Tassie Wombat wrote...
The confusing part is that it happens on the server ... it happens on my computer (the one that all the modding is done on) ... but it doesn't happen on my husbands computer. He can load up the module and test out the bosses and they attack just fine.
This tells me that one of the two computers is overriding the script. If it is your husbands computer, No problem once you find the problem and fix it, it will work correctly on your machine. If however it is your computer that is overriding the script even if you find the problem and recompile the corrected script you will still have to place it in a place where it can override the other script, If not it will have no effect and your problem will presist.
Tassie Wombat wrote...
These two bosses are using the standard x2_ scripts except for their OnDeath.
That does not tell me much,. So I would guess that you are either useing nw_c2_* or nw_ch_*
Still your first goal is to find out why it is differant on one computer form the other Once you figure that out you probably even know the script to change.
I guess I should also ask. Is the creature painted in the toolset or spawned in during play.