Author Topic: Cool implementation of food and drink  (Read 529 times)


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Cool implementation of food and drink
« on: August 25, 2011, 12:29:48 pm »

               Just brainstorming a little bit here.

Thought of a cool way of implementing food on a server or other module.

We've seen many ways to use of the most common: being forced to eat food to be able to rest. Although that could still be a cool use for it I thought of another one.

Let food give some regeneration. Depending on how big the food is the generation lasts longer.

Even drinks like beer and wine give some regeneration...even though drinking too much can have undesired effects hehe (probably some scripting required there).



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Cool implementation of food and drink
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2011, 01:02:56 pm »

               I did something not altogether different from what you're talking about here in my server.

 Food is required only when in "dungeon" areas, it's simply assumed when you're in a safe place you're eating regularly.  Resting restores your con bonus + 1 HP per round (minimum of 1), and only when fully rested, meaning at the least full HPs and not diseased, can spell-casters then recover their spells, a seperate process in mine.

 Alcohol at lower levels of consumption gives minor benefits, but at higher levels of it can cause unconsciousness and death, with substantial penalties accruing along the way.  Poison immune characters/creatures are unaffected.
 The alcohol was the easier of the two to impliment, since it can be set as a pseduo-HB fired by the default alcohol script.  I did add in a few extra lines to neutralize poison to counter the effects, but that's not really needed.



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Cool implementation of food and drink
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2011, 02:15:42 pm »

               Then I just realised this will get people start eating a lot of food in combat, or before or after it...which is not the intended use...hmm...

I'll probably leave it...

Thanks for the input though...

Sometimes I am just brainstorming :-P



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Cool implementation of food and drink
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2011, 02:42:05 pm »

               not usable in combat can be a setting.



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Cool implementation of food and drink
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2011, 02:55:42 pm »

               Yeah...but people would be using it while "dungeoning" in-between encounters...and rushing into combat with the regeneration on...



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Cool implementation of food and drink
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2011, 05:35:58 pm »

               Lets see if I get what you are saying. 
  • You would give all food items some kind of calorie count.

  • Every PC would have a reserve colorie bank based on there race and pheno type.

  • When a PC sleeps he would get HP back based on His calorie intake and claorie bank.

        I would guess something like 100-200 calories allowing for natural healing of 10% of max HP.

  • If sick colorie intake is lost from food consumption do to the food either leaving the way it entered or being liquidfied and rushing through the system too fast, Burning more colries in the process. Allow saving saving throw to keep food down.
  • only 5% of calorie bank would be allowed to be used/added back to in a day.(you cant lose all your weight in one day)
  • draning the calorie bank to low has advese effects on the PC.  (decressed strenght or con  or whatever), This effects small pheno types faster then large ones.  
Is something like that what you where sugesting?



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Cool implementation of food and drink
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2011, 06:20:18 pm »

               Cool impementation of food and drink? If you ask me then cool is to not implement this at all.

Of course world without this is a bit strange so I would use the gothic approach, food and drink gives you health like potions.

Just my feelings '<img'>


Legacy_Bannor Bloodfist

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Cool implementation of food and drink
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2011, 07:57:03 pm »


Lightfoot8 wrote...

Lets see if I get what you are saying. 

  • You would give all food items some kind of calorie count.

  • Every PC would have a reserve colorie bank based on there race and pheno type.

  • When a PC sleeps he would get HP back based on His calorie intake and claorie bank.

        I would guess something like 100-200 calories allowing for natural healing of 10% of max HP.

  • If sick colorie intake is lost from food consumption do to the food either leaving the way it entered or being liquidfied and rushing through the system too fast, Burning more colries in the process. Allow saving saving throw to keep food down.
  • only 5% of calorie bank would be allowed to be used/added back to in a day.(you cant lose all your weight in one day)
  • draning the calorie bank to low has advese effects on the PC.  (decressed strenght or con  or whatever), This effects small pheno types faster then large ones.  
Is something like that what you where sugesting?

Perhaps add one more item?

  •  You can only eat ONE item and drink ONE item per 4 hours?  IE only one meal allowed every 4 hours of actual game play. 

    You could generate some sort of table for how many calories per item, this is done in many DND CRPG type games already, no reason it can't be accomplished here.  IE, bread and water, gives "x" back (with the limitations to max as Lightfoot suggests) while Steak (any meat source) and Beer gives max calories back.  Just examples, but I am sure you get my meaning.




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Cool implementation of food and drink
« Reply #8 on: August 26, 2011, 12:41:29 pm »

               I once stumbled upon a server where not drinking in 12 ingame hours made you get 5% increase in vulnerability to all damage types, and not eating in 24 made you lose 2% in all abilities and movement speed penalty every hour thereafter. It was a survival server where it was very common to be starving every now and then, and sometimes if you are unlucky, you wouldn't even find enough water for yourself.

I thought it was a pretty damn neat system. In my opinion at least the seemingly popular 'no sleeping without food' is just retarded and stupid. Im not raging or anything, but those are the two words that perfectly match my opinion of that system.


                     Modifié par Xardex, 26 août 2011 - 11:42 .



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Cool implementation of food and drink
« Reply #9 on: August 26, 2011, 12:50:47 pm »


ShaDoOoW wrote...
Cool impementation of food and drink? If you ask me then cool is to not implement this at all.

Yeah....I kind of drew the same conclusion...

Even though it would be cool to have food and drink actually have some small effect in the game...

But wouldn't want it to effect combat and don't want it to be forced to eat food...



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Cool implementation of food and drink
« Reply #10 on: August 26, 2011, 02:30:23 pm »

               Its starting to sound a bit to complicated. How about in order for healing, spell, or potion to take effect, one must eat first? Add Bannors only usable every 4 hours, and you get a nice little add on system that doesn't make everyone go wtf?



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Cool implementation of food and drink
« Reply #11 on: August 26, 2011, 06:09:20 pm »

               I liked the rations system in the ShadowGuard premium module. If I recall correctly, you couldn't recover your HP fully when resting unless you had enough food in your inventory, which would be consumed during resting. In my opinion, such a system is good because while it represents food and drink in the game, it doesn't make it so the player has to remember to use them every day, just to have bought enough supplies beforehand.


Legacy_Lazarus Magni

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Cool implementation of food and drink
« Reply #12 on: September 01, 2011, 08:54:25 pm »

               Fo3 has quite a few variations of this made by the community. Particularlly Real Injurys Primary Needs. I have it installed in my version of the game, and love the realism it brings. There are a ton of other variations on this too, and I know some NWN servers/modules do have similar systems. I believe they are mostly RP servers though.



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Cool implementation of food and drink
« Reply #13 on: September 04, 2011, 01:22:18 am »

               I just did a simple one where you get 3 levels of food and drink.  Level 1 a fish gives 2 hp and 1 hp for 3 rds.  Then level 2 doubles that, and level 3 is 3 times level 1.  I suppose I could have put some limits on it but carrying around a bunch of food can get fairly heavy, but if you run into it in the wild then you can just use it there.  i suppose I could have been more realistic by making you cook it first, but no matter, just something to help out PC's a bit.  I must admit I got the idea from RoME, return of Middle Earth, where you could eat berries to regain hp's.  Really only of much use in places where potions have low availability or are expensive.
Gothic had meat and cooking, where early on it was the only way to survive. But then they had unlimited inventory, where you could carry around enough food to feed an army.


                     Modifié par ffbj, 04 septembre 2011 - 12:24 .