Author Topic: Looking for a truly talented builder…  (Read 424 times)

Legacy_Lazarus Magni

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Looking for a truly talented builder…
« on: September 25, 2012, 06:32:29 am »

               Yes… I know you are an endangered breed, if not truly extinct. Nonetheless I am searching for you…
We have a mod, and player base that is truly unique… And I am looking for a builder who can step up to the plate, to provide such a player base, and such a mod with some truly stellar content.
No… this is not your run of the mil, builder recruitment. Av3 is truly off the charts. And for a builder to contribute, it will take some serious skill as a builder, understanding of the mod, and the ability to work within the parameters laid out for builders for them to work within the framework that provides both the balance for the mod, and the incentive for the players to run such areas….
Did I mention Av3 is not run of the mil? Well it isn’t… our mod scales to lvl 2000. Considering just about 10 years of development, with the highest PC lvl ever achieved being 630 or so, it truly lives up to it’s name of being unlimited.
What this means for builders? It means it takes true skill as a builder to create an area that is both fun, challenging, and rewarding for the players and the levels they are.
Av3 has had 100’s of people contribute to it over the years. And it is still growing… I am looking for a builder who can step up to the challenge, work within our framework, and provide our players with new, fun, challenging, and rewarding areas, in addition to making the mod even more versatile than it already is (we have over 1.1k maps, areas from lvl range 5-600+, and content, challenge, and reward to fulfill all of that.)
I am looking for a builder (or builders) who think(s) they can step up to the challenge. I have been building here for over 2 years (out of it’s almost 10 years of existence) in addition to all the other hats I wear. And I can tell you as a builder, providing a challenge, and reward to our players is no easy matter. It is certainly possible, but it takes a creative mind. If there is such a mind out there (or plural), feel free to contact me.
If you would like to be a part of one of the truly most unique, and unlimited mods out there in the nwn 1 universe, I would welcome the effort.
Lazarus Magni


                     Modifié par Lazarus Magni, 25 septembre 2012 - 05:39 .