vivienne.l wrote...
To my knowledge, tileset hakpaks are always compatible with the CEP as they are a completely new set independant of the CEP. It's basically the placeables, creatures, weapons, clothing etc. hakpaks that are not compatible as there might be differences in the respective 2das. If you know how to combine 2da's then these hakpaks can also be made compatible.
Since CEP added "new" tilesets that are actually default bioware tilesets with with all tiles available in many colors, this is no longer true.
Medieval city is very probably compatible but a if a tileset would accidentaly used the same *.set name as any of CEP's tilesets than CEP will overwrite such tileset. If you "install" any tileset into your module and this tileset wont be available to select then this tileset is not compatible either with CEP or other tileset in your haks, that the only "incompatibility" between tilesets so don't worry, try it and you'll see.