I worked on a module on windows xp. Now I installed windows 7 and put all the NWN-stuff from my extern storage back on the PC. I thought it would work this way, because it did in the past, but it seems it was only that easy on xp.
Now I tried to reinstall it all, but didn't find my SoU-CD, so I bought a new "Neverwinter Nights - The Collection". I installed it and tried the toolset - it was working. But of course haks and all that stuff were still missing for the module I had been working on. So I manually put all additional data sets in the right folders. When trying to start my module, it still said "The module was build with a newer version of nwn, please update your game". However the game tells me it is 1.69 and hitting the update-button doesn't bring anything new. I finally noticed that in my stored data, the "xp2patch.bif" was larger (there was also an "xp3.bif" which I copied, no idea what that belongs to, but removing it doesn't help) so I copied the larger version to my hard drive. But now, even when trying to open any other module (demos included) I get an error message: Access violation at adress 0040BD0D in module 'nwtoolset.exe'. Read of address 00000030." When trying to open the specific module I want to work on, it still tells me the newer-version-stuff though.
Can anybody please tell me what I can do to get access to my module again?
The module is using CEP and several other haks.
Thanks for any help!