Author Topic: Revised Module: Small Village Woes (1.24)  (Read 4002 times)


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Revised Module: Small Village Woes (1.24)
« on: May 10, 2014, 05:46:26 am »


I'm very excited to announce that Small Village Woes (v1.30) is
Now available for download.


A special thanks to MagicalMaster, Berliad, this forum community, and everyone behind for helping in this latest update.


Thanks for playing. I happily welcome all feedback.


Very best,



[Author Note: This original thread starting post was edited to now display the download link.]




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Revised Module: Small Village Woes (1.24)
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2014, 09:07:39 am »


1, yes, and I know at least 2-3 friends who would be interested in playing it multiplayer off-hand.


2, given that it's apparently without any custom content, it likely won't be affected too much.  I don't even really remember what changed from 1.30 to 1.69, though.  You probably won't have any of the new weapons like Dwarven Waraxes in the shops but that's likely an easy fix or you can just warn players.


3, no, I seriously doubt it.  Even if it's truly amazing, that's quite a bit of work for one 4-6 hour module -- especially since people would have to find the actual patch for 1.30.  Hell, I'm not sure "reverse" patching even works -- many people have the 1.69 version from GoG.  So no "clean" install to even work from.  I strongly suspect it'll be "It works in 1.69 or bust."




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Revised Module: Small Village Woes (1.24)
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2014, 09:21:12 am »


1. Absolutely, especially after reading the review. Thank you very much for creating and sharing this module!

2. What MagicalMaster said.

3. What MagicalMaster said. I'm one of those players who first got into NWN via GOG. My CD was patched to 1.69 already, AFAIK...




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Revised Module: Small Village Woes (1.24)
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2014, 10:51:47 am »


1. I would love to play your revised edition.

2., 3. I expect more problems when a player with 1.69 plays your 1.30 module than if you were to update your NWN. I recommend to "build" your module. Still probably some scripting will be outdated etc. (no matter whether you build with 1.69 or not). I myself would not downgrade to 1.30 tough and as MM said it might not be possible.


Haks are fun, come on! If you are not sure what to add than add some compilation hak like CEP or Project Q.


Good luck!



Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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Revised Module: Small Village Woes (1.24)
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2014, 02:25:57 pm »


<grabbing the rocking chair...>


Wb =)


What they said on all counts. 

And, seriously, just give it a try.


Luckily for me, these fine folks don't expect old-timers to leap tall buildings, or even to our feet, actually.

So dust off them chisels and whatnots and craft a little craft.


Worst case:  You shake your head in disgust and walk away :-(

Best case: A lot of new people enjoy a piece of art you poured yourself into for year.


I think the ROI is worth the risk, don't you? ;-)


< door>




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Revised Module: Small Village Woes (1.24)
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2014, 03:42:08 pm »


1, yes, and I know at least 2-3 friends who would be interested in playing it multiplayer off-hand.


If it's an organized game, perhaps you'll allow me to shadow your play session. That would be a hoot.


2, given that it's apparently without any custom content, it likely won't be affected too much.  I don't even really remember what changed from 1.30 to 1.69, though.  You probably won't have any of the new weapons like Dwarven Waraxes in the shops but that's likely an easy fix or you can just warn players.


2. This is my hope. If Bioware rewrote, edited, or deleted previous functions, then I might be in trouble.

And you're correct, I do not have any weapon in the game past version 1.30. When I released my last edit, the merchant functionality in NWN was terrible. Truly. You could not custom set price limits on items, you could not examine them for playability, or see how they would look in-game, it was extremely disorganized visually, et al. I spent a few weeks writing a custom merchant dialogue system that allowed players to not only see complete text descriptions of the items they were buying, but also see the in-game model of the weapon itself prior to purchasing it (with some special scripting). This system allowed users to buy items at customized prices outside of what the game engine declared. It also allowed me to code special privileges to certain classes, such as Clerics and Priests getting a special discount from the local church merchant. A rogue's penchant for thievery (with the steal skill developed) also affords him a higher chance to steal items from merchants. Players are also able to sell in-module items back to the store at prices that I determined, and were not able to sell out-of-module items to the store for ludicrous amounts. In 2003, again, the merchant system was a total mess.


3, no, I seriously doubt it.  Even if it's truly amazing, that's quite a bit of work for one 4-6 hour module -- especially since people would have to find the actual patch for 1.30.  Hell, I'm not sure "reverse" patching even works -- many people have the 1.69 version from GoG.  So no "clean" install to even work from.  I strongly suspect it'll be "It works in 1.69 or bust."


I've never download a hak pack for obvious reasons. The most popular ones today did not exist in 2003. The hak packs that did exist then were limited and unnecessary, in my opinion. Clearly, much has changed since then. I kind of feel a little bit like Rip Van Winkle. You're 100% correct. I can imagine most players today are using the retail 1.69 version. I had to specially buy a 1.10 version off of Amazon for $5.99, and then patch the game to 1.30 to even begin working on it.

In case anyone wants to know, you can download many different archived updates here, which is where I found mine: http://www.gamefront...erwinter_Nights




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Revised Module: Small Village Woes (1.24)
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2014, 03:43:47 pm »


1. Absolutely, especially after reading the review. Thank you very much for creating and sharing this module!


My absolute pleasure. It's been a fun walk down memory lane.




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Revised Module: Small Village Woes (1.24)
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2014, 03:49:02 pm »


1. I would love to play your revised edition.




2., 3. I expect more problems when a player with 1.69 plays your 1.30 module than if you were to update your NWN. I recommend to "build" your module. Still probably some scripting will be outdated etc. (no matter whether you build with 1.69 or not). I myself would not downgrade to 1.30 tough and as MM said it might not be possible.


I know for a fact that the game is unplayable currently by NWN 1.69 users. I'm terrified to see how broken the game will be upon saving it at 1.69. Clearly, I'm going to give it a shot, though.


Haks are fun, come on! If you are not sure what to add than add some compilation hak like CEP or Project Q.


I'm sure they're great fun. (Horses would be fun, although terribly unnecessary in Small Village Woes.) But it's not about 'fun' in why I don't add them. It's about world balance. And I don't have time to test out that balance, or code their benefits into the module. '<img'>




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Revised Module: Small Village Woes (1.24)
« Reply #8 on: May 10, 2014, 03:52:15 pm »


<grabbing the rocking chair...>


Wb =)


What they said on all counts. 

And, seriously, just give it a try.


Luckily for me, these fine folks don't expect old-timers to leap tall buildings, or even to our feet, actually.

So dust off them chisels and whatnots and craft a little craft.


Worst case:  You shake your head in disgust and walk away :-(

Best case: A lot of new people enjoy a piece of art you poured yourself into for year.


I think the ROI is worth the risk, don't you? ;-)


< door>


You are certainly correct.


I was a mere 22 when I spent a year creating this module. At 34 now, I don't feel too old to polish it up some. Like a fine set of silver.

Again, let me stress, your above points are entirely correct. The ROI is well worth the attempt.



Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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Revised Module: Small Village Woes (1.24)
« Reply #9 on: May 10, 2014, 04:54:33 pm »




Thanks for the Gamefront link :-)

The new Vault has been missing the linux server 1.30. Got it! =)


<...the old stuff>




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Revised Module: Small Village Woes (1.24)
« Reply #10 on: May 10, 2014, 05:34:52 pm »





I know for a fact that the game is unplayable currently by NWN 1.69 users. I'm terrified to see how broken the game will be upon saving it at 1.69. Clearly, I'm going to give it a shot, though.

Dont worry, we can help you with all issues you will find. Im thinking about writing a tutorial of how to update a module, but first I want to see what problems arise for you with your module. You can try to PM me directly if you notice anything, I am here pretty often lately so you might get a very quick response from me.




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Revised Module: Small Village Woes (1.24)
« Reply #11 on: May 10, 2014, 05:40:56 pm »


Thanks for the Gamefront link :-)

The new Vault has been missing the linux server 1.30. Got it! =)


You're very welcome.




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Revised Module: Small Village Woes (1.24)
« Reply #12 on: May 10, 2014, 05:41:47 pm »


Dont worry, we can help you with all issues you will find. Im thinking about writing a tutorial of how to update a module, but first I want to see what problems arise for you with your module. You can try to PM me directly if you notice anything, I am here pretty often lately so you might get a very quick response from me.


Now that's a generous offer! I will certainly keep that in mind, Shadooow. I'm nearly done with my edits on the new Small Village Woes 1.24 version. Many thanks.




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Revised Module: Small Village Woes (1.24)
« Reply #13 on: May 12, 2014, 05:13:26 am »


Hi All,


I'm about 90% done with this 1.24 edit. Lots of dialogue has been trimmed and syntax cleaned up. There's no stone I've left unturned. I've incorporated some new light touches to class-specific items found in acquired treasure from chests and loot bags. Nothing has really been re-written as much as polished. Of course, I've nerfed the respawn rates of encounters considerably.

I've also taken the opportunity to add some new simple scripts here and there. Added greater precision to sound objects usage, visual effects, and made some redundant placeable objects static to streamline the user experience.

This is definitely the best version of Small Village Woes that has ever existed. I haven't tried saving it to NWN 1.69 yet. I'm waiting to finish the update before I do. While this isn't your traditional D&D experience per every minute detail, I do think most users will enjoy themselves. We'll soon see.




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Revised Module: Small Village Woes (1.24)
« Reply #14 on: May 13, 2014, 06:03:04 pm »


Hi All,




Still plugging away. I'm on vacation for the next five days starting tomorrow. I was really hoping to have this done prior to leaving, but that's not going to happen. The good news is, this is because I've taken some time to add some more flair to the module. The bad news is, it's not done yet. Considering it's been over ten years since my last update, an added week or so shouldn't hurt anybody.


I'm very excited to get new feedback for the module. I spent so much time on it way-back-when, and don't feel like I experienced enough of the insights of the players. There is a lot of customization of the module, in all facets, which means something is bound to not appeal to just about everyone.


- The Merchant Dialogue System (which does have its pros over the in-game mechanism--or did in 2003)

- The perspective of the player's response in dialogue

- The tongue-in-cheek narrative


You name it, and there's something that's bound to not appeal. My intention was to create an entry level module that was as deep a level 1 experience as any available. As detailed and robust as you could find for the starting player, and resembled a setting/environment apropos of a level 1 - 4 adventurer.

More soon! But until then, I'll be having a torrid affair with my long-lost friend, Mimosa.