Author Topic: Module suggestions?  (Read 1201 times)

Legacy_olivier leroux

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Module suggestions?
« on: January 26, 2014, 12:36:59 am »

               After taking a long break from NWN, I suddenly got this urge to play a good community module again, but the tricky part is that I've already played through a lot of them in the past (and I mean A LOT) and that I'm even more spoilt now by playing more modern games, so in order for me to get into an old NWN module again, it would have to offer a really gripping story and/or comparatively original visuals. Some modules I've already played that fit the criteria back then and perfectly catered to my tastes were, for example:

- The Prophet series
- Threat of Dreams series
- Revenant
- Deja Vu
- Vampire: Heaven Defied
- Almraiven/Shadewood
- excrucio eternum

The module I'm looking for doesn't necessarily have to be as dark as them, it's just that from my experience these kind of modules often start in medias res, have more mystery elements, set a greater stores in atmosphere and tell more personal and therefor from my point of view more interesting plots than the average epic fantasy tale. But I've also played and loved the Aielund saga, Sanctum of the Archmage, Bastard of Kosigan etc.

So, can you recommend me a good story-telling module that might cater to my preferences? The less known the better, but there are also a lot of Hall of Fame modules I haven't played yet. Thanks!


                     Modifié par olivier leroux, 26 janvier 2014 - 12:40 .


Legacy_Cain Maris

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Module suggestions?
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2014, 06:38:34 am »

               You're setting the bar pretty damned high, and there's likely a lot that falls under etc., but in rough order of recommendation
- Agrenost - although I'm pretty sure you commented on that one.
- Swordflight (good but incomplete)
- Saleron's Gambit
- Avertine (good but incomplete)
- Murder in Mireford /Amergilus Legacy
- Threat of Dreams 1 and 2 (good but incomplete)
- Shaddowe
- Midnight Calling and sequels



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« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2014, 11:35:47 am »

               - Madness and Magic : simply great, story, magical tiger(kitten) companion, drama

Modules by thegeorge, not all of them but some are really good and all are good when it comes to visuals I guess:
- Angel Falls and Angel Falls Prelude (played in this order)
- Desert Rose and Desert Rose 2: Petals of War
- Death's Ride (CM2)
- Lords of Darkness
- Cleric's Challenge (HHQ4)
- Coldhearth
- ConteXt (aaaa great story!!!)
- Stormy Night / Narcopolis / Wake - very good, dark and beautiful

- Hex Coda? - 2nd part is unfinished but the story is pretty good.

- (ZW Presents) Blackwall Keep (Champions of Heironeous) Expansion 1 and (ZW Presents) Blackwall Keep II (The Seed of Darkness) : again  unfinished '<img'> there should be 3rd module but here won't be..

- Crypt of Medea v2.0

- udasu : he does pnp conversions but I personally enjoy his modules and there are lots of eye-candy there

and that should keep you occupied for a while..


                     Modifié par werelynx, 26 janvier 2014 - 11:37 .


Legacy_olivier leroux

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Module suggestions?
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2014, 11:49:06 am »

               @Cain Maris

Thanks for the suggestions!

Yes, I've heavily playtested all paths in Agrenost, but only in the first half of the game. I think I never actually completed it, because the combats and rest restrictions made it too difficult and tedious for me later on. But that was a long time ago and there's a chance that it was further improved since my playtesting, so maybe I should give it another shot.

I've played through Threat of Dreams 1 & 2, Murder in Mireford/Amergilus Legacy and Midwinter Festival/Midsummer Knight's Dream/Midnight Calling (if that's what you're referring to?).

I've played part of the Saleron's Gambit series and Swordflight Chapter 1, but now that you say it, I think Chapter 2 was already released one or two years ago? And I can't remember why I stopped playing Saleron's Gambit, so I could look into those two. I'm not quite sure whether I've played and completed Shaddowe, so that might be an option, too.

The only one I'm pretty sure I haven't played is Avertine. What makes it good in particular and in what way is it incomplete?


                     Modifié par olivier leroux, 26 janvier 2014 - 12:03 .


Legacy_olivier leroux

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Module suggestions?
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2014, 11:56:51 am »

               @ werelynx

Thanks to you, too!

I've definitely played Hex Coda, Crypt of Medea, Stormy Night and Narcopolis, and I've completed a few of udasu's modules, too, though not all. I'm not sure whether I've played Wake and Angel Falls. I got stuck early on in ConteXt and I didn't like Cleric's Challenge.

Black Wall Keep - yeah, I think I've started it and if it's the one I remember than it was great indeed. No idea why I haven't continued playing it, shame on me! I should give it another go, thanks again. I've also started Madness and Magic and did not complete it yet.


                     Modifié par olivier leroux, 26 janvier 2014 - 12:03 .



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Module suggestions?
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2014, 12:31:45 pm »

               What got you stuck in context?


Legacy_olivier leroux

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« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2014, 12:48:44 pm »

               I don't remember but it might have been in the very first area. Either I didn't know what to do in order to continue or the stealth gameplay proved too difficult or didn't quite work out for me. I'd have to give it another try to tell you more, but if I'm not mistaken it's a very short and small module? I could check it out again, just so I can give you a better answer. '<img'>


                     Modifié par olivier leroux, 26 janvier 2014 - 12:50 .



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« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2014, 01:14:57 pm »

               Right, short and small, but worth it. If stealth is a problem, then use shadow dancer with HIPS :-)


Legacy_olivier leroux

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« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2014, 01:35:15 pm »


werelynx wrote...

Right, short and small, but worth it. If stealth is a problem, then use shadow dancer with HIPS :-)

I don't have much experience with rogues, and even less with prestige classes. Can you suggest how to build a good assassin or shadow dancer lvl 10?


                     Modifié par olivier leroux, 26 janvier 2014 - 01:36 .



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« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2014, 02:47:03 pm »


1.More than one level of shadow dancer is considered not wise as it is weak. SD is taken only for HIPS - feat gained at 1st level "hide in plain sight" which allows to use stealth even while some hostile is following you.

2.Assassin gives you "death attack" which has a chance of paralyzing your enemy but only if your enemy is not in combat already

3.Mixing assassin with 1 level of shadowdancer is pretty nice, with base being rogue.

4.I myself don't(can't ;-) ) "powerbuild" but what you need as a rogue is:
A) For shadowdancer:
- Feats: dodge, mobility
- Skills: hide 10 ranks, move silently 8 ranks, tumble 5 ranks
'B)' For Assassin:
- Alignment: any EVIL!!!
- Skills: hide 8 ranks, move silently 8 ranks

5. As for weapons go either for dual rapiers(strongest weapon that works with finesse - DEX based attack feat) or dual kukris(exotic weapon) with all dual wielding feats. Remember that if you have halfling PC than rapiers are not good, as you can use only one at a time.

You could also check those 2 guides:


                     Modifié par werelynx, 26 janvier 2014 - 02:55 .


Legacy_olivier leroux

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« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2014, 03:25:40 pm »

               Thanks! But now I remember why I didn't like it: it's that trial-and-error adventure game approach that causes a Game Over screen as soon as you're spotted. In the first mission the objective is to leave no witnesses but that's different from not being spotted at all. Why can't I try to kill the witnesses? Why am I spotted as soon as I try to interact with the environment (e.g. crates), even before I actually touched them (the object dialogue toggles off the stealth modus and immediately leads to a Game Over screen). There is no warning before the game's over, it can happen any moment and maybe you won't even know what caused it. That leads me to believe that either the module isn't working as it should, or that it's just not for me because I don't find it fun to reload that often (and I'm not even a great fan of the Stealth genre, never really got into the Thief series).


                     Modifié par olivier leroux, 26 janvier 2014 - 03:46 .


Legacy_Cain Maris

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Module suggestions?
« Reply #11 on: January 26, 2014, 04:15:05 pm »

               Avertine has plot and character side plots and a non-simplistic urban setting. It's part one where part two never happened because Aristan had Life happen.

Swordflight part two came out last year. It's an order of magnitude bigger than part one and just as good.

Werelynx: awesome. I brushed over thegeorge and Stephan Gagne but now I don't know why.


Legacy_Cain Maris

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« Reply #12 on: January 26, 2014, 04:16:06 pm »

               Werelynx: also, too, thanks for the list. See me looking up  several of them.


Legacy_olivier leroux

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« Reply #13 on: January 26, 2014, 07:32:42 pm »

               In the meantime I've played through Blackwell Keep Part 1 and it was fun, just what I was looking for. Thanks again for the suggestion! '<img'>



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Module suggestions?
« Reply #14 on: January 26, 2014, 10:27:38 pm »

               If you're fine with a bunch of sexual content I'd definitely recommend A Dance With Rogues.  It's definitely not your average fantasy epic and is darker in nature.

Cain Maris wrote...

Swordflight part two came out last year. It's an order of magnitude bigger than part one and just as good.

Far better than part 1 in my opinion.