Author Topic: Aielund Saga Improvements (Need Input/Feedback)  (Read 11882 times)


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Aielund Saga Improvements (Need Input/Feedback)
« Reply #225 on: August 12, 2015, 04:04:55 am »


Like MrZork, i think the EMS documentation is poor, which is made worse by the fact that it contains some changes nobody would expect from a "magic system" like changes to hp and skillpoints per lvl or changes to perks. I play without the ems therefor most of the time, too


What HP changes?  I went through the classes.2da for both default NWN and the one in EMS and I didn't see any changes.  Maybe I missed something, but searching the change log didn't reveal anything obvious either.


By skillpoints per level you mean giving Bards/Rangers 6 skillpoints per level instead of four?  Seems to be an odd thing to complain about given that those classes were supposed to have gotten 6 skillpoints per level in the first place according to 3rd edition.


What changes to perks are you referring to?


Really? In other words, the documentation is fine for people 1) who aren't that concerned about understanding or 2) who can use the poor documentation to piece together what it's supposed to mean on their own. If you don't think that makes the documentation lacking, then I suspect it is you who are in the minority of opinion.


Before you listed 8 spells out of the first 20 which you considered to be unclear.


4 of those 8 were actually clear in the first place in terms of what they did.


Charm Person was just...slightly weird but there's no reason to think anything of significance changed outside of the stuff that was clear.


That leaves Continual Flame, Darkness, and Flame Weapon as potentially having poor documentation.


Continual Flame is unclear, I agree.  On the flip side, given how it's a really stupid spell in the first place due to being prone to massive abuse and causing problems with IRL (can Continual Flame an item and then be unable to use it) I think that's a pretty minor matter and easily forgivable.


Darkness is pretty straightforward except for the question of whether Ultravision/True Seeing pierces it.  Of course, the default assumption is to assume it works correctly unless stated otherwise.  And, in fact, now that I have EMS_Changes handy, searching for "Darkness" reveals this line:


"fix: Ultravision and True Seeing remove the 20% miss chance of Darkness"


So that clears that up.


Flame Weapon is unclear in its own section, but looking at the "HotU Spells and Weapon Enhancement" section reveals that it (and Darkfire and so on) have been changed to actual damage on the weapon (meaning they won't stack with each other or damage of that type on the weapon already, can trigger things like Cleave, will be multiplied on a crit, etc).  Could it be more explicit about the exact damage values?  Sure, but it's not something that will change how you play and is pretty minor overall.


So, overall, 18 of the first 20 entries are clear. 1 is unclear but who seriously uses that spell anyway?  1 is mostly clear but lacking exact values.


That sounds like reasonable documentation to me.  Could it be better in a few different ways (better formatting, more consolidated information, explicit values in every case)?  Sure.  But you can have less than perfect/stellar documentation without it dropping all the way to poor documentation.


Incidentally, if you're curious, I'd be happy to share with you what I consider good documentation (work I did in the past on extensive balance changes).  I tried to put the info in a spoiler tag but got the message "Your post was too long. Please go back and shorten it a little."  Then I tried to send it in a PM, and, well, you'll see what happened there.  Like I said in the third PM (don't ask, Bioware's PMs are terrible), can shoot me an email if you want to see the actual files in Word or PDF format (that goes for anyone reading the thread, open offer).


Incorrect on two counts. You misread my original comment about the scare spell. My comment regarding shaken was that "Players aren't told what shaken means." I never said that I did not understand what shaken means. I mentioned it because its a non-NWN term with a specific meaning and should be explained in docs for NWN players. Further, shaken is not a term taken from Bioware. Bioware does not use the term in its description of the rage feats. Search the talk file and see.


It is a term taken from Bioware.  Here's the info at the top of the script for Terrifying Rage:


"Upon entering the aura of the creature the player must make a will save or be struck with fear because of the creatures presence.

    - Save DC is a Intimidate check result of the raging character

    - If the creature has less HitDice than the barbarian they freeze in terror 1d3 rounds

    - if the creature has less HD than the BarbarianHD*2, they are shaken (-2 to attack, -2 to saves)

    - if the creature has more than double HD than the Barb, they are immune to the effect"


That's why the wiki uses the term Shaken.  There's where EMS gets the term Shaken.


So people who have played D&D know the term, people who have looked into Terrifying Rage on the wiki know the term, and people who have looked at the Terrifying Rage script know the term at a minimum.  Of the remaining players, most are not going to be concerned in the first place (I mean, seriously, who even uses Scare?) or can easily look up the term if they care.  You're making a mountain out of a molehill with Shaken.


Furthermore, I really don't understand your position now -- it seems to be the following:


"I am very familiar with NWN and it's mechanics to the point where I know obscure terms and maybe 1-3% of EMS isn't clear for me, if that.  However, since other people less familiar with NWN may be confused by EMS, despite the fact most of them will just play it and not care, I will refuse to use EMS on general principle since I think the documentation for a small minority of spells (like 10-15%) should be better than it is...even though I still understand 80-90% of that 10-15% just fine anyway."


I don't get it.




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Aielund Saga Improvements (Need Input/Feedback)
« Reply #226 on: August 12, 2015, 09:11:27 pm »


MM, I got your PMs and scanned them; you are right that something went amiss with the formatting. But, from what I could see, they were nice docs and generally more clear than the EMS docs. I guess, I am not exactly sure why you sent them to me. As far as I know, I haven't made any complaints about your ability to document things. Did you write EMS? Are you considering updating the doc sheet for it and including it with your revision of Aielund? If the latter, then I think that would be a welcome improvement.

BTW, before diving back into those spell change descriptions in the EMS docs, I would like to comment that, had the EMS author simply provided script source for his changes, we probably wouldn't be having this discussion. I probably still would have thought the docs were lacking, but it would have been less likely to have come up because I would have had the option to read the scripts where I had any remaining questions. To my mind, releasing something like EMS as a black box only increases the need for clear docs.

And, as I have said before, the version of EMS that I have - which I am pretty sure is the same as the version currently on the new vault - does not have the script source. If I (and the new vault) have gotten an incomplete version and the version with the source is supposed to be available, I would like to see it.


Before you listed 8 spells out of the first 20 which you considered to be unclear.

4 of those 8 were actually clear in the first place in terms of what they did.

Among the first 20 spells in the spell list in EMS_Changes.txt, I listed Charm Person, Color Spray, Scare, Ability Buffs, Combust, Continual Light, Darkness, and Flame Weapon as being written in a way that would be unclear or confusing to an NWN player. Since you go through four of them below, I assume you are saying that the others - Color Spray, Scare, Ability Buffs, and Combust - are those that are "clear in the first place" about what the EMS versions do. Obviously, clarity is a judgment call, but I would say that they aren't.

Once again, these are things that I think will be unclear to a player reading the EMS doc. The fact that you or I or others with sufficient experience can figure out what the spells are likely to really do doesn't mean that the docs are clear. If you disagree that they are unclear, I'd be happy to be proven wrong with something like "EMS says 'X, Y, and Z' about this spell and each of those is something that clearly explains to an NWN player how EMS changes the spell's functionality without adding confusion."

Color Spray makes no attempt to define what the "correct" way to combine effects would be. The EMS change of stacking the effects in a way not described in the spell description because the author prefers it that way is not made clear in the EMS doc. As far as I can see, the Bioware version of the spell does pretty much what Bioware says it will do. The NWN docs say it does one thing, the EMS doc says that something about the Bioware approach is wrong (EMS doesn't say if it's Bioware's implementation, or Bioware's idea of what the spell ought to do, or both) and fails to say what it is. An NWN player is not left with a clear understanding of what the spell does.

Scare is still unclear because of shaken. Regardless of its presence in the spell script comments, it is not a standard term that an NWN player will find in the game docs. Even if an NWN player searches the wiki and sees the term buried in one article about a standard feat, he only sees it in the notes, it is only defined indirectly, and it isn't treated as a standard term that the player should expect to be used for other NWN spells or feats. The latter isn't surprising, given that it is mentioned in the wiki for no other NWN spell or feat.

I would agree that the EMS docs about the Ability Buffs hopefully make it clear that the buff is a constant +4. That adds questions about what empower or maximize will do (or if they even apply anymore) and IMO the EMS doc would be clearer without the editorializing about potions. But, the +4 part for the plain jane casting is okay.

Combust I agree that, ignoring the 10x editorial remark about Bioware's version, it describes what the EMS version will do.


Charm Person was just...slightly weird but there's no reason to think anything of significance changed outside of the stuff that was clear.

Meh. If the player assumes that the very first change listed either doesn't mean anything or doesn't mean anything he should worry about (so why is it in the docs?), then the rest is clear. To me, if the reader has to assume "the part of the doc I can't make sense of must not be important", then the doc lacks clarity. I agree that the problem here may be minor or irrelevant (possibly that EMS fixes a problem that Bioware also fixed, though it's tough to tell since the Bioware script has been the same for a while).


Continual Flame is unclear, I agree. On the flip side, given how it's a really stupid spell in the first place due to being prone to massive abuse and causing problems with IRL (can Continual Flame an item and then be unable to use it) I think that's a pretty minor matter and easily forgivable.

I agree with you that it's a spell subject to abuse. (I expect some of that could be dealt with by making appropriate adjustments to the item property cost 2DAs.) But, the fact that the spell is an abusable one doesn't make the EMS doc about changes to it any more clear.


Darkness is pretty straightforward except for the question of whether Ultravision/True Seeing pierces it. Of course, the default assumption is to assume it works correctly unless stated otherwise. And, in fact, now that I have EMS_Changes handy, searching for "Darkness" reveals this line:

"fix: Ultravision and True Seeing remove the 20% miss chance of Darkness"

So that clears that up.

It would if I believed it; I am not sure I do. This is similar to Evard's in that it raises questions about how it is scripted and whether it really works right. After all, there is no effect in NWN scripting that gives concealment-except-against-those-opponents-who-have-a-certain-spell-effect-or-item-effect. So, if I have true sight but the other PCs in the party or the henchmen do not, then what happens when we attack creatures inside the Darkness AoE? These questions might be answered by testing, but the docs don't answer them.

BTW, consider the above an aside. I take your point that the additional comment in the fix list does clarify what EMS thinks this spell should do and I agree that it does. Whether the spell actually works as described isn't necessarily a problem with the docs.


Flame Weapon is unclear in its own section, but looking at the "HotU Spells and Weapon Enhancement" section reveals that it (and Darkfire and so on) have been changed to actual damage on the weapon (meaning they won't stack with each other or damage of that type on the weapon already, can trigger things like Cleave, will be multiplied on a crit, etc). Could it be more explicit about the exact damage values? Sure, but it's not something that will change how you play and is pretty minor overall.

Fair enough.


So, overall, 18 of the first 20 entries are clear. 1 is unclear but who seriously uses that spell anyway? 1 is mostly clear but lacking exact values.

Obviously, as detailed above and before, I think that more than two of those descriptions would be unclear to most players. And, of course, unclear documentation of a spell people rarely use is still unclear documentation.


It is a term taken from Bioware. Here's the info at the top of the script for Terrifying Rage:

"Upon entering the aura of the creature the player must make a will save or be struck with fear because of the creatures presence.

- Save DC is a Intimidate check result of the raging character

- If the creature has less HitDice than the barbarian they freeze in terror 1d3 rounds

- if the creature has less HD than the BarbarianHD*2, they are shaken (-2 to attack, -2 to saves)

- if the creature has more than double HD than the Barb, they are immune to the effect"

That's why the wiki uses the term Shaken. There's where EMS gets the term Shaken.

So people who have played D&D know the term, people who have looked into Terrifying Rage on the wiki know the term, and people who have looked at the Terrifying Rage script know the term at a minimum. Of the remaining players, most are not going to be concerned in the first place (I mean, seriously, who even uses Scare?) or can easily look up the term if they care. You're making a mountain out of a molehill with Shaken.

Regarding "shaken": I am not transforming molehills to mountains; I agree this is a molehill and have not said it's a mountain. It's no more than a technical point about the EMS documentation for a spell that I rarely ever use. To provide examples that you asked for, I went through the first twenty items in the EMS and checked each to see if it would be clear to a player reading it to see what the spell changes were. Where I saw an issue, I noted it in that earlier post. The entry for Scare used a term that is not a standard NWN term, so I mentioned it as something that would be unclear to players. You seemed to think that "shaken" was a term that was not unclear because it was a Bioware term and a D&D term. I pointed out that it wasn't a term in the NWN docs and now you have pointed out that it is mentioned in the source code for the Scare script. That's why we have spent as much time on shaken as we have. I am not saying it is the paradigm of poor documentation or anything; it was merely one example among several of unclear documentation.

And, as far as it goes, it still a term that deserves explanation if it's going to be used. The reference to shaken in x2_s2_terrage_a.nss hardly qualifies as user documentation and it is mentioned nowhere in the NWN documentation Bioware provides. We can't expect players to look through the source code to understand what a term means. And, per above, the offhand mention in the wiki notes for an unrelated feat never treats shaken as a standard NWN term and only defines it indirectly anyway.


Furthermore, I really don't understand your position now -- it seems to be the following:

"I am very familiar with NWN and it's mechanics to the point where I know obscure terms and maybe 1-3% of EMS isn't clear for me, if that. However, since other people less familiar with NWN may be confused by EMS, despite the fact most of them will just play it and not care, I will refuse to use EMS on general principle since I think the documentation for a small minority of spells (like 10-15%) should be better than it is...even though I still understand 80-90% of that 10-15% just fine anyway."

I don't get it.

Except that I never said much of that. Some of the confusion stems from there being two issues here. One is that I chose not to use EMS because the poor documentation put me off of it when I first played Aielund. The other is our disagreement about whether EMS is poorly documented.

For one thing, I don't refuse to use EMS on general principle. I said that the poor documentation was the reason I chose to turn it off the first time I played Aielund. (It's slightly more complicated than that, but it was a significant factor.) I was playing MP and had limited opportunity to stop and experiment to see what EMS was doing. And, by the end of the run, not encountering any show-stopping problems without EMS, I didn't use it the next time I played. Both times I had fun playing the module. I have said that I might use EMS for a play-through at some point in the future. But, I have only completed two playthroughs of Aielund, so, for those playthroughs, I didn't use EMS and I never looked back and regretted not using it.

Second, we ended up digging into the minutia on what I consider to be some poorly documented changes even though I think I can make pretty reasonable assumptions about what most of it means. Why have we spent so much time discussing this? Possibly because of different ideas of what a poorly documented change is. I complained that some of the potential improvements were poorly documented and you seemed to be arguing that 95% of them were perfectly clearly documented. In fact, I said, "I disagree with the '95% perfectly clear' number." Once such a strong claim was on the table, we were off to the races. :-)

Anyway, that may all have been a misunderstanding. To me, documentation for a spell system should be written to be clear for the typical player who wants to know what's going on when his wizard casts a spell. IMO, there are plenty of examples in the EMS doc where a typical player will not know how the spell is changed from the Bioware version or what the EMS version does. To me, those spell changes are poorly documented. You have noted that most players won't care, and I am not disagreeing. But, people not caring about X doesn't mean that X is clear. Honestly, we wouldn't have had this discussion (or much of it) if you had instead said, "If you're as interested in the mechanics of the spells as you seem to be, then you can probably figure out what most of those spell changes in the EMS doc mean, whether they are well documented or not." It was the notion that the spell change documentation was so clear that I was disagreeing with.




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Aielund Saga Improvements (Need Input/Feedback)
« Reply #227 on: August 14, 2015, 12:23:30 am »


MM, I got your PMs and scanned them; you are right that something went amiss with the formatting. But, from what I could see, they were nice docs and generally more clear than the EMS docs. I guess, I am not exactly sure why you sent them to me. As far as I know, I haven't made any complaints about your ability to document things. Did you write EMS? Are you considering updating the doc sheet for it and including it with your revision of Aielund? If the latter, then I think that would be a welcome improvement.


I sent them to you for two reasons:


1, to make clear what my opinion of *good* documentation is and what I would consider ideal.


2, to help express the point that there's a spectrum.  Let's say no documentation is a 0 and the stuff I sent is a 10 (doesn't mean you couldn't potentially think of small improvements but it's everything you'd expect).  EMS is somewhere between a 1 and a 9.  I think the documentation would deserve at least a 7, possibly an 8.  It could certainly be better organized, be clearer on a few spells, and would need actual explanations of some other spells for sure...but for the most part I think it does its job.  I think overall it's at least adequate, even if less than ideal.  I mean, think of it this way: if he didn't say anything about changing Continual Light at all and you realized it was changed while playing...would you suddenly go "Well, that's it, uninstalling EMS right because of that undocumented change?"  Presumably not.  On the flip side, if he didn't even mention half of his changes then that would be a deal-breaker.  The tipping point is going to be somewhere between those.


Do you see what I'm saying?  Just because the documentation isn't perfect doesn't mean it's automatically poor.


I wasn't planning on updating the documentation.  I potentially could, but I don't know if it's worth the effort.  Or if you mean that in the sense of "Tweak the existing text file" then that's less time consuming...but again, would it matter?  *You* apparently understand essentially everything and still refused to use EMS, as you might recall.  So who's my target audience here?


Agreed on the black box part, though -- especially once he lost interest in NWN and/or EMS.  Would have been good to release source material then, at least, so others could continue in his stead if needed or at least view specific changes.


Color Spray makes no attempt to define what the "correct" way to combine effects would be. The EMS change of stacking the effects in a way not described in the spell description because the author prefers it that way is not made clear in the EMS doc. As far as I can see, the Bioware version of the spell does pretty much what Bioware says it will do. The NWN docs say it does one thing, the EMS doc says that something about the Bioware approach is wrong (EMS doesn't say if it's Bioware's implementation, or Bioware's idea of what the spell ought to do, or both) and fails to say what it is. An NWN player is not left with a clear understanding of what the spell does.


Look at how Word of Faith works.

  • Level 4 or less: death

  • Level 5 to 7: stunned, confused, and blinded

  • Level 8 to 11: stunned and blinded

  • Level 12 or higher: blinded

Notice the general principle?  Weaker creatures have *additional* status effects applied.  So the "correct" way to combine effects is obvious -- have them combine in the first place.  Level 5+ stuff only gets hit with stun.  Level 3-4 is stun plus blind.  Level 1-2 is sleep plus stun plus blind.  The fact that Color Spray is better against level 5+ creatures than level 3-4 creatures in the first place is ridiculous.  I was flabbergasted to realize the effects weren't cumulative initially -- I thought they would be.


Scare is still unclear because of shaken. Regardless of its presence in the spell script comments, it is not a standard term that an NWN player will find in the game docs. Even if an NWN player searches the wiki and sees the term buried in one article about a standard feat, he only sees it in the notes, it is only defined indirectly, and it isn't treated as a standard term that the player should expect to be used for other NWN spells or feats. The latter isn't surprising, given that it is mentioned in the wiki for no other NWN spell or feat.


For argument's sake, let's grant that you're correct on that.  Even disregarding that completely, it's still a standard D&D term and the vast majority of people playing NWN have experience in D&D (and I say this as someone who's never played D&D, actually).  Anyone who is confused what shaken means can easily look it up.


Also, it *IS* treated as a standard term in EMS_Changes.  He uses it four times (Scare, Fear, Phantasmal Killer, and War Cry) and under Fear writes:


"Per PHB is Will Partial, not Negates: a successful save leaves the target Shaken for 1R"


Overall, the author clearly expects players to have an understanding of D&D terms -- also uses phrases like "Battle of Wills" and "Munchkins" which are neither in the NWN glossary or the NWN wiki (that I could tell by a quick Google search).  Are you going to object to all of those too?  You could, I suppose, but the fact that the guy didn't include a glossary for D&D terms that are not usually found in NWN doesn't really seem to be some major problem.


Note: even if he HAD included a glossary at the end and defined what "Shaken"'d still be objecting here.  Does he have to lay out what Shaken (and other terms) mean each and every time he uses them?  Because if he only defined it for Scare then someone who is looking to see what War Cry specifically does, for example, would miss it and still be confused according to your logic.


I just don't see your position being reasonable here.


Spent too much time on Module difficulty and Wizard threads, have to finish this later.




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Aielund Saga Improvements (Need Input/Feedback)
« Reply #228 on: August 14, 2015, 08:10:51 am »


The funny thing is MM didn't even upload the EMS documentation until quite recently... >_> I wasn't even playing a caster, but still wanted to check the docs out - it's an admirable piece of work, actually... a pity this Arquon guy doesn't seem to be around anymore..


Still, I could play EMS or non-EMS Aielund Saga, but my preference would be EMS because it's superior in most cases despite the documentation being somewhat incomplete or vague.


On another note, I agree about the player mounts being a lil' dodgy, but their removal is going to be unpopular with some players. This guy just commented on my recounting; he seemed impressed with their inclusion as well, like a few in this topic. Here's a snippet of what he said:


You forgot horses '<img'> Thanks for nicely written walkthrough! One remark though: you should mention in this section one thing, namely... HORSES in Aielund Saga. Behind the hut of Tomar Fairchild in Calespur Ranges there are fully mountable horses that can serve you really well! Your party can start traveling fast on a genuine medieval equivalent of a motorbike. I really recommend trying: the experience of horse riding in NWN adds greatly to the climate.




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Aielund Saga Improvements (Need Input/Feedback)
« Reply #229 on: August 14, 2015, 08:54:39 am »


Do you see what I'm saying?  Just because the documentation isn't perfect doesn't mean it's automatically poor.

Obviously. And, if I had ever claimed that "anything less than perfect" == "poor", then an error in my position would be evident. However, that's not my position. I agree that this sort of thing is a continuum. I happen to think that much of the EMS documentation of its spell changes is unclear to a player reading it and will be considered poor by many of them trying to understand it. I don't know where on the scale that would fall. And, this is a situation where trying to assign numbers to something serves little purpose. Not that I don't appreciate your example for illustrative purposes, but to go any further and wind up arguing whether I think it's a 5 when you think it's an 8 (or whatever) isn't getting us anywhere.

Anyway, you seem more satisfied with the state of the EMS doc than I am. That's fine. Feel free to treat the rest of this post as tl;dr.


Look at how Word of Faith works.

  • Level 4 or less: death

  • Level 5 to 7: stunned, confused, and blinded

  • Level 8 to 11: stunned and blinded

  • Level 12 or higher: blinded

Notice the general principle?  Weaker creatures have *additional* status effects applied.  So the "correct" way to combine effects is obvious -- have them combine in the first place.  Level 5+ stuff only gets hit with stun.  Level 3-4 is stun plus blind.  Level 1-2 is sleep plus stun plus blind.  The fact that Color Spray is better against level 5+ creatures than level 3-4 creatures in the first place is ridiculous.  I was flabbergasted to realize the effects weren't cumulative initially -- I thought they would be.



Most of your comment is an argument that the EMS implementation is superior to Bioware's, which only indirectly relates to what I am saying about the quality of the EMS documentation. The correct way to combine effects might have been obvious, if the player understood that the change was to combine effects at all. The player's basic understanding of an NWN spell starts at Bioware's description of it. In this case:

Color Spray sends forth a dazzling array of lights to confound all creatures within the area of effect. Its effects vary according to the Hit Dice of the affected creatures:

1-2 HD: Sleep for 3 + 1d4 rounds

3-4 HD: Blinded for 2 + 1d4 rounds

Over 4 HD: Stunned for 1 + 1d4 round

So, that's what a player is assuming Bioware wants the spell to do - no combined effects. Where the EMS doc about spell changes says "combines effects correctly", it would have been better simply as "combines effects". The current version never makes it clear that the change is that the effects now combine, it says that they now combine correctly. Think about this from the perspective of someone who does not start out thinking that the correct implementation of the Bioware's spell is with combined effects and who instead thinks that the correct implementation is when it does what Bioware says it will. A reasonable reading of the EMS now "combines effects correctly" line is that Bioware's intent was to combine effects somehow but they did it incorrectly. Since the player has no reason to expect that Bioware's spell intended to combine the effects, that's confusing.


For argument's sake, let's grant that you're correct on that.  Even disregarding that completely, it's still a standard D&D term and the vast majority of people playing NWN have experience in D&D (and I say this as someone who's never played D&D, actually).


I have no reason believe that the vast majority of people playing NWN have played D&D and I certainly don't have a reason to believe they will know what shaken means. My guess is that such data would be difficult to gather, be subject to shifts over time, and would be tough to do in a way that doesn't skew toward enthusiasts instead of typical players. But, I would (sincerely) be interested if you have decent data on what fraction of NWN players play other games like a particular version of D&D. Personally, if I hadn't seen shaken in the wiki when considering a barbarian build a while back, I certainly would not have known what it meant, even though I played D&D many years ago.


Anyone who is confused what shaken means can easily look it up.

Not in Bioware's NWN docs. And, the NWN Wiki mentions it in the notes for one article about an unrelated class feat. But, it doesn't have it's own article like the other standard effects typically do. And even the one article that mentions it doesn't directly define it; it uses the term and assumes the reader will infer its meaning by matching it to an earlier description of the feat effects that do not use the term. (There is a second mention in the wiki, but article is about changes to a PW and a reader has no way to know the term there isn't specific to that PW.)


Also, it *IS* treated as a standard term in EMS_Changes.

Well, it's used 4 times and never defined anywhere in the doc. If you are trying to remove shaken as an example of poor documentation, this is not the way to do it.


Overall, the author clearly expects players to have an understanding of D&D terms

Which is part of the problem, since EMS is a spell system for NWN and no one using it needs to have played D&D at all. If anything, that's another thing better documentation wouldn't do.


Note: even if he HAD included a glossary at the end and defined what "Shaken"'d still be objecting here.  Does he have to lay out what Shaken (and other terms) mean each and every time he uses them?  Because if he only defined it for Scare then someone who is looking to see what War Cry specifically does, for example, would miss it and still be confused according to your logic.

This objection is pretty weak. First, your assumption about my objection to a glossary is wrong. If he had wanted to say, "Here are a few terms that not all NWN players may have seen..." that would have been fine. 


Second, "shaken" is used four times in the doc. To have written "-2 to attack and save rolls" four times is hardly unreasonable. It was never even written once, which would have gotten us past this discussion of the term.


Third, there is no example you can cite in my criticism of the EMS documentation where I say he needs to redefine his terms each time he uses one or that a player couldn't be expected to look at a provided glossary. So, the "according to your logic" bit is a criticism of a position I haven't taken.


I just don't see your position being reasonable here.

My position - that the EMS documentation of spell changes are often unclear - seems pretty reasonable to me. You don't agree. Others may think they are clear or think they are unclear. And, at the end of the day, that's fine. Honestly, this has taken up more of both of our time than it is worth. Even I would much rather read people's suggestions or comments about potential Aielund Saga improvements than discuss the documentation of the EMS spell system.




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Aielund Saga Improvements (Need Input/Feedback)
« Reply #230 on: August 14, 2015, 09:19:04 am »


my main grief is the fact that the documentation more than anything is a patch/change log, sorted by date. and then at the bottom there is a small section about the intent and general aspects. I'm not even clear whether all the changes are listed in this section, or whether this only applies to version 1 and all the other changes are only listed in the change log.


I think a much better formatted doc would start with a small section about the general aspects and important facts, then list the current! specific changes in some sorted way (by class, or by spell school, or level, and have a clear section about not directly spell related changes (skills/level, familiars, evasion, dispellability of abilities etc.)


then there might come the change log. maybe even as an extra doc, I don't know.


only after that, I think it would make sense to discuss about the wording of the description of specific changes.



edit: agree on the horses. they are nice way to travel fast and add a bit of RP. I'm ok if their implementation is a little rough.




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Aielund Saga Improvements (Need Input/Feedback)
« Reply #231 on: September 21, 2015, 02:47:02 pm »


Is there still somewhat updated walkthrough around to be found because I'm pretty sure I hit a gamebreaking bug (Act 1) beceause not recieving a certain part of the main quest after talking to Mayor Olaff after certain event. Can't leave this town at all to rescue certain someone (no quest and no one letting me leave either) ? Edit: found a hint with the toolset.. though would have been nice to have that journal entry as well. Edit2: Wasn't gamebreaking, just missed the journal entry until PC found the right place.




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Aielund Saga Improvements (Need Input/Feedback)
« Reply #232 on: September 21, 2015, 10:03:29 pm »

               Could you elaborate? Put it in spoiler tags if you want.

P.S. Not ignoring this thread overall, just desperately trying to keep up with over a dozen threads across four forums while doing everything else that needs to be done.



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Aielund Saga Improvements (Need Input/Feedback)
« Reply #233 on: October 16, 2015, 03:04:51 pm »


Just wanted to jump in here again and say how much I appreciate the people that are STILL putting work in to these modules




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Aielund Saga Improvements (Need Input/Feedback)
« Reply #234 on: January 04, 2016, 11:04:30 am »


Does anyone have any idea on how progress with Aielund is going? I've been playing BG2 again with SCS and it made me think of NWN again  '<img'>


Re the EMS Debate concerning documentation:


I'd just like to draw attention to what a good job the guys at Gibberlings 3 have done on documenting the Spell Revisions module for the Baldur's Gate Series – which I guess is a sort of "EMS" for those games. Though a couple of the substantive changes made are a tiny bit eye-brow raising you can find their spell list and readme here (http://www.gibberlin...scriptions.html) and here ( respectively.


This information is:


– Easily searchable

– Completely comprehensive (sets out how the spell functions in full with no omissions, like the original spellbook, and you don't need any other text to understand what's going on)

– Presented in a coherent/concise fashion (e.g. you don't have to read through patch notes for caveats, unnecessary info like why the spell was changed etc...)


To me personally having a resource like the above is one of the main things that could improve my experience of Aielund more than anything else. The fact that something as big and game-changing as Epic-Metamagic is effectively undocumented in the readme (though which was helpfully clarified by this thread) is mind boggling, with all due respect to the author of EMS who obviously did a great job implementing and coming up with the changes themselves.


I think it would be helpful for any future readme to also separately concisely (i) changes to spells, (ii) changes to classes (e.g. PM levels now count towards caster levels as well as spells per day at a 0.5 rate) and (iii) changes to core game mechanics



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Aielund Saga Improvements (Need Input/Feedback)
« Reply #235 on: January 04, 2016, 07:06:30 pm »


To me personally having a resource like the above is one of the main things that could improve my experience of Aielund more than anything else. The fact that something as big and game-changing as Epic-Metamagic is effectively undocumented in the readme (though which was helpfully clarified by this thread) is mind boggling, with all due respect to the author of EMS who obviously did a great job implementing and coming up with the changes themselves.


I think it would be helpful for any future readme to also separately concisely (i) changes to spells, (ii) changes to classes (e.g. PM levels now count towards caster levels as well as spells per day at a 0.5 rate) and (iii) changes to core game mechanics


Perhaps it would be fruitful to start a thread dedicated to figuring out EMS.  Ask people to list what they know, and then compile the information from the responses.


The first time I played Aielund, I started with EMS then restarted without it, because I was playing a caster and it was frustrating trying to build a character and develop tactics because I never knew what the spells actually did.  The second time I played Aielund, I played with EMS because I wasn't playing a caster, and I at least knew the big changes that affected how I played a fighter (e.g., the hit-point cap on potions of full Heal).  The module, particularly at the higher levels, is better balanced and a little more challenging with EMS.


An EMS reference would be very useful for players who wanted to play any module that uses EMS.  Documenting EMS is obviously beyond the scope of revising the Aielund Saga.  But on its own topic, you might be able to compile a reference usable for many modules.




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Aielund Saga Improvements (Need Input/Feedback)
« Reply #236 on: January 05, 2016, 12:05:29 am »


I'm quite busy in real life at the moment (taxes) but when I get the chance I might upload the readme as a Google Doc and do some formatting to make sure all the information is in the right place (e.g. move the stuff from the patch notes down to the spells themselves), give the document some basic structure (Core Mechanics, Feats, Classes, Spells) and then crowd source it. 




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Aielund Saga Improvements (Need Input/Feedback)
« Reply #237 on: January 08, 2016, 06:11:00 am »


Does it matter if PC is mounted when talk to hench or does dismounted PC with horse just standing nearby and still in party make same problems? 


I like the horse mount but if no way to fix easy then yah it no big deal to me anyway. Even WoG have problem with horse if PC cast summon while on horse then when PC climb off, can't mount again, even after summon leave.  They make speed boots so don't need horse so much and boots not what you think would be haste, PC just move faster. No free attack, extra cast or AC modify. So maybe put boots like that in shops when horse goes away and then PC can swap other boots when reach where they are going if they want.  


Yah, horse do make lots of problems so prolly not worth spending many hours to get it working right.




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Aielund Saga Improvements (Need Input/Feedback)
« Reply #238 on: January 09, 2016, 08:10:43 pm »


Is anything happening with this? It has been 21 months since this topic started and I have not seen anything posted for download. This has always been one of my favorite module series and I hope the improvements happen.




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Aielund Saga Improvements (Need Input/Feedback)
« Reply #239 on: May 02, 2016, 12:25:22 am »


I am playing a shifter in Act IV part 2 and whenever I get healed by a healing potion or healing spell it unshifts me.  Does anyone else have this problem?  How do a modify the module to stop this from happening?