Author Topic: Speculation re the Bastard of Kosigan  (Read 444 times)

Legacy_Cain Maris

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Speculation re the Bastard of Kosigan
« on: September 07, 2013, 11:28:04 pm »

               If you haven't played through the translated modules ( Why the hell haven't you? They're brilliant!) and at least the Lions Defamed French-only prequel, this line of questioning won't mean much.

I am trying to phrase my question to be clear without absolutely spoiling.

If you have played or read through the lot, you'll know that
  • This series of mods has an extreeeeemely deep back-story.
  • The prequel doesn't really refer to the back story.
  • A character in the prequel must fit into the backstory one way or the other.
I'm unable to settle on how I prefer to think of it. (Obviously M. Cerutti will have his own take on this, but he hasn't yet revelealed it.)

So what do all y''all think:
  • Is Messire l'Abbe on the side of the angels?
  • Is he from the island of Kos?
  • Do we have an unreliable narrator in the later modules, and there's at least one more side to all of this?