Author Topic: PHoD - DOCTOR WHO  (Read 3695 times)


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« Reply #90 on: November 29, 2015, 04:17:17 am »


We should be paranoid.


The internet is an "ecosystem" of sorts, albeit a rubbish and artificial one, and like any ecosystem it has its predators.

Some of them prey upon the gullible, the desperate and the stupid...

And some of them prey upon other people's creativity.


There's only one defence; stay out of their reach - offline...

The question we all have to ask ourselves is simply where do we draw the line? On the one hand, the fun that can come of interacting with other creative, imaginative people so that all our creations come out a little richer. On the other, the lingering shadows of being hit with a brick by faceless and untouchable Spleens who will profit by our work.


It's unfair and unjust. It's human society.




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« Reply #91 on: December 07, 2015, 07:20:44 pm »


This all seems vaguely familiar...




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« Reply #92 on: December 11, 2015, 04:53:08 pm »


Yeah I understand what you mean about big companies fishing around for ideas, they constantly complain about pirates and thieves but are the biggest thieves in the universe. Guess everything is legal when you're rich and are the one doing it. Real shame about your module,  I had something I have been working on for years and wondered if I should bother releasing.. Now I'm starting to re-consider.


But, what will you do with it? I can say from experience the most frustrating thing I've been through as a creator is spending ages on a work and getting absolutely no fans or people to look at it besides me. Can't even tell you how many things I've wound up getting rid of because it sat in a folder using up space.



Legacy_Tarot Redhand

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« Reply #93 on: December 13, 2015, 01:45:21 pm »


OK, two things. While I understand the reasoning behind the withdrawal of material I think there is a question that you need to ask yourself. Are you prepared to put all the work in that you have and then to treat it like Starlite (I am assuming that it wasn't a hoax). If it isn't a hoax then the world is most definitely a poorer place because of its creator's decisions. 


If control of your material is your primary concern there is an alternative to releasing it on the vault. You could always share it privately with your friends on here. I have realised a way that you could identify each persons individual copy. PM me if you are interested.


Now something more positive. By a circuitous route I found a video on facebook. Realising that not everyone either has or wants to join that (I am only on there for family reasons, otherwise I have no use for it normally), I searched for and found the same video on YouTube. I would have embedded it in this message but it seems they have changed how that works. So go to this YouTube page.


Interesting to say the least.








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« Reply #94 on: December 13, 2015, 08:56:35 pm »


OK, two things. While I understand the reasoning behind the withdrawal of material I think there is a question that you need to ask yourself. Are you prepared to put all the work in that you have and then to treat it like Starlite (I am assuming that it wasn't a hoax).

Starlight sounds like some type of aerogel, which is definitely not a hoax.




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« Reply #95 on: December 14, 2015, 12:40:47 pm »


Just stumbled upon this thread now.  Sad to hear your concerns might prevent you from sharing potentially very cool stuff. I seem to have an overabundance of ideas in general, way more than I can ever hope to have time in fleshing out properly, so I tend to be very free with sharing in case they may be useful to someone. An internal glitch that tells me that anything I create is probably automatically rubbish - and thus cheap and disposable - may also have something to do with that (and the fact that I hesitate to take any of them seriously at all).


However, if I did have a bunch of stuff I liked enough to potentially take somewhere, I would probably have a much more guarded attitude to it, so I can see where you're coming from.


You may find it worth considering building a module or two specifically for the purpose of releasing it: making sure it doesn't contain anything you would object to being stolen by Evil Spleens, but which still gives a good showcase of your work and style. Aside from a handful of people on the Vault potentially enjoying it, it may be a useful future tool for getting your other stuff published without having to actually show it to any/too many people. Just a thought.


To be honest, PHoD I see a very simple solution to your predicament: pen it all down and e-publish it.  I should hope this should superglue the ownership of the said ideas to your name, etc. If you are lucky, and have another human specimen you trust enough to do this - have them proofread/edit it for you to make it more streamlined etc. Writing may have similarities to other creative processes, like art or even mod building: you splurge and then refine into the shape you're happy with. And have fun while you're at it. '<img'>




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« Reply #96 on: December 14, 2015, 03:54:46 pm »


you splurge and then refine into the shape you're happy with.

I bet this involves bricks!



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« Reply #97 on: December 15, 2015, 12:15:13 pm »


SomethingSpicy:- I never feel frustration at the thought of spending months, or even years, creating something and then having nobody see it. I create because that's my nature; ideas, concepts, characters, worlds - these things grow and multiply in my mind at a rate I cannot hope to keep up with. I HAVE to get some of them out as drawings, sculptures, digital art, novels, NWN stuff, whatever, just to clear some of the chaos out of my mind lest it otherwise rupture itself like a turgid camel.

I create for my own benefit; as an artist I don't really have much interest in "speaking to others through my art" or whatever. I produce stuff I myself like to look at, listen to, read, etc. Whether anyone else likes it or ever even sees it doesn't bother me in the least.


Yes, it's nice when you've put time and effort into something and somebody sees it and says "Oh, that's good", but that's not why I do stuff. If I sought adulation, given the moderate response to most of the NWN stuff I've ever done, the fact that none of the few things I've done more recently (as distinct from the older rubbish) that might even vaguely merit such have never gone to "Hall of Fame" or anything and certainly won't now since there's not many people left in the Community and more or less nobody bothers voting on stuff on the Vault, then, had adulation and praise been my goal, I'd have left the Community many years ago.

The NWN stuff I've released I've put out essentially just as a vague return gesture for all the stuff I've had from other artists in the Community who've been kind enough to share their stuff over the years... For example, without Ryuujin's double-jointed leg model that I adapted for Lucirath wwaaaayy back before I knew what gmax was, I couldn't have even attempted to start a NWN version of Demoness Tales and so probably would never have done much with NWN in the first place).

Truth be told, though I'm now firmly nailed to NWN having put far too much effort into it to stop, I'm constantly on the edge of leaving the Community and just keeping to myself, since a release of "stuff" takes A LOT of additional work in checking Haks cobbled together solely for the Community out of my own chaotic, bloated, stupidly immense Haks, being ludicrously concerned with getting nice screenshots done, etc, etc. Takes a surprising amount of time, just for the sake of the Community - and then a mere fifty people or less ever download it and maybe two or three actually vote on it at all if you're lucky.

Nobody sane would do that amount of work for that kind of "reward".

So I keep saying to myself, "forget it - I'm packing this in - I'm only creating these Creatures and Placeables and things for Demoness Tales anyway, so..." But then, some silly, enjoyable interaction occurs or there actually is a noticeable reaction, such as to the first selection of Maldrapur Chronicles stuff I put out, and those few stalwart lunatics individuals who keep being enthusiastic about my rubbish still fly the banners of appreciation and so I carry on here for another few months...

I'm sure I'm not the only one here to have similar feelings.


Tarot:- The above more or less covers what you said too. Given that I create, essentially, for my own benefit, simply because I have to 'cause it's who I am, I really don't care how much work I do - and the Doctor Who project entailed a great deal - that is never seen (beyond Fifi and myself). I don't create art for others and I don't give a damn if the world "loses" by never seeing it. I don't lose anything by not sharing all the stuff I do. I mean, I've got something like 25 novels completed, 6 plays, 140-odd graphic novels, I don't know how many paintings, drawings, etc, piles of weird sculptures, figurines, maquettes of some seriously bizarre Spleen monsters, my musical compositions, not to mention all those gigantic, life-size Creatures all crammed into this rubbish house. The passionate work of a lifetime. Ninety percent of it has never been seen by anybody but Fifi and I plus a very few close friends and very likely never will. This bothers me not in the slightest.

And it's only that the malignant cesspit that is human so-called civilization forces one to have to have money, that I've ever sold a few paintings, shared a bit of writing, etc, over the years. And, having been ripped off by the reeking film industry, more than once, big-time, such efforts generally just make me even more insular, embittered and rabid than I was to begin with.


And money's such a farcical thing anyway. It isn't real... It was just cobbled together one afternoon 'cause the barter system was getting impractical as people learnt how to traverse greater distances. Damned hard to carry a few camels jammed in your pocket or lug forty oxen everwhere you went or drag the tools of your trade with you at all times on the offchance you needed to build a shed for someone in return for sixteen goats and a stack of clay vases... It probably seemed a good idea at the time. "Yes, I know, let's have some worthless little, easily-carried tokens that REPRESENT goats and camels and pots and stuff, then we don't have to cram live cows in our pockets any more...

Yet within a few very brief centuries, these worthless, representative tokens has ceased to be a handy convenience and were now THE purpose and motivation of the entire human species. Armies waged wars for it. Tyrants starved and bled their own people dry for it - were tyrants precisely through their insane lust for it. And worst of all, it didn't even represent anything any more. Now it was just fought and clawed for simply for itself. It became power, luxury, a psychological imperative of the first order. It altered the gross behavioural structure of a species, enslaved them without awareness. It destroyed mankind.

And today, most humans live their lives with the accumulation of money as the primary goal, a fixed necessity, and they don't even stop for a single second to ask why, to wonder what the stuff really even is or why it exists. And worst of all, those of us who do think, those of us who still belong to that hated and resented tiny minority - individuals - must also strive for money, whether we want it or not, because without money, one cannot purchase basic necessities such as paints, fibreglass, epoxy resin, inks, paper, etc and thus create monsters... oh, and there's rubbish like food and shelter too, I s'pose...


Anyway, with regards sharing the Doctor Who stuff privately, I have thought of that, be assured. However, with twenty fairly large Modules and a billion tons of completely mandatory CC, it's not something that I could just quietly e-mail to someone and I have no other means (beyond a Vault sub) of sharing that vast amount of stuff online. As I think everyone's aware, I have no internet access of my own and have to come over here to my mother's lair and use hers and she is paranoid (family trait, I guess) about "registering" "signing up", that kind of thing. It was a long and bloody battle just to get her to agree to my adhering myself to Photobucket so's I could plaster pictures of rubbery Spleen Creatures and things on these forums. The Dropbox Wars, the Mozilla Fiasco and the Firefox Incident went nowhere and aren't likely to. Short of psychic transmission, it would mean recourse to sending discs through untrustworthy international postal systems. Hm... But let's not say that I'm utterly against the general idea. I said nothing about it, even in that PM to you, regarding "private viewings" 'cause I didn't want to raise your hopes only to then squash them again when I found no practical means of doing it...


(As to the latter, I assume that's for other people's attention, since you know my views on the so-called "new series" of Doctor Who and can't imagine what difference a bit of crap directing by a director as hopelessly amateurish as Peter Jackson would make...)


Klatchain of the Tribe of Coffee:- As I think I mentioned above in one of my interminably long and rabid posts, I messed around with the idea of just a small Module or two purely done for Vault release.

My problem there is that by the time I get something to the point that it's good enough that I think, "Hm, this is worthwhile", I don't want to post it for all the above rabidly-foamed, paranoiac reasons in the provious posts. And if it's NOT up to a standard I'm concerned about, I want to post it EVEN LESS 'cause it's completely rubbish and pathetic and I don't want people thinking that's the level of my work.

Catch 22.

As to e-publishing, since I'm more or less wholly unfamiliar with the internet, I'm not even REALLY sure what e-publishing even is, beyond the blisteringly obvious. Doubtless there are shades and degrees and different copyright applications within the framework. It's something I keep telling myself I'll look into some time... probably for about five years or so now...


As to art being a process you splurge and then refine to shape... Of course, absolutely. How could it be otherwise? I can often keep refining over several years. The trick is to eventually be able to say "OK, I'm going to call this finished and leave it alone now" at an efficacious point. Difficult... And, Zwerkules, of course, it involves bricks. Naturally it involves bricks. OBVIOUSLY it involves bricks.

Never attempt anything without sufficient Big Bricks!




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« Reply #98 on: December 15, 2015, 12:16:38 pm »


PS:- I WILL win the "Most Irritatingly Long Posts on the Site Award", I will win, I will win...




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« Reply #99 on: December 15, 2015, 04:56:28 pm »


Truth be told, though I'm now firmly nailed to NWN having put far too much effort into it to stop, I'm constantly on the edge of leaving the Community and just keeping to myself, since a release of "stuff" takes A LOT of additional work in checking Haks cobbled together solely for the Community out of my own chaotic, bloated, stupidly immense Haks, being ludicrously concerned with getting nice screenshots done, etc, etc. Takes a surprising amount of time, just for the sake of the Community - and then a mere fifty people or less ever download it and maybe two or three actually vote on it at all if you're lucky.
Nobody sane would do that amount of work for that kind of "reward".

And, Zwerkules, of course, it involves bricks. Naturally it involves bricks. OBVIOUSLY it involves bricks.
Never attempt anything without sufficient Big Bricks!

I know how it feels when you make something new and then only 14 people download it. I've made a tileset that was nominated for a golden dragon award and it was only downloaded 16 times during the whole time it's been at the new vault.

Mostly I don't do stuff for the commmunity, but because I need it myself. I have however done a whole tileset for someone once who never used it and never even said why. A completely new tileset, not a simple reskin with a few extra rooms. These things take time to do, my free time I spent building something I didn't need when I could have worked on tilesets or creatures I can use myself. A simple 'Thank you!' would have been nice, it might even have been enough to make having built a new tileset worthwile, but when that tileset isn't used and you don't even get a thank you, it makes you wonder what kind of community this is. I too have thought of giving up on the NWN community, but there are enough people here who are more or less okay or more than okay '<img'> (even if they don't vote).

Another thing is that sometimes you can even be unaware of some praise your work got. I've seen several nice comments about some tilesets I made on PW forums which I only saw because of some screenshots on Facebook or in other forum threads. None of those people left a comment on the vault page of those tilesets, let alone voted on them. It would be nice if more people did that so custom content authors would be more aware that what they made is used and liked.

Now I'm going to stock up on bricks in case I might need them!

Edit: You also said "Nobody sane would do that amount of work...". That's very true. I've tried sanity once, but it didn't agree with me.

PS:- I WILL win the "Most Irritatingly Long Posts on the Site Award", I will win, I will win...

Your post might even be longer than one of The Barbarian's posts at the vault forum.



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« Reply #100 on: December 15, 2015, 04:56:53 pm »


For example, without Ryuujin's double-jointed leg model that I adapted for Lucirath wwaaaayy back before I knew what gmax was...

The passionate work of a lifetime. Ninety percent of it has never been seen by anybody but Fifi and I plus a very few close friends and very likely never will. This bothers me not in the slightest.


As to e-publishing, since I'm more or less wholly unfamiliar with the internet, I'm not even REALLY sure what e-publishing even is, beyond the blisteringly obvious. Doubtless there are shades and degrees and different copyright applications within the framework.


I know he called them that, but digitigrade leg structures have the same number of joints as plantigrade leg structures.  What one might mistake for an extra leg segment bending backward is in fact a long foot.


I do wish you would release your work, even if it doesn't bother you not to do so.


E-publishing's use as suggested here is as a means of protecting your own copyrights by having a published, dated version of your work that can be used as evidence in the event that someone at some point tries to pass off your work as their own.  When there's a verifiable record of you having claimed something years before, it makes it pretty clear cut.




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« Reply #101 on: December 15, 2015, 08:27:43 pm »


Side note: maybe we should have "Longest Rant So Far Award" or "The Longest Discussion/Rant" award (TLDR award) on the new vaults?


PHoD: I hate money, too. Don't worry. It's normal when you think about it. I think my country's slapstick comedy had it right: you need vitamin S - (S for stupidity, not hope) to be really happy. Don't think about such cases, we are too small to abolish Lord Mamon.


If you would be willing to share I would love to play and if you want to nit pick every bug '<img'>


On another side note in this post, I just saw one of your VFXs (stream of particles) being used in yet unreleased module I had been playtesting for a friend. Your work is always appreciated '<img'>



Legacy_Tarot Redhand

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« Reply #102 on: December 15, 2015, 08:35:19 pm »


If you need telling just how appreciated you, your humour and your work are appreciated maybe this artwork I just came across on deviantArt will go some way to expressing it.


Re. EBooks. Try contacting KooKoo on the vault as he is an established author of the same with a number of titles to his credit. I exchanged messages when seeking permission to include his work in Libraria. He seems like a really OK sort of guy.






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« Reply #103 on: December 16, 2015, 11:09:01 am »


Zwerkules:- That sucks.

I've done things specifically for people "behind the scenes" which they wanted for Modules they were making (mostly I don't actually know if they got their Modules finished and used the Creatures/Placeables, but they all always at the very least said "thank you". And a Tileset, even a small one, tends to entail more work than individual Creatures. Very sad really.


(As to voting, we all keep saying it - we all keep muttering darkly about the lack of reaction to our Vault subs as opposed to downloads/usage of the CC... But I'm probably as guilty as anybody these days. I was very good on the Old Vault. I voted on every single thing I ever downloaded and used. Every thing. But the switch to the New Vault confused me. I did do one sweep for old stuff needing revoting upon, given that whatever comments I made about it on the Old are long gone, but I know there's still loads of stuff I haven't got back to. I occasionally find a sub that I was SURE I'd voted on and find I apparently hadn't.

I probably haven't downloaded more than three or four things from the New Vault, but I think I voted on those. Limited time has made me semi-hypocritical though, in that I keep saying "must spend an hour or two hunting round the Vault to make sure I actually have voted on all those things I think I've voted on, to be sure" yet these thoughts always beset me at home, never over here where I can do anything about it when I actually have more than ten minutes net time... I'm more or less never at the Vault except when actually posting Big Boxes of Spleens and things.

Must try harder.


Tchos:- I'm well aware of the number of joints in a Demoness' leg. Or a Hyena's. Or whatever. The whole digitigrade vs plantigrade thing tends to confuse some people though, so I tend to just use Ryuujin's original name for the models so that everyone knows what I'm talking about, rather than get into the technicalities of Infernal anatomy... and I ought to have mentioned the Cloven Hooves as well. She needs hooves.

NOW I could make them myself, but back then I hadn't a clue and discovering those models was epic.


Anyway... I have little time and a filthy, rubbery Spleen as needs posting on the Things thread...

You haven't got rid of me yet!




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« Reply #104 on: December 16, 2015, 04:15:41 pm »


Tchos:- I'm well aware of the number of joints in a Demoness' leg. Or a Hyena's. Or whatever. The whole digitigrade vs plantigrade thing tends to confuse some people though, so I tend to just use Ryuujin's original name for the models so that everyone knows what I'm talking about


The information was for anyone reading, not necessarily you.  It's for the very reason that you mention that some people are confused about digitigrade vs plantigrade that I mentioned it, to hopefully alleviate some of that confusion.