Author Topic: Most addictive module?  (Read 1331 times)

Legacy_Nick The Noodle

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Most addictive module?
« on: October 17, 2014, 11:15:56 pm »


What is your most addictive module, the one that you continue to play time and time again?



Legacy_Tarot Redhand

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Most addictive module?
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2014, 11:44:44 pm »


I presume you mean other than the OC and expansions. Also I would expect you don't want any that I have built or playtested. That certainly narrows it down. To be honest for me once I have played a module I lose interest because the joy of discovery has gone. Maybe I should go back and play one or two that I enjoyed. The closest I can come to answering your question is "Snickersnack" by nereng. My all time favourite user created module and the only one to ever make me really and genuinely laugh out loud while playing it.






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Most addictive module?
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2014, 05:13:49 am »


The Aielund Saga, of course, although I do play the Sands of Fate series almost as often.




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Most addictive module?
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2014, 03:27:51 pm »


I found this an interesting question, since when I thought about it I realized that the modules I have most frequently replayed were not necessarily the same ones I would mention if asked to list the very best NWN modules I had played, so be warned that a few of the following modules do have significant flaws of one sort or another. I nevertheless found each to be very enjoyable to replay with a variety of different characters.


Sapphire Star is probably the module I have played more times than any other.* Why? It is very non-linear, and it has lots of character-specific content like class-specific quests, different paths for different alignments, semi-hidden "easter eggs" and other such things that make a replay interesting. Most importantly for me, it also has extremely difficult combat making it an interesting venue to try out different builds and tactics. On the down side, the story elements are confusingly presented, much of the dialogue is poorly written, and the combat difficulty can assume unfair and ridiculous proportions if you do not do certain quests in the right order (an order you have no apparent way of knowing in advance).


I have also replayed the Blackguard trilogy a good number of times for a similar reason - its high difficulty level makes it very interesting to try out different builds and tactics in it - even though I found the utterly simplistic role-playing of this series rather disappointing, and for obvious reasons one's choice of character types has significant limitations.


Honor Among Thieves is another module that I have found it very enjoyable to replay. It is non-linear and offers a variety of different role-playing paths that can have dramatically different endgame consequences. As one would expect of a module by Baldecaran, it is also one of the all-around best NWN modules out there.


The Defence of Fort Tremagne is another module with lots of different options for different types of characters that I found worthwhile to replay a number of times. It is one of NWN's more underrated and unfairly overlooked modules IMHO, though admittedly it does have some potential for buggyness at certain points that seems to have understandably turned off a number of players.


Some honorable mentions (so-called because I have not gotten around to spending as much time actually re-playing these modules as was the case with the above, but found them well worth trying more than once):


Bloodright: The Blood Royal is a well-done non-linear module with lots of content specific to certain character types.


The Saleron's Gambit series offers some different paths for different character types, and is an all-around good series.


Magical Master's Siege of the Heavens (which appears to not currently be available on the new vault) offers some very interesting and unusual (at least for NWN) combats that are worth trying with different character types.



*Technically, I have actually played my own modules more often than any other, by a huge margin, but like Tarot I assume that you do not intend to count play-testing.




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Most addictive module?
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2014, 03:49:23 pm »


The Aielund Saga, of course, although I do play the Sands of Fate series almost as often.


 I have played Aielund at least 10 times..... it's fairly pathetic of me.




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Most addictive module?
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2014, 06:44:21 pm »


Infinite Dungeons.


I surprised myself.  I'm in my 40s, have played RPGs (PnP & CRPG) since before most of today's gamers have been alive.  I know how to role-play.  But the action fest that was Infinite Dungeons was good light relief.  I was "disappointed" when support for it was withdrawn.  Wish I could get it running....




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Most addictive module?
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2014, 07:03:25 am »

               SF, you may want to check out Elidrin's earlier version of Infinite Dungeons, which was a normal vault module (no encryption or validation needed) called Random Dungeon Generator. Sadly, the older Vault comments are gone, which were useful because I seem to recall a minor glitch or two in the module whose workarounds were posted in those comments (I know because I posted at least one of them). But, none were show-stoppers. If you liked ID, you will want to give RDG a try.



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Most addictive module?
« Reply #7 on: October 19, 2014, 12:23:32 pm »




I have heard that it works since they stopped checking authenticity, it's basically abandonware.



Legacy_Tarot Redhand

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Most addictive module?
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2014, 02:51:43 am »


@ rogueknight333 Magical Master's Siege of the Heavens now on new vault.





Legacy_Nick The Noodle

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Most addictive module?
« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2014, 11:18:43 am »


I presume you mean other than the OC and expansions. Also I would expect you don't want any that I have built or playtested. That certainly narrows it down. To be honest for me once I have played a module I lose interest because the joy of discovery has gone. Maybe I should go back and play one or two that I enjoyed. The closest I can come to answering your question is "Snickersnack" by nereng. My all time favourite user created module and the only one to ever make me really and genuinely laugh out loud while playing it.



Why would I not want to play any you have created or playtested?


Thanks for mentioning Snickersnack.  I'll play it after Eye of the Beholder.



Legacy_Nick The Noodle

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Most addictive module?
« Reply #10 on: October 20, 2014, 11:23:13 am »




I have heard that it works since they stopped checking authenticity, it's basically abandonware.

Was intrigued by your class specific module list, but links ate to the defunct IGN site.




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Most addictive module?
« Reply #11 on: October 20, 2014, 01:27:41 pm »


Yes links lead to IGN website. Will have to rework it once all modules are shifted to new vault :3

I could easily and quickly make it link to FTP..


EDIT: Okay, it has been done. In future the most up to date list is here: http://neverwinterva...fic-module-list

The list on the forums is now linked to FTP, but wont be updated. (http://forum.bioware...dule-list-csml/)




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Most addictive module?
« Reply #12 on: October 20, 2014, 10:25:27 pm »


@ rogueknight333 Magical Master's Siege of the Heavens now on new vault.




Whoops, I guess I never actually got around to posting it.  I think I didn't post it initially since I was aiming to try to finish the second half before putting it on the new vault.  Then I got caught up in other stuff which left both the second half of the module not done and the previously released first half not on the new vault.


Re: original question, probably the Aielund Saga.  Part of that is due to it being multiplayer friendly, though, so I play it a lot with friends.


I'm partway through a replay of A Dance With Rogues and I'm interested in doing a replay of Swordflight, both are semi on the back burner for some new modules I haven't played yet and my own work that I'm doing.


Infinite Dungeons.



Really?  I have a playthrough active right now that I haven't even touched in a few weeks as I'm finding it to be such a slog.  I think I'm like 80-85% through the module right now but I've been just wanting it to be over for a very long time.  It's way too easy and simple for a combat focused mod, especially with the awful loot system...




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Most addictive module?
« Reply #13 on: October 21, 2014, 03:26:54 pm »


A few community module suggestions in terms of "re-play-ability" be it: (1) with different builds (2) well scripted conversations with nuanced outcomes or (3) well developed Non Player Characters.


Give these a try:


1) Island Adventures - Horns of Craven and ... Lord Alex and Lady O ... well done with class specific nuanced changes and reference to Bhall spawn saga. Interesting NPC personalities.


2) Runes of Blood - Mad Wombat. Simply brilliant writing, plot, and very immersive.


3) Cormyrean Nights. Servielien. Simply brilliant. Excellent plot and immersive city.


<<The single henchmen feature and age of the module may "frustrate". If someone ever wanted a project to update this and allow multiple henchmen it would be among the best of the best.>>


4) Claw Chronicles CC1 Abbadon. Very Strong writing. Interesting NPC personalities including an aquatic elf hench-female as I recall. Myth Drannor Faerun Lore. 


5) Ravenloft - Beyond the Gate (2 mods in a series) by Firestarter. Less Faerun more Ravenloft obviously. However well writen with well developed NPCs and quests in such a setting.




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Most addictive module?
« Reply #14 on: October 22, 2014, 12:17:31 am »


I loved Cormyrean Night and that is definitely on my replay list.


I enjoyed Claw Chronicles, the frustrating part was that the series is unfinished.


One that I plan on replaying soon... the Prophet series.  Technically, I haven't finished playing throught the first time, but definitely want to redo