Author Topic: Animal Friendly Modules ?  (Read 993 times)


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Animal Friendly Modules ?
« on: August 13, 2014, 12:36:31 am »


Hi Guys, hope this is the right place to post my question (:/ I really don't want to bother anyone (And if I did please consider this as a mistep of a really noob member (so don't kick this gnome too hard '<img'>)

   Now for make it short and go to the main reason I open this Topic (hopefull is in the right section (- , -)

I recently played some modules namely saying: Pirates of the sword Coast (Premium Module) and Madness and Magic (by Sphynxette) that given a main plot put you in team with an "Animal" henchman (even if you aren't a druid), I liked this kind of interaction between animal/owner or better say "caretaker" and I would really like to know in your guys opinion if there is other NwN1 modules that can give a similar setting or interaction (or one that make you remember something like at least "try" to take care of an animal)


I tryed to search on the new vault for some modules that take count of the "Animal Empathy" skill but I haven't find much (I searched only under NwN1 sources, I wish this trait was listed under some of the lists but they are still rough state and need time), in your experience you have any suggestions you can give about this argument ?









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Animal Friendly Modules ?
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2014, 08:21:55 pm »


Mountain of Mirrors gives you the opportunity of working with an animal henchman (regardless of PC's class).


N1: Against the Cult of the Reptile God provides a PC with Animal Empathy (i.e. Ranger or Druid) a number of opportunities to talk to animals and gain access to some bonus content thereby (not sure if that is exactly what you are looking for, but perhaps it would be of interest).




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Animal Friendly Modules ?
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2014, 11:18:49 pm »


Ehi Thanks for the Suggestions Rogueknight (Actually had to say that from the 2 you suggested the First one: Mountain of Mirrors is more in the line of what I was thinking (That you get to work with an animal henchman without have the limitation of the PC's to the "nature" oriented class (Druid,Ranger). I still had to give it a shot to this module but hopefully is what I was searching  '<img'>


The Second one you suggested:N1: Against the Cult of the Reptile God was one of the modules I tryed but wasn't exactly what I had in mind (Enjoyed the experience but You end up (Seems in some modules That's just: "The destiny" for the druid/Ranger classes) to help the NPCs animals as a sidequest)


Anyway I Really Appreciated your help '<img'>  I know mine is a tough question because the implement of an Animal/Beast as a Henchman in a Module it isn't a feat you usually see around '-_-' . I can always (And usually I do \=) use an Animal Companion but If possible I like to see the animal character actually have a personality of his own (Not just be a 3 sizes variety of a punchbox for the many hordes of Monsters you get to fight (And Usually See them Ganging up on my dire badger is not even cool ':?') and that is (for once) storywise implemented to the main plot (As examples from The Modules I mentioned: Polly the Parrot & Sunchaser "Sunnie", both can be Annoying/Funny/Likeable as any henchman when they give you their bit of dialog and are at the same time capable to give you an helpful hand in your quest/ Fights (Buff your stats or be the Tank of your Team).


Still Hope to find more modules in the future with this kind of interaction Animal Henchman/ Pc Player =)




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Animal Friendly Modules ?
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2014, 11:19:17 pm »


Kale's Rangers. 


2 modules of an incomplete 3 as I recall (sadly).


Very well done though if you are inferring Ranger Class specifically




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Animal Friendly Modules ?
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2014, 11:22:37 pm »


UK2 The Sentinel 


A high quality underrated module with a very "outdoorsy" Ranger Druid focus as I recall. Much like suggested above vis a vis the Reptile God... limited to animal easter eggs so to speak.




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Animal Friendly Modules ?
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2014, 12:20:52 am »


Oh I have played the (unfinished) Kale's Rangers Trilogy and I think is really well done and indicated for everyone that want to play the Ranger class, (think middle-earth  Rangers of the North type '<img'> ) that actually defend the forest and the people from the "evil" kind (The Tracks find system is a little tricky peraphs =/ ) but it isn't what I search for the Animal/Player feel I described, and apart from all the (interesting) spirit guide part I haven't see much opportunity to interact with the wild animals (animal empathy is used to temporary "add" to your party a lot of forest animals/critters but their function in the game it's just get beaten up the same way of your animal companion (Only they don't respawn '-_-' )


For UK2 The Sentinel, I haven't heard it before, I see now the images posted on the new vault and I get the feel it's more on the "You against the Wild" genre ':mellow:' but I can be wrong Anyway gotta have to look on it, thks in advance for giving me the Tip JFox '^_^'




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Animal Friendly Modules ?
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2014, 04:06:31 pm »


You could try playing those listed under druid and ranger here:





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Animal Friendly Modules ?
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2014, 06:41:32 pm »


That's an useful list to have around '<img'> , thanks for posting it Werelinx '<img'> , however after have played some mods that wasn't really specific for the nature classes I tend to believe I don't have to limit myself to try only the modules for the obvious classes (Druid & Ranger) maybe I can find what I meant regards the Animal/Player interaction in other mods (It can be a long shot try to find something in the +1000 modules released for NwN1, but hope to be able sooner or later to make a list of the modules that take count of an Animal/Beast Henchman in the party or that have high interaction in take care of a little (or big in some cases) critter, or even better that make more involved in your quests the presence of your animal companion (making him more useful than just take monster punches for you).


But for Now I had a look at the modules listed under that categories and currently the ones that are avaiable at the new vault (Thanks again The NwN Comunity for make this little baby growing faster almost everyday '<img'>) are this ones:


1) Beasts of the Night                                        - http://neverwinterva...v123テつ テつ テつ テつ テつ テつ テつ テつ テつ テつ テつ 


[Need to try it or have infos on this one before saying it match the animal/player criteria I mentioned]


2) Elena's Tale - Roses for Rosa*                      - http://neverwinterva...tale-roses-rosa


*Actually had a try to this module before, vaguely remember it has a "nature oriented" story and have a pregenerate character to use but I don't recall it was really much what I intend for Animal friendly (no Animal Companion/henchman is needed or included in your party for complete the module) In my opinion a nice Mystery adventure mod


3) Mountain of Mirrors**


**Link already posted by Rogueknight (thks again for contribute '<img'> ), still need to give it a try but seeing it mentioned more than once in this post make me think it's in the list of the mods I search


4) Tales of Celts I                                     -  http://neverwinterva...ule/tales-celts        [Title not included in the Class-list]

    Tales of Celts II                                    -  http://neverwinterva.../tales-celts-ii


[Need to try it or have infos on this one before saying it match the animal/player criteria I mentioned ]


5)            -  The Aielund Saga*** -

The Aielund Saga Act I - Nature Abhors a Vacuum         -  http://neverwinterva...ors-vacuum-v201

The Aielund Saga Act II - Defender of the Crown             -  http://neverwinterva...fender-crownv20

The Aielund Saga Act III - Return of the Ironlord              -  http://neverwinterva...rn-ironlordv201

The Aielund Saga Act IV - The Fall of Aielund        Part1 -  http://neverwinterva...aielund-pt1v201

                                                                                Part2 -  http://neverwinterva...aielund-pt2-v20

                                                                                Part3 -  http://neverwinterva...aielund-pt3-v20


[Need to try it ( Something tell me this will be a reeaally long play ^, ^') or have infos on this one before saying it match the animal/player criteria I mentioned]


6) UK5 Eye of the Serpent                                                 - http://neverwinterva...uk5-eye-serpent


[Need to try it or have infos on this one before saying it match the animal/player criteria I mentioned]


7)  - Kale's Rangers Trilogy (Unfinished) -

/Kale's Rangers 1 - A Haunted Past                                    - http://neverwinterva...aunted-past-166

/Kale's Rangers 2 - Sins of the Father                                - http://neverwinterva...ins-father-v166


***Already Mentioned by Jfox, the Kale Rangers 2/3 Trilogy is a good series for really strict Ranger character's class and have a compelling story of his own (unfortunately it isn't complete) not really what I mean for animal friendly (The Animal empathy skill is needed just as much for convince/submit wild creatures to be your temporary meat shield)   


8) Lair of the Prismatic Dragon A 'Land In Need' adventure!  - http://neverwinterva...adventureテつ テつ テつ テつ テつ テつ 


[Need to try it or have infos on this one before saying it match the animal/player criteria I mentioned]


9) Tales of the Heart: Valyrian's Blood                                     - http://neverwinterva...テつ テつ テつ テつ テつ テつ テつ テつ テつ テつ テつ テつ テつ テつ テつ 


[Need to try it or have infos on this one before saying it match the animal/player criteria I mentioned]


10) The Cave of Songs                                                           - http://neverwinterva...dule/cave-songs


[Need to try it or have infos on this one before saying it match the animal/player criteria I mentioned]


11) The Dragonarm Companions - Chapter 1                        - http://neverwinterva...nions-chapter-1


[Need to try it or have infos on this one before saying it match the animal/player criteria I mentioned]


12) - The Lord of Blight Trilogy**** -

The Lord of Blight - Chapter One                                        - http://neverwinterva...ght-chapter-one

The Lord of Blight - Chapter Two                                         - http://neverwinterva...ght-chapter-two

The Lord of Blight - Chapter Three                                      - http://neverwinterva...t-chapter-three


****I don't recall very much of this one, I remember only that you are a survivor that awake in a church/hospital and having the classic amnesia don't remember very much of who you are and only after talking to the priest discover from the little sequence/flashback that probably you were the Lord of Blight of the title (A big shot in the ranks of the evil Horde, it's me or seem a Darth Revan plot here  ':blink:' ?)  anyway like the others I Need to try it or have infos on this one before saying it match the animal/player criteria I mentioned]



After Searching on the New Vault for more titles I think I need to mention For who can play NwN2 and is interested as well in the animal/player interaction the following modules (The first need more credit on the Author '<img'> ):


From This Comes Strength  by PJ156  - http://neverwinterva.../comes-strength




Dragonglade by Dann Pigdon              - http://neverwinterva...ule/dragonglade




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Animal Friendly Modules ?
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2014, 09:48:32 pm »


Well your list is very exhaustive but frankly there is a lot of overlap in those class specific lists.


The Aielund Saga: 


A mandatory play through in any class. I do not recall any animal specifics you may be seeking. This series is (or was) the pinnacle of single player mods in it time.


Mountain of Mirrors 


If this is ElDano's mod it is Hall of Fame and a must have as well. Again some minor tricks for a Ranger Druid - but nothing that you are looking for if I understand your request.


Tale of Celts


This mod actually has aspects deep animal and nature interaction but it is significantly rooted in Celtic Lore and Mythology. This mod series was at one time one of the most polarizing mods in the community. People raved greatness about it; or disliked it immensely. There was very little middle ground seemingly in its time when launched.  I would recommend it to you ; but understand what you get. It is not D&D with a Celtic flavor. It is an artist's rendition of Celtic culture in the toolset and the D&D aspects are frankly secondary to the whole story. In fact I think the author was a significant scholar in Celtic mythos at the time. If you have a deep appreciation of ancient Celtic society or you want something different than D&D give it a shot.




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Animal Friendly Modules ?
« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2014, 09:52:10 pm »


AL2 - Crimson Tides of Tethyr


A troll henchmen in the early stages and a Troll with a story ; not just a brute. Interesting well developed Ogre mages as opponents.


But that limited "monster connection is not carried out in the entire series of AL1 / AL2 / AL3 by Alanzander.


Either way these should be in your "must play directory" in "any class suitable".




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Animal Friendly Modules ?
« Reply #10 on: August 14, 2014, 09:56:45 pm »


Lord of Blight


I am sure I played it. I have Gigs of Single Player mods. I simply cannot recall. 




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Animal Friendly Modules ?
« Reply #11 on: August 15, 2014, 04:35:34 am »


The Aielund Saga is definitely not what you are looking for in this thread, but definitely worth playing anyway.




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Animal Friendly Modules ?
« Reply #12 on: August 15, 2014, 12:32:51 pm »


Aielund has a dragon henchman if I recall correctly.




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Animal Friendly Modules ?
« Reply #13 on: August 15, 2014, 07:36:24 pm »


Only in one of six modules.




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Animal Friendly Modules ?
« Reply #14 on: August 16, 2014, 12:37:46 am »


Hi Guys, first thing thks for your replies '<img'> , It really give me an idea on what modules to look in and I get the chance to narrow down the titles in the list  (I have to agree that even if some of this module are worth to play, The first intention when I opened this Topic was to focus my attention on find modules that give the player the "feeling" to keep care of an animal (even if the class played isn't one of the classic nature oriented: Druid/Ranger), small Examples are feeding him/interacting with him/etc. Taking count I'm not talking about Npcs Animal (even if the actions I showed as example are too many times used as quests for Druids and Rangers) but "Pet" animals: I mean an Animal/beast creature that has a more strong bond with the player or is more involved in the main quest.


(Will show you 3 cases of what I mean and (I think) describe a Module as "Animal friendly" (That just my freely interpretation of the definition '=]' ) obviously as it is a option feature you don't usually see in the modules it just need to be present one of this cases:


1) The Module Include an Animal/Beast henchman in your party if possible his presence is storywise justificate and it's involved to the main plot 


2) The Module give a major role to the Animal Companion in the gameplay (quests and such) and his presence can be noticed by Npcs in the dialogs.


3) Animal Object: That's the most inusual of the 3 cases (That so far I see just in 1 module for NwN2) The module give you occasion (during the main story) to obtain a small animal you can see opening your inventory (you can freely use it as an object and he give you access to an useful ability or give you just bits of dialog options)


So far (That's just from what I see until now) the modules that I see/played and can be in the "Animal Friendly" category (some have better quality and some less) are the following ones [Warning There are minor Spoilers for the following module, if you don't like that someone ruin your surprise just get in mind the title and click directly on the link, they will provvide you all the files necessary to play the mods ]:


NwN 1


[Modules with Cases Nテつー1]


Pirates of the Sword Coast (Premium Module) - http://neverwinterva...premium-modules :The Module give you Polly the Parrot initially as a Henchman and then (taking count NwN1 Henchman slots at the begin were always limited to 2 and in the module you get to fill them with additional henchmen) as a "summon" (it falls almost in the 3rd of strange cases I mentioned: I say almost because is not really an item but an ability you have: You can Call "him" a limited number of times and he appear: out of battle you can talk with Polly and in battle The Parrot (is called that but it's really a one strange bird to see) start to use his bard songs to buff your stats and Inflict status (confusion,etc) to the enemies, The catch: it's pretty weak (if take too much damage fly away, that bloody coward!). It's an unusual companion to have at the begin because for the situation you get in he isn't really helpful in combat but I think in comparison it make you look more tough and involved to the initial "castaway" situation, plus its funny how in the dialogs with the Parrot you have the possibility to react yet in the positive "animal friendly" way or the exact opposite (The bird is Always more quick to fly away from danger so even if it annoy you,I think it's purposely scripted for that '<_<', you can't use him as food ration (You can always try '<img'>. Another plus to the module and that make more involved the presence of Polly It's that every time you complete the mini-quest to find the "booty treasures" (you get the same quest for every map) Polly give you every time different extra items (yeah it's seem He give you crap but it happened to me that things resulted very helpful in some areas with high combat involved, actually saved me in the Last Boss fight |)

For a Little extra you get to see one last time this Bird ( :noooooo '<img'>: ) in one of the stores in Darkness over Daggerford (A Former Premium Module Developed by Ossian Studios ) http://neverwinterva...-premium-module



Madness and Magic (by Sphynxette)  - http://neverwinterva...dness-and-magic  : The Module give you exactly at the begin Sunchaser ("Sunnie" for his friends  '<img'> ) the Saber-Tooth Tiger, she is the only (or it is ?) Henchman you got and Phisically speaking she is the Main Tank of your duo (The module readme give more than a hint on what genre of character you have to play: the use of Wisdow and Intelligence is more important in your quest and at my advice for enjoy entirely this module you "have" to feel to be phisically more at danger than your "Little" Cat Partner, but you can always play wathever character you feel right, the module is scripted very well to satisfy differents approach to the story: For Dragon Disciple there is even special stuff to find :Just saying: ). however even if at begin the idea of have a Temible tiger as your guardian is intriguing, you soon discover that Sunchaser still have the Mind of a Little kitten (It's a Challenge Try to keep her attention for more than a few minutes from anything different than "catching" mouses) and a Big Heart (In the dialogs Try to give her orders like Kill/Maim/Eat something and she will give you a big "Aww But..."). The interesting part of the Module (other than the different ways to end it) are 2 hidden parameters that can change the behavior of Sunchaser (in some way resemble the influence points you see in NwN2:Mask of betrayer): the "How much she like you" parameter wich points it's relatively easy to increase: just need to avoid every dialog option that insult Sunchaser or force her to act differently from her natural good alignment (that choices will give you a -1 and Sunchaser will hate you) and favorite instead the Animal friendly options (consider her your friend and such and you will get a +1) the other important parameter is the "Influence" you have on Sunchaser, that's the most interesting and difficult parameter (wich points isn't easy to increase and the options to make it possible aren't really obvious to find ) this is the only thing that can change her good attitude transforming her (at your choice) from an adorable oversized cat in a no mercy-given killing machine, more "influence" you get on her, more it's easy for evil characters to make her do what they want EVEN if she in fact dislike you (from this point of view "Influence" beat how much she like you but at the same time it isn't an exclusive parameter for evil characters In fact even good pc player needs "influence" for convince Sunnie to accept choices that make her do things differently from what she was abituated or that prevent her to make "rushly" action (You can be her best friend but try to reason with her when she is hungry and see what happen '<_<'). That sayed you got so many situations to interact with her (In my opinion after Deekin she is the 2nd most likeable character you can find) and her presence is always noticed by the other npcs in the Mod. You will get even the possible choice to acquire "equipment" for her in an animal store (buy the "Fake Bone" and give it to her '<img'> so totally a MUST module for any Animal Lover to play.



Mountain of Mirrors (by El Dano) - (For the Link Look above on the reply of rogueknight333, that's maybe the 3rd time I thks him for point me this mod '<img'>) - Actually Played/finished this Module Today, maybe it isn't fully implemented the presence of the Animal henchman you get (Some addition could have be done to make him more involved, or to show you more interested in taking care of him. But from what I have seen there it was at least initially a good intention from the creator to do so (Found a lot of Meat but it wasn't given me a chance to feed that to him). Anyway say hello to Nigel the "Blink" Linx as a plus it can be sayed that there is an interesting Concept/Story behind this Animal Henchman (It's species as Nigel politely explain you it's called "Blink" Linx a race of smart linx that can "teleport" from a point to another (in short distances) as long he can see the point where he reappear (If anyone know Nightcrawler from the X-men can get quickly the idea of what I mean), the funny thing is that he "actually" do this "Teleport" thing in combat (saved my skin in the mod more than once). Also it's presence it's justified inside the main plot and you can get him even if you aren't a Ranger or a Druid (As JFox mention up here, the Story reserve tricks for Rangers and I think in my opinion it make more sense to the plot if you choose to play an Half-elf or an Elf Ranger). The good thing to say about Nigel other than in combat (where he also use sneaks attacks making really easy to conclude some battles) are his partial integration to the story (He give you bits of dialog at specific points some are hard to trigger and you can see his personality in this numbered dialog ("Vanitous" is not enough of a word to describe this Cat here XD). The bad thing is that you can get him "late" and lose very much of the dialog scripted specifically for him and if you miss the chances to hear him talk he just keep the profile of a Generic animal companion (but without the options of "feed" and "pet"). In fact I think Nigel was actually intended to be a customized "Animal Companion" for the player character. Because that's the role he get in the mod with actually the good add of some player/animal dialog that show you his reasons to be your pet (And this Cat is smart enough to consider a + live in a comfy place near the chimney of the inn of your village than continue to risk his life in the wild, you soon guess why he keep to follow you ':mellow:'), [ Skip here you don't want Spoiler : unless you kick him away that is his canon ending in the module, you keep him (and he agree to be your pet because in that way the people of your village can accept him and "allow" him to live among them, his final request in the end made me smile a little, N: "Hope you can find me soon a collar that put in evidence my beautiful fur" (Damn cat make me want to say: "ehm Nigel are you sure "I" am your master right? :huh:)


That Sayed It's a Module that deserve his Hall of Fame status for his good story, Finally I think if the creator would have put more time working on have more Nigel/player interaction, it would have been a more interesting Henchman to have around than what is now, however the way is now can be justified from the fact the module being really linear (no more than few side-quests) it isn't really long and probably put too much work to make more large the role of a secondary npcs would have been a waste of time (I say secondary Npcs because the creator don't force him on you maybe for not impose Nigel as your Animal Companion and make you free to remain instead (if you play the Ranger/Druid) with your first Choice of Animal Companion (you can always keep both but storywise it doesn't make much sense).



Tortured Hearts II (by SubBassman & Jim Grimsley) - http://neverwinterva...tured-hearts-ii  : it's strange no one suggested this Module so far, I have found it's really popular in the comunity. Started this Today after  the "Mountain and Mirrors" module it's a "maybe" in this list because the Character I found so far it's not properly an Animal but "was" in fact a person transformed in a giant Beetle (who's name I can't tell because the Henchman is showed just as "Beetle" and still gotta to find out ). You acquire him for 1000 gold pieces (Or killing the Owner) as a "Packbeetle" from an adventurer that reside at the local Inn in town (Wish the creators made possible for actually use this henchman as a mule, I say that because you really can use someone to carry your stuff here and even if you acquire him as packbeetle he can't carry anything) As Soon as you acquire him you are tell by Beetle himself (Yep this one too can talk :D ) that he was in fact an Adventurer and that he hope in travelling with you to find one day a cure. The good thing about this henchman is that he give (like Nigel from Mountains of Mirrors) his speech of dialog whenever you talk with some particular npc or at some specific point in the game (need to take point of where there is triggers for his dialog.) For now It's seem an interesting character and I get from him a "Xan" attitude to life (I think been a beetle for so long can reduce anyone Self Esteem). Also Like the Dragon Age series of games you have the option to "give a gift" to your followers and the result it's different if the henchman actually like or not your gift (It easy give the right item to him, as he actually tell you what he need, in case of Beetle being an insect and having a different metabolism, he really appreciate if you give him some Fruit to eat )




NwN2 - Notable Mentions


[Modules with Cases Nテつー1]


Mask of the Betrayer (MotB) - (Not really a Module but the 1rst Expansion of NwN2) - Okku The Bear God Spirit: They tell me it is an optional/exclusive Henchman with another character in the story


Dragonglade (by Dann Pigdon) - http://neverwinterva...ule/dragonglade : Main Character without any restriction to the choice of the class has a Wolverine Animal Pet (Seem involved in useful ways to the main plot)


[Modules with cases Nテつー3]


              - The Wizard's Apprentice Trilogy* -

The Wizard's Apprentice Chapter I                                                 - http://neverwinterva...ards-apprentice

The Wizard's Apprentice Chapter II: The Talisman and the Eye  - http://neverwinterva...alisman-and-eye

The Wizard's Apprentice Chapter III: The Ascendant                   - http://neverwinterva...e-iii-ascendant


*A minor mention but Seem's like in the first module you have the opportunity to get a mouse/rodent as an item (Boo reference ?) and he is capable to unlock doors (same effect of magic spell) apparently you keep him for 3 Modules so can't say if there is more use for him in the story, take note the modules are strickly for Wizards characters




Regarding the Aielund Saga I haven't tryed it yet but from what JFox and Empyre say it seems it's not worth including it (I mean only regarding the Animal Friendly list, the only note I am not sure is the mention of the dragon, Werelinx can you give me please more details on wich part of the game you meet him and what his role in the mod is ? (if is only One module like Magical Masters say then probably it's best don't include the Saga in this list ) about  AL2 - Crimson Tides of Tethyr  (by Alanzander) proposted by JFox I have to say that even if I played the module (think the story it's the best of all the three in his series, AL3 it's the 2nd because get weak in the plot near the end) I have forgotten all about that Troll (vaguely remember him, Seems to recall it call himself smart and is found in a Side-quest at the begin ?) Sorry about The Ogre it's even less |( . Hope to give more info about other modules in future (will try to keep it short next time X)