Author Topic: My module got somehow messed up and I don't know why. Please help!  (Read 439 times)


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                I just ran into a huge problem with my module.
I noticed it when I tried to put a CEP Unicorn creature from the palette onto some area. No model of the Unicorn was shown when I selected it and also it wasn't possible to place it. When I tried editing the creature from the palette an error message poped out. I was able to edit the Unicorn, however there was no model and when I checked the model list I noticed that there weren't actually ANY CEP models there at all!
Of course, consequently none of CEP creatures work, the same problem with all of them.

I tried to check my hak pak list and I noticed some additional hak pak put before the CEP ones, I remembered myself puting it there some time ago (although it turned out to be useless). Thinking that maybe this hak pak is the reason, I deleted it, but during the module build after deleting, a lot of error messages popped out, mainly concerning the missing resources. Most of them were scripts connected with CEP creatures and compilation errors. 
Even a few scripts made by myself occured to be missing, like the one responsible for giving PC chaotic alignment points for breaking doors, crates, etc. Nothing concerned with Hak Pak, it seems to me.

Some of the errors are as follows (translating the messages to English, since I have Polish toolset):
-Creature "pegasus.utc": missing resource - nw_ch_aca.nss
-Creature "unicorn002.utc": missing resource - nw_ch_aca.nss
-Creature "x3_ogrechief001.utc": missing resource - studdedleather1.uti
-nw_c2_default3.nss - compilation error
-nw_c2_default7.nss - compilation error 
-zep_on_activate.nss - kompilation error
-area "Karczma Stara Wiocha": placeable object 4: missing resource door_destroy.nss

And more, some of which are reapeted for unknown to me reason. If You wish, I might post the rest of them but tomorrow, since for me it's already 2a.m. now.

After deleting the mentioned hak pak and rebuilding the module, the CEP models are there again, however, the module is still kind of messed up. One problem I've noticed as of now is that when a PC mounts the horse, the horse remains where it was and the PC just starts riding some "new" horse. When he unmounts it, it just disappears. It should be also noted that a horse the player rides is always brown horse with packs, no matter the horse he tried to mount.

Please, help me. '<img'> Although much is left to be done, I've already put a lot of work into this module. I don't want it to out to be for nothing.

Big, big thanks for anyone who can advise me what to do!


                     Modifié par Grani, 18 février 2012 - 01:15 .



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My module got somehow messed up and I don't know why. Please help!
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2012, 01:47:59 am »

               OK, I'll start by saying - be calm, it can be sorted out and fixed.

There are several ways to go about this - but I'll start by asking a few questions so I can better advise you.

Do you have backup copies of your module? For example, each time I do a build on my module, I make an archive (zip) of the thing and name it for the date of the build, this way, if anything goes wrong, I only loose a day or two's work in the worst case scenario. If you don't do this routinely, get in the habit of doing it as it will save you much frustration in the future.

If you do have a backup, preferably from just before when you added the hak you removed recently, that would be WONDERFUL. But something tells me you maybe don't have a backup so we'll talk about doing this another way too - after I get some more information from you.

Do you know the name of the HAK you added then deleted?

Which CEP are you using?

Are there any other HAKs being used in this module?

In a worst case scenario, you may have to export all YOUR original work, like the areas, and your scripts, conversations and the like, then import them into a blank CEP module. We will discuss this in more detail after I get the answers to the above questions.

For now, relax, things can be salvaged and repaired.

Be well. Game on.



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My module got somehow messed up and I don't know why. Please help!
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2012, 10:04:17 am »

                Thanks for reply.

About the backup... well, I sort of had one as which I saved the module when I was about to do something that could harm it in any way. Unfortunately I used only one and so I don't have my older backups, but only the most recent one. And because this problem is not so easily noticeable normally, I didn't know about it when I back uped my module the last time. Long story short, I have a back up but with the same problem, so it's no use.

About that Hak I added... yep, I added hak from "Good VS Evil III" module (CEP version) for experimental purposes. Umm, that's how I do and learn things, even if they mess things up like this. I really wish I could get rid of my curiosity. ':?' 

I'm using CEP v2.4.

There are no other haks used, beside the CEP ones.\\

Thanks for help! I really appreciate it..


                     Modifié par Grani, 18 février 2012 - 10:07 .



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My module got somehow messed up and I don't know why. Please help!
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2012, 12:34:14 pm »

               Please, I'm desperate...



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My module got somehow messed up and I don't know why. Please help!
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2012, 01:32:18 pm »

               OK - I'm not familiar with the "Good vs Evil III" hak so I can't be specific about a solution. I can give you some things to try... hope it helps.

Just so you know - making backups and naming them for the date of the backup means you can always go back and extract things that you break, delete, or otherwise foul up (it happens, sometimes our experiments go wrong).  '<img'>

First, make a backup and set it aside as a precaution.

Note, the order that HAKS are listed in the module are important, the 'top' hak gets priority, it 'overrides' all the HAKs below it in the list.

I'm downloading the GvE3 now and will see what I can find in it. One problem I may have is I only use CEP 2.1 here so I am not sure I'll be able to play it to test anything. Still, I can look at the contents and see what I can see.

If the GvE hak is not used in your module, you might be able to do the following ...

FILE > EXPORT  *everything*

Then ... open a fresh copy of the CEP module in the toolkit, SAVE AS another filename (*so your cep module does not get overwritten) ... next

FILE > IMPORT all that stuff you exported from your module.

Assuming there is no content in the module from the GvE hak, this _may_ resolve your issue. If you did include (in the module) some of the content from the missing hak, if I recall correctly, it will show up as missing resources when you do a BUILD on the new module.

Keep me posted. Best wishes on this module.

Be well. Game on.



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My module got somehow messed up and I don't know why. Please help!
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2012, 01:40:50 pm »

               So I have to export absolutely all scripts, creatures, conversations, etc... OK, I will try to do so and post the news when it's done. Although it's gonna take some time, of course... Thanks for help.



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My module got somehow messed up and I don't know why. Please help!
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2012, 06:26:07 pm »

               OK, so it seems it worked perfectly. '<img'> At least I don't see any problems for now, and the mounting is also fixed now.



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My module got somehow messed up and I don't know why. Please help!
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2012, 08:20:45 pm »

               Well, it seems it isn't THAT problem-free. ;/ I've noticed that enemy AI is somewhat messed up.

For example, when PC meets some Goblin group, only one of them attacks PC. Even after killing this one Goblin, others just stand there and stare, unless PC attacks one. Then this one also starts fighting, but the rest continues to just watch. It happened with not only Goblins but with rats as well, I assume it's the problem with all the creatures.

Looks like I will need Your help once more '<img'> Thanks!

I'll post if I note anything more.


                     Modifié par Grani, 18 février 2012 - 08:23 .



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My module got somehow messed up and I don't know why. Please help!
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2012, 08:39:30 pm »

               Congrats on getting it this far. Good work! And please pardon my bad reading of your messages, I should have told you "you are welcome" several messages ago. Your polite 'thank you' was sadly overlooked by me - my bad. I am very glad to help and you are very welcome friend. '<img'>

On the AI change, I'm not sure what is the issue there. When you do a BUILD of the module, did you have it check for MISSING RESOURCES? If so how did that look? It is possible you missed some files?

I'll be happy to look over the module or scripts to see if I can spot the issue. Check your msgs and you'll find my email there, send me the mod if you'd like me to look at it. Otherwise, I'll ponder what clues you can give me and we'll see if we can figure this one out too.

KUDOS again, you got through a rough event there, and did very well!

Be well. Game on!


                     Modifié par ehye_khandee, 18 février 2012 - 08:43 .