I know I am late to the discussion about the PC(s) having associates along in the Aeilund modules and modules in general. But, I think that the goal should be that having associates doesn't change either 1) the general challenge level of the encounters or 2) the XP acquisition for the PC(s). I think that the second of those should be relatively straightforward in tweaking the XP awards to essentially cancel out the party-size penalty. The first goal is more difficult, particularly since so many modules place enemies statically in a way that doesn't scale for party size (or level, really). Ideally both goals would be accomplished in one step by scaling the encounters so that additional and/or more difficult opponents spawn according to the party composition and beating them down results in the same XP for a larger or stronger party as if a single PC had beaten them.
I understand the goal of attempting social engineering to incentivize the PC to take henchmen along or not. But, at the end of the day it may be best to make it clear there is nothing to be gained or lost in terms of quantifiable rewards, though the story will be more enjoyable with henchmen (or without). Then, let the PC determine what he prefers to do, knowing that his decision won't result in a weaker or stronger character. (Obviously, this doesn't apply to henchmen who are mandatory for story progression.)
BTW, at least one module I have played has partly discouraged the PC from using the tactic of plowing recklessly through the module and then simply reloading a saved game when he hits an encounter where that doesn't work. The technique was simply to put the best shops in the fugue plain that the PC only had access to by respawning. Basically, the PC will never get a chance at the best gear if he always reloads instead of respawning. And, if he legitimately never dies, then he obviously doesn't need the best gear, so no great loss.