I would wrap it up in a playable format, but as it stands it's a single area with some enemies and a debug item to recruit henchmen... not the most inspiring thing around. I think the only part that I consider "done" is the party KO system, which I stole from a module I made two years ago. If that's enough to be considered "playable" I'll release it, but I'll probably have to hide in shame for a month or so if I release something that any novice could make in 10 minutes (with only a custom death script to set it apart)...
Edit: Come to think of it, I've gotten so little done I might be able to incorperate March's ABC themes into the module... if "Treasure Map" wins the poll like it appears it will, I could re-write the story to make more sense with that theme.
Modifié par jackkel dragon, 28 février 2013 - 05:58 .