Author Topic: Reloading module on new Windows 7 - Please help me  (Read 460 times)

Legacy_Tolkiens Padawan

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Reloading module on new Windows 7 - Please help me
« on: October 26, 2012, 10:11:19 pm »

I worked on a module on windows xp. Now I installed windows 7 and put all the NWN-stuff from my extern storage back on the PC. I thought it would work this way, because it did in the past, but it seems it was only that easy on xp.
Now I tried to reinstall it all, but didn't find my SoU-CD, so I bought a new "Neverwinter Nights - The Collection". I installed it and tried the toolset - it was working. But of course haks and all that stuff were still missing for the module I had been working on. So I manually put all additional data sets in the right folders. When trying to start my module, it still said "The module was build with a newer version of nwn, please update your game". However the game tells me it is 1.69 and hitting the update-button doesn't bring anything new. I finally noticed that in my stored data, the "xp2patch.bif" was larger (there was also an "xp3.bif" which I copied, no idea what that belongs to, but removing it doesn't help) so I copied the larger version to my hard drive. But now, even when trying to open any other module (demos included) I get an error message: Access violation at adress 0040BD0D in module 'nwtoolset.exe'. Read of address 00000030." When trying to open the specific module I want to work on, it still tells me the newer-version-stuff though.
Can anybody please tell me what I can do to get access to my module again?
The module is using CEP and several other haks.
Thanks for any help!


Legacy_jackkel dragon

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Reloading module on new Windows 7 - Please help me
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2012, 12:41:25 am »

               xp3.bif is one of the files from patch 1.69, so if you didn't have that at first that's part of why you couldn't open your modules (assuming you had 1.69 on the XP computer).

At this point, I'd probably just re-install and use the critical rebuild patch 1.69 for HotU. something may have been messed up when you moved your core game data files around. Alternatively, you could just run the critical rebuild patch to see if that fixes the problem. Some of the files in the "miles" folder got corrupted on my computer somehow, and the patch magically replaced them with working versions.



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Reloading module on new Windows 7 - Please help me
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2012, 12:54:39 am »

               This is probably better posted in the Tech forum (your full system/hardware specs may come into consideration at some point), however...

...are you sure you've applied the correct patch?  The fact that you have pieced together the full complement of base game plus expansions from different sources makes me sceptical that the patch updated properly.

Did you use a Critical rebuild patch?  If so, which one?

Does the registry in its current form reflect the correct version and path information that should be there?

There have been reports that repeating the patching process several times was necessary for all the components to install the way they should.   Can't recall if there was any correllation to the specific OS as far as the corrupt vs. stable installation went, but it is a straight-forward painless strategy to consider.  I have no clue why intallation would be so touchy, just reporting what others have experienced.  You may want to DL all three CRs and try each one, since the NWN Complete version was never mentoned back on the legacy patch pages.  You may need to try a few permutations before you find a suitable combination.

Once you are confident that v1.69 has been installed properly, grab any non-Hak, non-override v1.69 module off the Vault (if you don't have any handy yourself beside the standard campaign modules) and try to open them in the Toolset and load for gameplay.  With success, load up the CEP and rinse/repeat for a CEP-based module. 

It may seem a tedious procedure at first glance, but in order to establish a performance baseline, it is better to use a systematic approach then to use backward-engineering to identify the source of the problem.


Legacy_Tolkiens Padawan

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Reloading module on new Windows 7 - Please help me
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2012, 01:07:56 pm »

               It seems the 1.69 critical rebuild was all I needed. Not 100% sure if everything is working, but so far I can't see anything wrong.
Thank you so much! It's good to know there are still people out here helping imidiately with toolset issues, even after all those years. :-)