Also, even though I've moved the difficulty slider to hardcore/insane friendly fire is always off. Other stuff like crits on PC work perfectly fine.
Yes, that's intentional for many reasons, which range from balance to practical ease-of-use to not breaking modules. Only Lighting Bolt has friendly fire because it's a plot mechanic in parts of Aielund.
The stoneskin thing I'm not mad about '>
Wait until you play a weapon master or rogue, get +5 or better weapons, and are never able to crit/sneak attack an enemy because because he cast Stoneskin and your weapon just pierces through it anyway.
That's not to say that EMS doesn't have some significant improvements. It does. But, if faced with a choice between a system with potential improvements that are undocumented or (as in this case) very poorly documented and a the base system which has flaws but is pretty well documented, I am going to take the latter every time.
Why do you say "very poorly documented?" I mean, aren't 95%+ of EMS's changes perfectly clearly documented? And frankly you can generally ignore the documentation and simply use spells in the manner they appear to be intended and be perfectly fine (as in, better off than default in power/balance/ease of use). A person who simply read the name of each spell and got the general idea of what the purpose of the spell was would be much better off with EMS.
I also think you're missing out considerably as a result of skipping EMS (and also breaking the balance of Aielund in several ways).
This is one of the cases where I wish I had the source for EMS, since I am somewhat curious how he got Evard's to both respect bludgeoning damage resistance and also penetrate damage reduction as +2 weapons. I thought lack of DR penetration was an engine limitation...
Are you not able to open the hak file in the hak utility? Traveling at the moment and don't have access to a computer with NWN installed or I'd check it myself.
Yeah, I don't like playing with EMS either, it's too nerfed for the most part.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh, you were serious?
EMS was specifically designed to actually increase the power of spellcasters overall (especially in epic levels where they started to stall) while reining in some broken spells. Unless you think the idea of doing nothing but spamming Maximized/Empowered/Silenced/Regular IGMS is awesome then you're much better off with EMS. The only other major "nerf" I'm thinking of off-hand was not allowing a mage to turn an unenchanted weapon into a +5, 11-14 fire damage, and keen weapon. Pick one bonus property, basically. Oh, and I think Mestil's was made less insane? I mean, a level 40 mage doing 81-86 Acid damage plus 41-48 fire damage every time you meleed him/her was obviously balanced.
Outside of that?
Mage Armor was buffed (early on, at least, and it becomes obsolete later on like it should IMHO).
Shield was buffed (actually gives Shield AC now and is always useful).
Ability buffs were buffed (always +4 now).
Odd-scaling spells like Ice Storm were buffed.
Stoneskin was crazy buffed.
Ball Lighting was buffed.
IGMS was buffed in a practical sense (meaning in modules that feature heavy immunities/resistances it now becomes very useful due to ignoring them and the module designer doesn't have to make every important mob immune to the spell or have heavy magic resistance).
Horrid Wilting was buffed.
Premonition was crazy buffed (remove the Sneak Attack immunity and tone down the physical immunity and I think it's a fairly solid idea).
PW:S and PW:K were buffed.
And much, much more (like dispels actually showing better information). Not to mention the auto Empower/Maximize or both as you continue into epic levels and improved Greater Ruin/Hellball (can you say "yes please" to a Hellball that hits every enemy for 375ish damage IIRC)?
Don't get me wrong, I think EMS has some significant flaws (like the problems mentioned with Stoneskin/Premonition for starters). But I still think it's massively better in pretty much every way compared to the default system if I had to pick one of the two.