*Do* people think that making it so you get the same XP with or without followers would be a good idea? I know rogueknight333 did something similar in Swordflight, not sure how much work that was.
If so, that would mean lowering the solo XP rather than raising the grouped XP -- balance would stay the same while grouped but there would be no real incentive to solo.
I am not certain it would actually be a good idea to implement this, since altering things in this way would now create an incentive not to solo (no compensation for losing henchman support) which some people might prefer to do. Arguably you would be changing the character of the series rather than simply fixing things that are clearly issues. It would also be tricky to fine tune so precisely that it made no difference at all to XP one way or the other - I was OK with the incentives created by setting things up so that taking henchmen along actually gave an XP advantage. I am also not certain how well my system would work in a multiplayer context since it is a global change, not one just affecting the PC who hires the henchman.
That said, if you are interested in implementing something like the system used in Swordflight, what I did was to adjust the Module XP Scale upward whenever a henchman joins the party, and adjust it downward whenever a henchman either leaves or dies. Swordflight's Base XP Scale was 5, and this went up by 2 (i.e. more than the 20% penalty imposed) each time a new henchman joined, up to 11 if one has 3 henchmen (the maximum allowed in Swordflight 2). To do this you need to:
1) adjust "x0_inc_henai" so that the ability to dismiss a henchman using radial controls is disabled (as I did) or alternatively include the XP adjustment there. Then recompile "x0_ch_hen_conv" (or whatever script is used in henchmen's "On Conversation" event if it is a custom one) to incorporate the change.
2) Adjust the XP Scale upwards in the conversational script that has a henchman join
3) Adjust the XP Scale downward in the conversational script used to fire a henchman
4) Give each henchman a custom "On Death" script that adjusts the XP Scale downward
5) Give each henchman a custom "On Spell Cast At" script that adjusts the XP Scale upward when the henchman is raised by spell and rejoins the party (assuming this happens automatically as in Swordflight rather than through conversation - do not remember how it works in Aielund).
For more info you can look at following scripts in Swordflight Chapter 2:
-modified "x0_inc_henai" ( IIRC correctly you should look at line 873 for the relevant section)
-"sca_henchhire001" and "s_library002" that it includes (my standard conversation script for hiring a henchman)
-"sca_henchfire001" (my standard conversation script for firing a henchman)
-"sk_hendeath001" (custom OnDeath script for henchmen)
-"sk_henspell001" (custom OnSpellCastAt script for henchmen)
-"s_test003" and "s_test004" are two scripts that can be run in Debug Mode - the first tells you what the current XP Scale is, the second resets it to the module's default value (useful for testing and debugging the system).