Of course if the general consensus is they're perhaps unwise, then I'd be happy to see to their deletion from the site!
They're not unwise and shouldn't be deleted, just changed a little.
Why I said they are offensive is because they are not historically correct. The eagle you put on the flag was first designed for the Weimar Republic. It was not used by the ****s. The correct eagle for that time is on the small flag you put on the green flag. It has spread wings and the head is turned to the other side. The eagle you put on the green flag was used before WWII and after it. During world war two it happened that not all old flags were replaced, so that eagle might still have been shown somewhere, but on old flags not new ones and not together with a swastica.
The small flags you pasted on the bigger german and soviet flags are also more detailed than such big flags would have been and since those big flags are hanging down, the orientation of the smaller ones is wrong anyway.
The flag should just be red with a white circle containing a swastica. Even if you want to keep that detailed small flag on it, it should still be red, not green and the small flag should be turned by 90 degrees.
You should really remove the eagle. If you think I'm nit-picking, try replacing that eagle by a polish or american eagle and see if people still don't find it offensive.
BTW you forgot a french flag.
Modifié par Zwerkules, 04 mars 2013 - 05:00 .