Try the following:
Toro's Rural Override: http://neverwinterva...-rural-override
Before you say " I asked for forest tilesets!", I recommend this as it'll help merge transitions for rural to forest better. (I.e., your rural areas will better match the texture/feel of newer options).
Toro Winter Rural Override: http://neverwinterva...-rural-override
Yeah, I know. This isn't a forest set either. Trust me though. If you'll be creating snowy areas its worth grabbing.
Alright, now for some actual -forest- stuff. '>
Bioware Forest Tileset Override: http://neverwinterva...ileset-override
This changes textures in both standard and CEP versions of the forest tileset. It works fairly well with many other haks based on the Bioware Forest as well, though oddities may at times arise.
I would also reccomend adding the Project Q tilesets as they'll add -six's- "Wild Woods" as well as expand the TNO options. If you're not already using the CEP, I'd reccomend using the complete Project Q as your base hak set and add the above haks/overrides to it along with anything else you desire.