so, my module is just over 100 meg, and i'm near the 16k toolset limit. i'm curious because i've heard that there are a LOT of modules much bigger than mine and are not having this problem. i just wanted to post some of my stats here to get an idea how mine compared to others.
first, a bit of background.
- we don't use any haks other than CEP (which doesn't count towards the resource limit - from what i understand).
- i feel that we have a lot of custom content, but i really have no idea how it compares to other worlds.
- i inherited the module, so i don't fully 100% understand all of the legacy code in there.
- the previous developer's (developers') coding practices i don't fully 100% agree with (lots of code duplication, many 1 purpose scripts instead of code reuse, etc. i just went through and replaced about 200 unique scripts to open a merchant shop and replaced them with 1 script to read a variable on the NPC to know which shop to open).
anyway, the stats. i opened up the module in the toolset, and then copied the whole temp0 directory over to my linux box so i could run word count on various things (listed in the order i think are most bloated):
$ ls -l *.nss |wc
3747 33723 244443
$ ls -l *.ncs |wc
3579 32211 233394
$ ls -l *.uti |wc
2842 25578 180246
$ ls -l *.utp |wc
2302 20718 150320
$ ls -l *.utc |wc
1688 15192 108874
$ ls -l *.dlg |wc
314 2826 20020
$ ls -l *.are |wc
437 3933 29083
$ ls -l *.gic |wc
437 3933 28646
$ ls -l *.git |wc
437 3933 29520
oh, and by the way - the first column in each output is the number of files in the directory with that filename suffix. for example, my temp0 directory had 3747 .nss files in it. so my totals would be:
- 3747 text scripts
- 3579 compiled scripts
- 2842 items
- 2302 placeables (wow, that does seem high)
- 1688 creatures
- 437 areas (i don't think this is all that many, right?)
- and some other stuff
i was surprised that .nss and .ncs didn't match, but i relalize it's probably because of the various include files that don't actually get complied themselves.
anyway, i guess i'm looking for a comparison to other modules. i'd love to reduce my resources further, but wanted to get an idea of how i compared to others first. i read that i could package a bunch of stuff up into another .hak (that was only serverside?), but i'm hoping to avoid doing stuff like that.
i know there is a TON of unused code in there, and i have been advised that the "unused x" tixbox in the build window is a crock of poo. in another thread, it was suggested that i write myself a letoscript and run it through moneo to cross reference everything. that is an option, but there's a learning curve associated with it that i didn't want to tackle yet. anybody else have some good tips?
Modifié par acomputerdood, 04 mai 2012 - 12:10 .