Author Topic: Adventure Building Challenge, Summer 2014  (Read 1035 times)


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Adventure Building Challenge, Summer 2014
« on: July 30, 2014, 08:08:25 pm »

This is the official announcement of the Summer 2014 Adventure Building Challenge.


In the Adventure Building Challenge, members of the NWN community are challenged to produce a playable module in a limited period of time, and in accordance with some previously chosen theme or adventure seed, while also observing various restrictions on what Custom Content may be used (see this thread for more information).


In this particular challenge, participants will have approximately one month to make a first draft of a module, followed by a period of two weeks that can be devoted to improving and polishing this module. To successfully meet the challenge, a more or less complete and playable module must, before midnight (GMT time so make appropriate adjustments for your time zone) on September 1, 2014, be sent to this email address: Approximately two weeks after that date, any modules submitted will be made available on the vault (in a single combined entry) by the cycle organizer. During those two weeks (i.e., before midnight GMT on Sept. 15), you may submit a revised version of your module which will replace any earlier version sent. 


Those who wish to participate should announce their planned projects in this thread, and the occasional progress report is also encouraged. Once the modules are released, participants are also encouraged (though not required) to engage in a review and discussion of each other's submissions. Participants can continue to revise or expand their modules after submission, and I will endeavor to update the vault entry with revised modules if they are sent to the above address. However, I cannot absolutely guarantee that such updates will be made in a timely manner, so those who wish can of course make a duplicate entry of their module on the vault so at to have complete control over revisions to it, and links to such duplicate entries will in due course be added to the vault page containing the original submissions. If you are opposed to even temporarily letting your module pass through my hands before being released, then contact me and we will attempt to work out some alternative arrangement.




The themes for this cycle are as follows (2 each picked from two separate lists):


List One:


1A) Make a module for a Healer PC (cleric or druid probably best, but bard, paladin, etc. might also work).


1B) Make a module for a PC of Level 10 (at least approximately, a module for Level 9 or 11, a scaleable module for levels 8-12, etc. would also count).


List Two:


2A) Save the Princess - A rescue mission. From Tristram to Dudley Doright, heroes for centuries have been tasked with getting the girl. (Note that is is permissible for the object of rescue to be someone other than a literal princess).


2B) Fairy Godmother - The PC is assigned a difficult task by an NPC who also provides some unusual magical aid in accomplishing it.


Participants in the challenge are expected to base their module on at least one of the above themes, and ideally would combine one (at least) from each of the two lists (e.g. a module where a Level 10 PC saves a princess).





Module-specific custom content is restricted to no more than one of any given file type (hak, movie, character file, etc.), and the combined size of any such module-specific content may not exceed 15 Megabytes in size. Participants are also encouraged to include a readme file indicating any sponsored haks used, level or other expected characteristics of PCs, or anything else it would be desirable for players to know before playing your module, as well as to include 1-3 screenshots (you can include even more screenshots if you wish but if there are too many I may just pick out a few to upload) that can be used to decorate the vault page. The readme and screenshots will not be counted against the size limit.


Sponsored Custom Content is not restricted. One may make use of as much of the CC found on our list of sponsors as desired.


The module must be playable in vanilla NWN, meaning that third party add-ons (NWNX, NWShader, etc.) are not required to play it.


The module may be set up to take advantage of optional content outside the above limits (e.g. music files) provided that it can still be played without such content.




Participants who submit a module that is on time, in accord with one or more of the cycles themes, and respects the Custom Content limitations, will be awarded an ABC Completion Prize.


Participants who submit a module that is late or otherwise not in accord with the rules may receive an honorable mention. This may be denied in cases of particularly egregious violations (to be decided on a case by case basis in the hopefully unlikely event these occur).


Those who receive a completion prize may in addition be eligible for a separate Extra Mile Award if they:


1) use at least one theme from each list.


2) use no non-sponsored Custom Content other than edited 2da files.





An author who has submitted a module in any previous ABC cycle may submit a sequel to that module, and such sequels need not follow any of the cycle's themes. A sequel can qualify for the Extra Mile award by also being in accord with at least one theme from either list. In other words, being a sequel will be considered equivalent to being in accord with any single theme.


In addition, a sequel module may make use of any sponsored hakpak originally used in the module to which it is a sequel, even if the hakpak in question is no longer sponsored in the current cycle.




Have at it and have fun!




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Adventure Building Challenge, Summer 2014
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2014, 08:09:00 pm »


The results of the Summer 2014 ABC can be found here.




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Adventure Building Challenge, Summer 2014
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2014, 07:50:17 pm »


In the interest of actually getting something fully completed and shared with the community for a change, I am working on a small module for this. Hopefully I can complete it on time - I'm moving across the country on the 31st.


I'm doing sort of an inversion of the Save the Princess formula: you're a Drow assassin whose consort was kidnapped, and you have to get him back. Dialogue, as always, is my worst weakness, so I figure I'll have to submit it before I'm fully comfortable with it. =/




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Adventure Building Challenge, Summer 2014
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2014, 10:43:38 pm »


I have an idea I'm tossing around, smaller project overall.




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Adventure Building Challenge, Summer 2014
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2014, 05:27:34 pm »


I'm doing sort of an inversion of the Save the Princess formula: you're a Drow assassin whose consort was kidnapped, and you have to get him back...


Glad to have you on board. Sounds like an interesting concept.



I have an idea I'm tossing around, smaller project overall.


Good to hear, feel free to share a few more details.




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Adventure Building Challenge, Summer 2014
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2014, 08:44:13 pm »


It'll feature all four themes.




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Adventure Building Challenge, Summer 2014
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2014, 08:51:36 pm »




Have to use a closer zoom than I prefer, and the walkmesh is wonky at times, but damn this spidercaves tileset is beautiful!




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Adventure Building Challenge, Summer 2014
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2014, 02:08:06 am »


Have to use a closer zoom than I prefer, and the walkmesh is wonky at times, but damn this spidercaves tileset is beautiful!


Indeed. I remember that when looking through some of the sponsored CC to see what we had to work with that tileset leapt out as particularly impressive, aesthetically speaking.




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Adventure Building Challenge, Summer 2014
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2014, 08:48:29 pm »


The Bishop’s Daughter (Ðe Biscop’s Doughter) - An single-player adventure for a 5th level Cleric or Paladin.




“In 1274, you returned home from the disastrous Ninth Crusade with Prince Eadwearde of England and witnessed his coronation. Afterwards, the Bishop of Chester summoned you to a private audience. Rumour has it that his daughter has been kidnapped. If this is true, it will require discretion on your part as churchmen are supposed to be celibate.”


I might finish this on time. I might not. Depends entirely on how much of the mundane world encroaches upon me this week.



Legacy_Tarot Redhand

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Adventure Building Challenge, Summer 2014
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2014, 10:16:31 pm »


Sounds like it will be similar to (but set about 100 years after) the Brother Cadfael novels (all you need to know is at the other end of the link). Good luck with it.






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Adventure Building Challenge, Summer 2014
« Reply #10 on: August 24, 2014, 12:32:07 am »


The Bishop’s Daughter (Ðe Biscop’s Doughter) - An single-player adventure for a 5th level Cleric or Paladin...I might finish this on time. I might not. Depends entirely on how much of the mundane world encroaches upon me this week.


The mundane world can so often be uncooperative, but let's hope you can get it done. I will look forward to it.




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Adventure Building Challenge, Summer 2014
« Reply #11 on: August 25, 2014, 10:31:41 pm »


Yeah, the mundane world certainly messed me up this month. However, I will have a module to share. It's just going to have to be light on detail.




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Adventure Building Challenge, Summer 2014
« Reply #12 on: August 26, 2014, 06:16:13 pm »


...However, I will have a module to share. It's just going to have to be light on detail.


It is a challenge to get something satisfactory completed in the time provided, though I am glad to hear you have been at least partially successful. Keep in mind that you will have two weeks between the initial submission and the public release that can be used to add in a few extra details.




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Adventure Building Challenge, Summer 2014
« Reply #13 on: August 30, 2014, 04:22:28 am »


Bishop’s Daughter progress report


I will not be finished by Sunday 4pm Pacific (Midnight GMT). I think I can have a playable “beta” by Monday Midnight Pacific.


90–95% of the Journal is finished

95% of the NPCs & monsters are finished

95% of the areas are finished

67–75% of the dialogue is finished

50% of the scripts are finished -- this is my most challenging area and will be relying heavily on Lilac Soul's script generator.


Note that the beta release will still have the scaffolding attached and missing most of the area placeables — but will be playable from start to finish.


Also note that there are two possible endings to the adventure, with the “failure” being just as fun and interesting as the success.


I am testing with a 5th level cleric and three henchmen. By design, the adventure should also work with a Paladin or Bard PC. It might work for any class that has the Heal skill as a core skill, puts all 8 points into Heal, and takes Skill Focus (Heal). However, I won't have time to test any class other the cleric before the beta release.




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Adventure Building Challenge, Summer 2014
« Reply #14 on: August 30, 2014, 09:01:30 am »


Keep in mind you have another 2 weeks to polish it.


Though that brings to mind a question -- is that by the END of the 1st or the BEGINNING of the 1st?  Is it due by the end of Sunday night GMT or the end of Monday night GMT?