Author Topic: Resources for NwN 1 Builders - Toolset  (Read 2648 times)

Legacy_Tarot Redhand

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Resources for NwN 1 Builders - Toolset
« on: December 25, 2010, 01:20:08 am »

               I am somewhat surprised that while other sections of these boards have lists of resources to aid with thier core topic, this one does not. In the hope of being able to help correct this oversight I have done a quick trawl of the vault and this is what I have come up with.

Online Resources (Bioware links updated to point to the Way Back Machine)

Bioware - For Builders
Bioware Old Forums - Toolset Introduction
Bioware Old Forums - Frequently Asked Questions (with Answers)
Bioware Old Forums - Module builders - Tip of the day
Bioware Old Forums - Lesser known but helpful features of the toolset
Bioware Old Forums - Make Backups Of Your Modules!
Bioware Old Forums - NWN 1: Toolset Front Page
NWN Wiki
Father Matt's Neverwinter Tower
How do you encourage comments - Link currently broken

Instructional manuals etc

NWN HoTU Toolset Manual by Dezmodian
Riddles, Professions, Buildings and more by Scavenged from the web (Aristan)
The Guide to Building Volume I – The Aurora Toolset Manual by The Builders Project
The Guide To Building Volume II The Design Manual by The Builders Project
Ye Builders Journal 1st collection by TBP
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Color Tokens by gaoneng
NWN Aurora Toolset Help Guide - UPDATE by Reginald Silverleaf
Neverwinter Nights item creation guide by hsm
Module Construction Tutorial by BioWare
NwN Module Production - Issue Focal Sheet by E_H_Bonner
Glossary of Archaic and Poetical Words for the Role-Player by gobbledygookie
Merchant Tutorial by Justin Gattuso
Selling It: A Non-Coder's View on Packaging Your Content by Kaotiqua
Designreport for moduledevelopment by Marc-André Volpers
Quest Template by Quillmaster
G.U.R.M.(Generic Universal Read Me) by Spirit_of_Monkey
Tutorial for The Hermit's Chalice module by Firestarter
Trap Reference Spreadsheet by Chimneyfish
Neverwinter TimeTables by Kyndig
Starting Conditional Scripts Organized by ruelk


Toolset Lessons - Basic by Maximus (5 movies)
Toolset Lessons - Beginner by Maximus (7 movies)
Toolset Lessons - Intermediate by Maximus (5 movies)

Utilities etc

NWN Spellchecker by Hans Olsen
NwnMultiLang 1.1 by gTach
(erf) DeImporter 0.10beta by Lilac Soul
NWDialog by Steve Moseley / Sharon Tipton
Color Tag Creator V2 by Heath5
Mod Version Changer for NWN by Theo de Moree
TheDU translation tool for NWN v1.0 by Theo de Moree
Twilight Authoring Tool Set Release 1.01 by Marc Lalande (aka palardu)
Ghanima the external dialog editor beta version 3 by LetoII
NWN Master Dialog Tree v1.0.4 by mherberger
ModPacker by pspeed
Z-Dialog by pspeed
Graph Paper Printer by Philippe Marquis
ModDiff by baadf00d
SysExporter by Nirsoft

Things to Make Module Building Easier

What follows are a list of erf files that can be imported to add functionality and/or flavour to a module with very little additional work by the builder.


Baldur's Gate Books by Bioware
Dragon Books by Revenant
Faerun Book Collection by Birdman076 (Original Work by Soul Filcher)
Urk's Greyhawk Library by Too many to list.
Necromantic Lore by Steve Kurtz
CTP Jerl Silvershield Adventure Books by West Sea Guild
Bioware Books Be Gone - remove Bioware books without touching a script by OldManWhistler

Plug and Play
(pre-scripted items that require no additional scripting or haks)

Fully Functional Well by Vince aka Anthroplayer
Panning for Gold by Rascal
Interactive Ballista by Roy Boscowan
Post Office by IceHammer
Storage Manager by dickloraine
Soul Mirror by Joachim the DM
Altar To Any God by Windhawk
Shrine of Ptah by TheEngine
Fun Doors by TarotRedhand
Chess Simulation - PC versus NPC by Chimneyfish
Axe Murderer's Killer Secret Objects v1.0 by Axe Murderer
Killer Anti-Magic Zones v1.0 by Axe Murderer
Killer Town Crier v1.0 by Axe Murderer
Level Me NPC v1.0 by Axe Murderer
Port Me NPC v1.1 by Axe Murderer
Spell-Me NPC v1.0 by Axe Murderer
Killer Walk Waypoints v2.1 by Axe Murderer
Many Shapes v1.0 by Axe Murderer
TOD Encounter Triggers v1.0 by Axe Murderer
TOJ's Trap Package 0.8 by TOJ
Underdark Hazards by ruelk
Spot & Listen Triggers by Windhawk
Weak Unequip Trap Set by The Great Slayer of Gelatinous Cubes
Uze's Respawning Crypt Placable Pack by Uze
Omnidye by The Krit
Talking Tome by Quillmaster
BOG Fully Flexible Teleport System by Baron of Gateford
Scarface's Socketed Items v2.5 by Scarface
CS Resting by Craig Smith (galap)
Switch-Based Secret Doors Suite (v1.21) by Mentalepsy
Miorg Inventory Organizer (v0.33a beta) by Mentalepsy
Ke'haar Stones V1.2 by Lilac Soul
Hour Bell v. 1.0 by Ayath The Loafer
Spiderwebs by Gonzo
Multiple lock by ShaDoOoW
Modified Portable Encampment by ShaDoOoW
Dynamic Tag-Based Level, Race, and class Restricted Doors and Triggers by Invizible420
Lamp Patrol by bgog
Masks Tag Based Treats by Mask
Neshke Narovken Extendable Spawn System 8.1.3 by Neshke Narovken
The Invisible Listener v2.0 by nereng
The Digital Elevator by nereng
No Scripting Quest System beta07 by nereng
The Namer Apprentice by nereng
(P&SC) Pentagrams & Summoning Circles v1.45 : real-time 3D geometry by gaoneng

The above list is by no means exhaustive, but it is a start. I have tried to only include things that are only relevant here. If you feel like adding to this list, feel free. Who knows if we get enough entries, it might even be stickied.

Note. Just because I have limited most of my selection to what is on the vault doesn't mean you have to.

Note 2. This applies to any link that starts with the word 'Bioware'. To quote (with minor modifications) Lightfoot8 later on in this thread - "There is no guarantee as to how long the links will be active. It has already been stated by Chris Priestly that the old boards can disappear without notification."

Contributors to the list
(listed in the order of when their first contribution was made)

Tarot Redhand
Dark Defiance



                     Modifié par Tarot Redhand, 21 août 2012 - 02:30 .



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Resources for NwN 1 Builders - Toolset
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2010, 04:50:19 am »

               Several I am familiar with but most others not. Thanks for posting this and I agree, it's ironic a compilation like this hasn't made it until now.  I'll be interested to see it get amended as others pitch in.  Kudos!

P.S. One feature I haven't seen documented is the Plot Wizard. Perhaps few builders use it? In any event, I was wondering if any more blueprints have been created other than the stock ones.


                     Modifié par HipMaestro, 25 décembre 2010 - 04:59 .



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Resources for NwN 1 Builders - Toolset
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2010, 05:56:34 pm »

               You didn't include the information from Bioware '<img'>


Legacy_Tarot Redhand

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Resources for NwN 1 Builders - Toolset
« Reply #3 on: December 25, 2010, 10:22:29 pm »

               Thankyou for the comments HipMaestro. I have in the past looked for extra Plot Wizard blueprints myself and not been able to find any. The first plot I did in 'Hrothgar's Resting Place', was done with the plot wizard and to be honest I personally found it to be much easier to hand code plots myself after that. I did however have a little bit of amateur coding experience before getting into writing for nwn.

Birdman076, that was actually a deliberate attempt to get others to participate ('^_^'). Also everything I originally included is a downloadable file (as in it can sit on your hard drive). I just find it easier to find what I need that way. Anyway I have now included the link in a new section - online resources.




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Resources for NwN 1 Builders - Toolset
« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2010, 02:53:16 am »

               Custom Content Guide v3.0

NWN Lexicon Toolset & Scripting Tutorials


Legacy_Tarot Redhand

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Resources for NwN 1 Builders - Toolset
« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2010, 01:44:09 pm »

               Birdman076, while I acknowledge that they are both useful neither is exclusively relevant to the toolset alone.



Legacy_Tarot Redhand

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Resources for NwN 1 Builders - Toolset
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2010, 01:14:56 am »

               Just updated the list to include movies and a few more utilities etc.



Legacy_Tarot Redhand

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Resources for NwN 1 Builders - Toolset
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2010, 04:44:35 pm »

               Posted a few more links




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Resources for NwN 1 Builders - Toolset
« Reply #8 on: December 29, 2010, 01:56:35 am »

               I would recommend removing the link to the Grimoire from a list designed to convey useful builder resources and utilities for a few reasons: 1) it hasn't been updated since v1.64, 2) although the errors do not appear to be glaring, the more you use it for reference, the more inconsistencies with current game info appears, 3) the NWN Wiki is far more accurate, dynamic and contains links to 2das, scripts, etc. that are extremely helpful for building content and 4) the Grimoire is geared more for players than builders.

Don't get me wrong.  The Grimoire is a vast improvement and consolidation of the original game/expansion manuals and is handy for the novice gamer.  I wouldn't rely on it as a builder, however, since the current 2das reflect the true data used in the v1.69 game.


Legacy_Tarot Redhand

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Resources for NwN 1 Builders - Toolset
« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2010, 09:39:12 am »





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Resources for NwN 1 Builders - Toolset
« Reply #10 on: January 02, 2011, 07:49:05 am »

               I don't see gaoneng's Pentagrams and Summoning Circles, nor the Gestalt cutscene system, and Firestarter made a really good, hands on tutorial called The Hermit's Chalice.  If I think of others I'll post.  There is also a whole forum on Tools in The Builders Project guild.  Sorry, I still haven't bothered working out the way to link directly to something (if someone could pm me about that it'd be sweet) otherwise I'd provide them.

Cheers!  Good list.  Well done!


                     Modifié par Dallo, 02 janvier 2011 - 07:51 .



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Resources for NwN 1 Builders - Toolset
« Reply #11 on: January 02, 2011, 07:49:56 am »

               Don't see nereng's Henchmen Supplement either.


Legacy_Tarot Redhand

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Resources for NwN 1 Builders - Toolset
« Reply #12 on: January 03, 2011, 02:48:19 am »

               Thanks for the kind words Dallo. Thank you for the input. Unfortunately I think you may have misunderstood what I am trying to create here.

What I am trying to do in this thread is to compile a list of things that I think would be useful for builders that is not covered by either the scripting or custom content threads. That is the reason why the lexicon is not there even though it has some module building stuff in it. It is also the reason I've included links to a couple of things to do with promoting the finished module.

For this reason, I have only added the tutorial to the list. Please do not be discouraged, as finding things to add to the list that fall within the above criteria is harder than I first thought it would be, so I welcome all suggestions. Links to other websites are especially welcome.



                     Modifié par Tarot Redhand, 03 janvier 2011 - 02:50 .



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Resources for NwN 1 Builders - Toolset
« Reply #13 on: January 03, 2011, 04:11:44 am »


Tarot Redhand wrote...

Thanks for the kind words Dallo. Thank you for the input. Unfortunately I think you may have misunderstood what I am trying to create here.

What I am trying to do in this thread is to compile a list of things that I think would be useful for builders that is not covered by either the scripting or custom content threads. That is the reason why the lexicon is not there even though it has some module building stuff in it. It is also the reason I've included links to a couple of things to do with promoting the finished module.

For this reason, I have only added the tutorial to the list. Please do not be discouraged, as finding things to add to the list that fall within the above criteria is harder than I first thought it would be, so I welcome all suggestions. Links to other websites are especially welcome.


Cheers, mate.  I'm often guilty of not correctly wrapping my noggin around a topic....  Glad you added Firestarter's tutorial though.  It's an excellent one.  And thanks for the url tute you sent me via PM.  About to try it...

The Hermit's Chalice by Firestarter

EDIT:  Yayy!!  Works '<img'>


                     Modifié par Dallo, 03 janvier 2011 - 04:12 .



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Resources for NwN 1 Builders - Toolset
« Reply #14 on: January 03, 2011, 11:01:44 pm »

               As requested:

Tools and Inventions - The Builders Project