Author Topic: Can't find all polymorph stats  (Read 483 times)


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Can't find all polymorph stats
« on: April 22, 2012, 05:42:39 pm »

               (Apologies to all if this is not the best forum in which to inquire about this but it seemed the closest to me.)

Here's my problem.

I am trying to quantify the stats of the 3 were/lycanthrope forms (the wolf, the rat & the cat) to customize them, not to alter the defaults but to add custom versions.  However, I am unable to locate exactly where all the attributes are located.  So far I have found that the STR, DEX & CON abilities are set in the polymorph.2da (IIRC the AC bonus is there too).  Some linkage to the shapechanger race is indexed in the racialtypes.2da, though nothing all that significant in defining the stats (seemingly!) are there.  I've found that the race is one of 3/4 AB group & uses 8 HD.  However, I have found nothing to indicate what level they are when spawned or how many HPs.  Actually, with either one of those two attributes quantified, I could extrapolate the other.  But if there are any other characteristic feats or other factors not contained in the skin, I would like to know how/where that is determined, as well.

Now, I thought perhaps the polymorph versions were in some way based on the palette versions, but they are too different, though the polymorph versions use the same DR in the creature skin.  AC & HPs is w-a-a-a-y off with the testing I've done trying to extrapolate creature HPs by determining total damage to kill (a tedious, non-conclusive method to quantify this '<img'> ).

So I am lost now.  I have a tough time hunting through scripts so it may well be defined in script form somewhere.  The OnSpawn and OnUserDefined references set into the bandit creatures on the palette led to to a dead end.

Therefore, I would appreciate if any of you with expertise steer me back in the right direction.  TIA, as usual, for any help, folks!


                     Modifié par HipMaestro, 22 avril 2012 - 04:44 .



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Can't find all polymorph stats
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2012, 09:06:57 pm »

               From just now testing it with one of my test PC's: Elf (Ranger 13/ wizard 2)

HipMaestro wrote...
 However, I am unable to locate exactly where all the attributes are located.  So far I have found that the STR, DEX & CON abilities are set in the polymorph.2da (IIRC the AC bonus is there too).

Yep sounds good.  The other 3 stats remain the same as they where before polymorph.

Some linkage to the shapechanger race is indexed in the racialtypes.2da, though nothing all that significant in defining the stats (seemingly!) are there.

Not that I can see.  The only effect I can really see from the racial type is the type of equpiment that they use ie. Creature vs non Creature equipment. .

  I've found that the race is one of 3/4 AB group & uses 8 HD.  However, I have found nothing to indicate what level they are when spawned or how many HPs. 

They are not spawned they are polymorphed.   Meaning they are the same level as they where before the polymorph.   There AB is there unequiped AB.  This of cource will be adjusted by there new Strength modifer not there old one.      There HP are the same as they where before, The only differance is that they have a different Con therefore they will gain/lose 1 HP per level dependent on there new con adjustment vs. there old con adjustment.  Oh they also get some temp HP per the polymorph "HPBONUS" 

AC will be AC of the skinn + there natural AC.

Actually, with either one of those two attributes quantified, I could extrapolate the other.  But if there are any other characteristic feats or other factors not contained in the skin, I would like to know how/where that is determined, as well.

There where none that I seen.

Now, I thought perhaps the polymorph versions were in some way based on the palette versions, but they are too different, though the polymorph versions use the same DR in the creature skin.  AC & HPs is w-a-a-a-y off with the testing I've done trying to extrapolate creature HPs by determining total damage to kill (a tedious, non-conclusive method to quantify this '<img'> ).

Again as far as I can tell it is the same creature as before the  polymorph: Same classes/ levels/ect..  Just with a new Dex/Con/Str/Natural AC. A new class that decides the type of weapons used.    And of cource possiable Skin's/ Natural weapons added.  

So I am lost now.  I have a tough time hunting through scripts so it may well be defined in script form somewhere.  The OnSpawn and OnUserDefined references set into the bandit creatures on the palette led to to a dead end.

In the base systen at least, I see nothing defined in the scripts.  


                     Modifié par Lightfoot8, 22 avril 2012 - 08:18 .



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Can't find all polymorph stats
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2012, 09:56:02 pm »


Lightfoot8 wrote...
They are not spawned they are polymorphed.   Meaning they are the same level as they where before the polymorph.

Ahhh... so this works a little like a shifter then, where the pre-morphed form gets overwritten by the new polymorph stats plus any bonuses.  I missed that completely.

There AB is there unequiped AB.  This of cource will be adjusted by there new Strength modifer not there old one. 

I stated that attack value wrong.  It should have been 3/4 BAB, not AB.  That is what is listed in the 2da so I figure it means a level 12 barb with 12 BAB when polymorphed into a were creature would end up with 9 BAB.  It would affect the overall AB, but is controlled by the 2da.

Wouldn't the attack use some sort of creature weapon like bite or claw?  That's an aspect I am missing.  But the way you've explained it, it becomes instead a standard unarmed (fist) attack.  This part still seems vague to me.

There HP are the same as they where before, The only differance is that they have a different Con therefore they will gain/lose 1 HP per level dependent on there new con adjustment vs. there old con adjustment.  Oh they also get some temp HP per the polymorph "HPBONUS" 

AC will be AC of the skinn + there natural AC.

Except for the starting HP (just like the character level you explained above), I figured this part out from the 2da.

So it seems that all one needs to do to create a more powerful polymorphed version is to attach the lycanthropy polymorph script to higher level NPCs that are spawned in.    Higher level, more HPs, better AB.  Right?

I've gotten pretty familiar with merges for shifter, not so much with polymorphs like Polymorph Self or Shape Change spells, for example.  No items merge for those forms so creature inventory means nothing.  But will feats like Dodge, Mobility, Armor Skin, etc. merge into the polymorph forms if they were present in the pre-morphed NPC?


                     Modifié par HipMaestro, 22 avril 2012 - 09:03 .



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Can't find all polymorph stats
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2012, 05:10:00 pm »

               Feats should merge as should pre-existing "buffs".



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Can't find all polymorph stats
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2012, 05:55:31 pm »

                I think what you are looking for is all in the 2da.
Check this out:

Creature weapons and hide for example are specifically identified for the form.

For lycanthropy I decided to give each type a different hide and applied appropriate properties to each of those hides. This enables lycanthropy to act more like a template than a fixed form. I also created creature weapons which can spread lycanthropy on hit.

Thats the way to go in my opinion. It allows the PC to keep their stats, but in a modified form. And then gives them some relevant abilities, weapons, feats etc....