Builder_Anthony wrote...
Thy are only used in module creation.Lets say you wanted a custom axe that was made by cep and it was optional.They placed it in a erf so if you wanted it in your module you would just import it into your module and it would then appear.
This would work to take things out of CEP for use in a non-CEP module. With CEP, close but no cigar. BUILDERS use them to modify objects included in the CEP haks, to modify them for use WITH cep, you have to put them in your CEPtop hak (so they override the CEP HAK content).
Builder_Anthony wrote...
Cep erfs are only required for builders.
CEP ERFs are NOT REQUIRED by anyone, they are OPTIONAL for CEP BUILDERS and those who wish to extract CEP material for use in non-CEP modules.
Be well. Game on.