Author Topic: Looking for EXPERT Toolset Area Makers & Scripters  (Read 421 times)


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Looking for EXPERT Toolset Area Makers & Scripters
« on: April 16, 2011, 10:00:19 pm »

                I've just recently made a persistent world server named Ancient Realms under the role-play list. I've already got about 6 DM's and a decent playerbase going. But, I need more developers to help me on this giant project, and so I call aid from all those expert scripters and area builders out there!

Everything on Ancient Realms is completely custom, except for the creature AI (which I intend to work on soon). But to give you a brief idea of what is currently featured on the server, I'll list all that I can remember off the top of my head:

The server features two types of skills (labor and craft). Crafting inclues alchemy, carpentry, cooking, forging, sculpting, and tailoring, Labor includes mining, felling, studying, tracking, and farming. All skills are based off points, which are replenished every three hours. Every skill is also ability-based, adding your ability modifier to your skill at all times. 

We have 11 languages, and they can ALL be learned using the studying skill. Some races (and subraces) learn a language on entry, but players have the opportunity of learning lanuguages through Language Tomes, which are hidden and scattered throughout the server. Each language has a different DC and required points to learn.

Players can own almost anything: houses, inns, guilds, shops, and even cities. Houses and guilds are basically the same, you buy the settlement and then manage the house by creating keys, etc. Shops you can set up your inventory and all purchases go to your bank account. Inn owners can set up their menus and then sell food at the bar. All purchases again go to the inn owner. In order to rule a city, you must "start a campaign", gain supporters, then get the most votes. Once in charge of the city you have complete control over taxes, defenses, alliances, and clearance levels. There is so much more about properties, but I need to move on.

We have an in-game subrace generator. You choose the properties, the levels at which said properties are awarded, wings, tails, eye colors, appearances, required RP ratings, everything. You can make virtually any subrace you want all in-game. Players' input goes directly to the control center where we can make the subrace. Certain subraces also have the opportunity of starting at different cities (Drow, for example, can start in the Underdark). Examples of subraces contrived through player input include Illithid, Baelnorn, and a lot more exotic RP-rating required subraces.

Like deities, we have an in-game deity generator. If players have an idea of a deity they want to worship, we can make it in-game real quick. Once made, player's can worship deities and sacrifice to them. The more gold you sacrfice and the numer of worshippers a deity has represents the deity's power. You can evoke your deity through praying.

We feature an in-game crafting recipe generator. Players do not have direct access to the list of recipes; instead, we've saturated the server with a number of recipe books listing the materials for particular items. This gives players the incentive to study at the library and go venturing for recipe books.

There is SO much more, so please, if any of this looks interesting please check out the server Ancient Realms. The IP address is I'm looking mainly for expert area makers who STRIVE on detail in EVERY corner. If you're interested, contact