond patch on all installations. テつ Oft times the expansions are included in the collections but which patch you will need is problematic unless you uncover which standard version it is based on. The fact that your game plays fine and needs no graphic adjustments while un-patched seems to indicate the graphic card/driver should not be an issue once you've patched with the right patch file. テつ Shia? テつ Make sense?
So for the other more "exotic" collection versions, you may need to experiment to find out which patch is the appropriate one if it isn't obvious on the patch index page or within the documentation that came with the disc set .
I hope this sheds some light on your situation and also hope others will either confirm this is the case or recommend the proper procedure to apply the latest patch for game versions that DOテつ NOT use the Diamond/Platinum patch.
Sure hope you get it to work. テつ It shouldn't be that difficult with XP and a decent ATI card like you have.
Modifiテδゥ par HipMaestro, 05 septembre 2010 - 01:05 .