For Server Modules, yes larger areas cause lag from area load time (& server uploading the areas to the players), which chews up precious Internet Bandwidth on the server, thereby causing more lagg, especially if people are constantly loading big maps...
Needless to say the functions which check distance between objects can cause serious draw on CPU resources in large areas... (Which some AOE Spell Scripts Use btw)
As far as Single player modules though, I'd say large areas are fine, provided you do not go overboard with NPCs & Placeables, that's where those huge area designers go all wrong, worse yet they often place the stores in the same big area too (usually town), which increase lag all the more...
Anyway, if you want a clean, efficient module, be sure to consider first what you are building, secondly, consider the end user, maybe they are still using this old Pentium 4 / 2.0 GHz crummy CPU with onboard graphics (not recommended)...
Nothing larger than 10 x 10 is really needed unless you are making an outdoor map for Horses, you can always make more areas to create huge towns, that's what I do anyway, I'm always trying to keep maps 8 X 8 or less whenever possible. Every builder has their style / taste when building, preference matters only to the builder, but the player is the one that notices the difference...
In my first module I made the mistake of making big maps, and for that reason we saw a lot of internet bandwidth usage early on, nobody was overspawning or anything, I was watching, but as they were constantly loading areas, it was laggy to all other players. The reason that is, is because your bandwidth will choke all other players connected when someone loads a huge map... (Note that)
Hope that helps you, and someone else maybe too...
Modifié par _Guile, 19 mai 2012 - 04:39 .