Author Topic: Aielund Saga Improvements (Need Input/Feedback)  (Read 12155 times)


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Aielund Saga Improvements (Need Input/Feedback)
« Reply #90 on: October 07, 2014, 02:51:08 am »


A few things...


That would help me as well. Just started replaying this, I'm at the ending Act 2, I can't find the painting in the house to the NW in the Senate District. There was a painting in the Augusus Johnson mansion to the NW, but it did not trigger a convo with Sparky about the painting, didn't think that was it. I went through every house in the Senate District with an opening door (accidentally found teh flawless diamond before triggering the quest, and sold it through the convo).


I don't know if having sold her the diamond already would mean she is no longer interested in the painting, though. (I.e., I don't know if her dialog works if the items are returned out of order.)


I spoke with Desmond a the University and had him open the portal. Followed him through to the Ethereal Plane, but there was no gold dragon there... just Desmond, and his only convo is, "we're here, go ahead and speak with him" - and there's no way to return. Have tried several times but the gold dragon is never there.

When I last went through the module, Desmond never took my party to see Salinder, the dragon. But, I assume that's because we already met him when we respawned after a TPK. If you haven't died and already made your introductions, then I am not sure what's going wrong.


Finally, at the end in the castle... from the conversations after rescuing the Princess, I decided to take back all the gear from teh NPCs when it was clear they were leaving. Even after filling all the bags of holding I had, inventory was full. Wouldn't be a problem, except after I told the Princess I was ready, there was a script to unequip my items before going to the cutscene of the ceremony. Since inventory was full, my best upgraded weapon and shield got dropped, with no opportunity to pick them up before module 3 loaded. Need an opportunity to sell items or buy one more bag of holding (or even a plain backpack/box). Since the only way to get into the castle is through the sewer after a convo with Sparky (who vanishes, IIRC), I suspect if I leave to sell, I won't be allowed back in.

I don't know if there is a convenient way to get a container for your gear before the final fight if you are already in the castle. Your best option may be to use the console to spawn yourself a large box and just assume that you found one laying around when you entered from the sewers. To do the item spawn, open the console by hitting the ` key (usually the key above the Tab key and/or to the left of the numbers on a keyboard) and then entering the following lines at the chat bar.

##DebugMode 1
##dm_spawnitem nw_it_contain001
##DebugMode 0

Before hitting Enter after the second line, make sure the mouse is over some empty ground that the PC can get to.

BTW, the other way to make space for the gear that you en-equip during the cut-scene is to drop some crap out of your inventory. ;-) There is a good chance you don't need all of it and most of your henchmen will have some gear of their own when you re-hire them. Soon after, you could sell their gear to buy replacements for anything they lost. I think that, before long, you generally start finding better gear in Act III anyway.




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Aielund Saga Improvements (Need Input/Feedback)
« Reply #91 on: October 10, 2014, 01:48:40 am »


Thank you, MrZork, for your quick response.  (smacks self on the forehead)  No idea why I did not thing of spawning in a box.  Must have been too long since I played. 


I did go into all the houses on the NW side (there are very few) and go to the 2nd floor. I will see if I have any saved games and try again.


Does the Gold Dragon provide anything beyond background info?  I don't think I respawned after a TPK, and don't recall ever going to the ethereal.


Now that you mention spawning, I think there are ways of spawning creatures that don't show up (or accidentally get killed in battles).  I remember reading a long time ago about ways of doing that when a creature or NPC that had to be interacted with to advance in a module accidentally got caught in an area of effect spell or somehting and got killed... unfortunately with teh vault gone, it's getting harder to find info like that




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Aielund Saga Improvements (Need Input/Feedback)
« Reply #92 on: October 10, 2014, 03:50:18 am »


 I've got this weird thing in Aielund where I got an ability drain that won't ever go away. I've tried lesser restoration, greater restoration, sleep, everything and it's a strength drain that won't go away. I got it from that demon that's guarding that gem in Twilight that gets made into a katana sword. Weird.




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Aielund Saga Improvements (Need Input/Feedback)
« Reply #93 on: October 11, 2014, 03:35:26 am »


Maybe you have an item that causes a STR penalty?  I was momentarily confused because I kept seeing a CHA penalty on the character sheet, until I realized I was wearing an item with a -2 CHA penalty.  If that's not it, try speaking to one of the healers in the module. When they cure you, they remove all penalties, curese and whatnot.


Well, I had forgotten that you can leave the castle at the end of act 2 and return.  When I started playing again, I remembered that under the marketplace in the sewerrs, there was a door that could not be opened, but sometime late i the module, it opens (I think after Sparky leads you to the sewers and you swim, you go under the castle to the sewers and you can open the door from the other side.  Still could not find the painting... there is only one openable door, on the north side of a building that sticks out from the west wall.


And, I'm still screwed. Act III of Aielund starts with a cutscene in the Ethereal plane. My character shows up in the cut scene, and nothing happens.  I suspect the gold dragon is supposed to be there, but nothign ever appears.




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Aielund Saga Improvements (Need Input/Feedback)
« Reply #94 on: October 11, 2014, 07:01:00 am »


Maybe you have an item that causes a STR penalty?  I was momentarily confused because I kept seeing a CHA penalty on the character sheet, until I realized I was wearing an item with a -2 CHA penalty.  If that's not it, try speaking to one of the healers in the module. When they cure you, they remove all penalties, curese and whatnot.


 No, it wasn't from an item. It was some weird bug that happened after I fought that demon in Twilight. Unfortunately at that point in the game, there's no healer or church to go to be healed. But weirdly enough, the bug righted itself after I had leveled up a few times and rested a few times, it just went away. It's weird because I've played Aielund all the way through over 10 times and have never had that happen to me. Oh well, it righted itself somehow.




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Aielund Saga Improvements (Need Input/Feedback)
« Reply #95 on: October 11, 2014, 09:28:48 am »


 No, it wasn't from an item. It was some weird bug that happened after I fought that demon in Twilight. Unfortunately at that point in the game, there's no healer or church to go to be healed. But weirdly enough, the bug righted itself after I had leveled up a few times and rested a few times, it just went away. It's weird because I've played Aielund all the way through over 10 times and have never had that happen to me. Oh well, it righted itself somehow.


IIRC I got the same kind of ability damage when playing the Saga. But I cannot recollect how I could remove that or If I could.




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Aielund Saga Improvements (Need Input/Feedback)
« Reply #96 on: October 11, 2014, 12:08:34 pm »


IIRC I got the same kind of ability damage when playing the Saga. But I cannot recollect how I could remove that or If I could.


 I had never gotten it before and I tried various restoration scrolls and potions to no effect, so I just played through it. A few sessions later I look up and it's gone and my ability score was back to normal.




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Aielund Saga Improvements (Need Input/Feedback)
« Reply #97 on: October 11, 2014, 07:52:52 pm »


That would help me as well. Just started replaying this, I'm at the ending Act 2, I can't find the painting in the house to the NW in the Senate District.

As mentioned, it's just in a house in the NW of the Senate.  Can look into it getting messed up with getting the diamond firs.t


I spoke with Desmond a the University and had him open the portal. Followed him through to the Ethereal Plane, but there was no gold dragon there... just Desmond, and his only convo is, "we're here, go ahead and speak with him" - and there's no way to return.  Have tried several times but the gold dragon is never there.

That is extremely odd.  Will look at it but never heard of anyone having that issue.


Finally, at the end in the castle... from the conversations after rescuing the Princess, I decided to take back all the gear from teh NPCs when it was clear they were leaving. Even after filling all the bags of holding I had, inventory was full. Wouldn't be a problem, except after I told the Princess I was ready, there was a script to unequip my items before going to the cutscene of the ceremony. Since inventory was full, my best upgraded weapon and shield got dropped, with no opportunity to pick them up before module 3 loaded. Need an opportunity to sell items or buy one more bag of holding (or even a plain backpack/box).  Since the only way to get into the castle is through the sewer after a convo with Sparky (who vanishes, IIRC), I suspect if I leave to sell, I won't be allowed back in.

 I'm not sure if you can even leave the castle until it concludes, though I've never heard of anyone having that issue before.  Not sure most people would even bother selling if the option was available due to not expecting to need to.  Maybe could just add a warning at the end of the conversation to make sure you have room to unequip your weapons.


When I last went through the module, Desmond never took my party to see Salinder, the dragon. But, I assume that's because we already met him when we respawned after a TPK. If you haven't died and already made your introductions, then I am not sure what's going wrong.


You have to choose an option that goes "...did you say a gold dragon?" when learning about the Ironlord.


BTW, the other way to make space for the gear that you en-equip during the cut-scene is to drop some crap out of your inventory. ;-) There is a good chance you don't need all of it and most of your henchmen will have some gear of their own when you re-hire them. Soon after, you could sell their gear to buy replacements for anything they lost. I think that, before long, you generally start finding better gear in Act III anyway.


MrZork, take that grounded perspective and good sense and shove it, thank you.


 I've got this weird thing in Aielund where I got an ability drain that won't ever go away. I've tried lesser restoration, greater restoration, sleep, everything and it's a strength drain that won't go away. I got it from that demon that's guarding that gem in Twilight that gets made into a katana sword. Weird.


Never heard of it.  Would need more information to figure it out.


And, I'm still screwed. Act III of Aielund starts with a cutscene in the Ethereal plane. My character shows up in the cut scene, and nothing happens.  I suspect the gold dragon is supposed to be there, but nothign ever appears.


Yes, it is.  I just loaded the module with a new character and it worked perfectly.  I almost wonder if someone uploaded the wrong version to the new vault or something, an older one with bugs.


The good news is I was given control of the content on the new vault -- I'll upload my versions of the modules (unmodified) sometime this weekend and you can see if that helps.


The modified stuff will be a bit longer, haven't had time to do anything related to NWN for like a month.




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Aielund Saga Improvements (Need Input/Feedback)
« Reply #98 on: October 16, 2014, 11:44:12 pm »


As mentioned, it's just in a house in the NW of the Senate.  Can look into it getting messed up with getting the diamond firs.t



I looked quite a bit before I found and turned in the diamond. As a matter of fact, I was going through every single openable door in that district when I stumbled on the diamond, in the opposite corner, so it was one of the last houses I searched.


 I'm not sure if you can even leave the castle until it concludes, though I've never heard of anyone having that issue before.  Not sure most people would even bother selling if the option was available due to not expecting to need to.  Maybe could just add a warning at the end of the conversation to make sure you have room to unequip your weapons.


Yes, you can leave and re-enter the castle through the sewer.  I had forgotten that there is a door that is unopenable from the market sewer side, that is openable from the castle sewer side. Savant thought of everything. Sold a bunch of stuff before re-entering.  You can never have too  much gold '<img'>  if I weren't saving gold, I would have gotten elemental damage for all the henchmen's weapons. 


The good news is I was given control of the content on the new vault -- I'll upload my versions of the modules (unmodified) sometime this weekend and you can see if that helps.

that would be awesome, thanks!  Looking forward to it this weekend and will let you know how it works.

I had no problem the first time I played through, probably a decade ago...




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Aielund Saga Improvements (Need Input/Feedback)
« Reply #99 on: October 22, 2014, 12:13:36 am »


The aielund III on the new vault is a 2.93mb rar... I went through some old modules and I see an aielund III as a 6.20mb rar.  Hope that helps.


I'll unrar the old aielund III and see if I can go from there




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Aielund Saga Improvements (Need Input/Feedback)
« Reply #100 on: October 22, 2014, 11:22:13 am »


MM, if you need me to give you permissions to edit Aielund saga on the vault, then create an account and PM me(preferably here) '<img'>




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Aielund Saga Improvements (Need Input/Feedback)
« Reply #101 on: October 23, 2014, 02:54:39 am »


The aielund III on the new vault is a 2.93mb rar... I went through some old modules and I see an aielund III as a 6.20mb rar.  Hope that helps.

OK, I'm officially a moron. The 6.20mb file was a zip file, not a rar file. When I unzipped/unrarred the files, they were identical in size.




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Aielund Saga Improvements (Need Input/Feedback)
« Reply #102 on: October 23, 2014, 04:33:17 pm »


MM, if you need me to give you permissions to edit Aielund saga on the vault, then create an account and PM me(preferably here) '<img'>


Already have it, but thanks.  Just got distracted.




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Aielund Saga Improvements (Need Input/Feedback)
« Reply #103 on: October 23, 2014, 05:13:47 pm »


Already have it, but thanks.  Just got distracted.


 Magical Master. If you can modify Aielund so that we have more options of henchmen then you would be a God. Just give us two or three more options for non-Good alignment types (specifically Evil and Neutral aligned characters), and that would be great. I've thought a bit about different characters that would work and would round out the options for a PC of any class or alignment. PM me or whatever if you want my suggestions.






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Aielund Saga Improvements (Need Input/Feedback)
« Reply #104 on: October 24, 2014, 10:58:30 pm »


Back to the point of this thread... yes, there should be some warning or dialogue towards the end of Act 2, so that the player knows to recover items from the NPCs and to have room in the inventory when the stuff is unequipped. 


Sparky tells you about the trouble in the castle after coming back from some quest... so at this point, you are loaded with loot. You have a choice of going out of character and ignoring the urgent nature of Sparky's message so you can go to merchants and sell stuff, or go into the sewers right away following Sparky - this is why I had so much stuff in inventory


I never got the Ethereal Plane part to work out in Act 2 so not sure if this is an issue, but something I vaguely recall from my first time playing this, many years ago....  the wizard that opens the portal is also the one that will add enhancements (elemental damage, etc) to your weapons. Once he's in the Ethereal, I think he no longer does that, so if you don't time it right, you lose the ablity to have him enhance any weapons, like later on before the castle fight finale.  He should either go back to the Prime, or retain the conversation that allows him to offer his services