Author Topic: PHoD - DOCTOR WHO  (Read 3691 times)


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« Reply #15 on: October 31, 2013, 09:08:30 pm »

               Didn't work. Thought as much... Still can't edit anything. Anyone else got this problem at the moment?

WL, to answer your question, I'm not precisely laughing, but there are definite sounds of Crocuta-esque activity regardless of whether my vowels have mysteriously reversed themselves or not.

Working on several NWN things, as usual, but currently largely focused on this Doctor Who project for the simple reason that having said I was going to do it and had people actually seem to want it, I feel honour bound to do it, especially with an unexpected three month delay... Though it is becoming a bit too much like relentless hard work and not so much fun in the frenzied attempts to get it out in a nice, bug-free, playable form by the 50th Anniversary (23 Nov).


                     Modifié par PLUSH HYENA of DOOM, 31 octobre 2013 - 09:08 .


Legacy_Tarot Redhand

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« Reply #16 on: October 31, 2013, 09:24:11 pm »

               OK I'll post that image for you. The only thing you did wrong was to forget the (remove excess spaces) [ i m g ] at the start followed by that link followed by [ / i m g ] (remember no spaces between [ and ]).




                     Modifié par Tarot Redhand, 31 octobre 2013 - 09:27 .



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« Reply #17 on: November 01, 2013, 01:01:42 am »

               I didn't write that link - That was just a copy/paste of the image. ATTEMPTED copy/paste.

This Spleen-shaped, insectly rubbish, earwig-breath website and/or my mother's Hal9000-esque computer (which is also the exact shape of a Spleen) got it wrong, not me. STILL can't figure out why it's STILL not working - filthy, low, contemptible, non-textbox supplying, upside-down kumquat, baboon-faced pile of Ultimate Polystyrene Weasel Giblets! It STILL let's me post but won't provide a means of editing said posts, or any earlier ones.

It's a damn conspiracy is what it is. They're at it again, those snivelling recidivist, no-good, luminous pink, harmonica-playing, marsupial-shaped Mutant Undead Coypus! If I get my paws on the Spleens, I'm going to bite their heads off so much that for the rest of their lives they're going to be dead! A lot.

Anyway, I can't be bothered trying to fathom this highly irritating and fundamentally rubbish glitch any further. I'd rather eat a whole Mouldy Mongoose Pie. TWO Mouldy Mongoose Pies. A whole CRATE of Mouldy Mongoose Pies!

Anyway, thanks for bunging that image of PHoD Disgustingly Warped Trees up, Tarot - if you could slap the other four new ones (DWP 02 - 05) alongside it here, I'd be grateful - showing the PHoD Ultimate Weird Spores Placeables, the Towers of the Becoming of the Mara, the Daleks in ancient Egypt and the first look at the extraordinarily rubbish PHoD Cybermen (still a WIP)... Yes, though I wasn't planning to include Cybermen, I've relented and - even though I still consider the Cybermen to rank slightly below Tulips on a "Threat to Galactic Safety" table, I've nonetheless introduced the incompetent and rubbish berks into one of the three stories that have been somewhat altered from the above lists due to the three in question having been WAY too over-ambitious if I'm going to have a hope of getting these Modules out by the 23rd... still aiming to make it!

Going back to work now - I left Velpa and K-9 trapped in a collapsing dimensional anomaly and the Doctor being chased through the TARDIS by FireWolves who have mistaken her for the Master, despite her lack of a beard - FireWolves? Well, Tarot, you remember that mention of PHoD Emitter Animals...?



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« Reply #18 on: November 01, 2013, 01:11:46 am »

               Sorry - Tarot, so you don't have to go hunting about, if you can find time to stick the other four images up here, just use the link I put at the top of this thread, just above the first Dalek picture, - the "DWP" ones should be on page three of the rubbish PHoD album. Thanks.


Legacy_Tarot Redhand

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« Reply #19 on: November 01, 2013, 01:42:46 am »

               I hope these are the ones you mean (they fit the descriptions) as I can't see any labelled dwp.








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« Reply #20 on: November 01, 2013, 02:12:16 am »

               Cheers, my friend! Spot on... Sorry, damn labels must have vanished into the aether... or more than likely got abducted by Spleen Dugongs from Mars. Story of my life.

These are - probably - I hope - the last such "teaser" images this thread will be plagued by... because soon (by the anniversary or, well, BEFORE CHRISTMAS at least) these Modules WILL be done and you can then waste days of your life playing through them all... well, after you've wasted a few thousand hours downloading all the billions of tons of CC involved... after I've spent a day uploading it all... then, with the Doctor(s) out of the way for a while, I've got to go and gather all my Vault stuff, update it all, add all sorts of new stuff to the Psycho Vixen Attire, the PHoD Ludicrously Vast VFX, Spleen Creatures, etc and throw it all in a big pile on Rolo's doorstep... vaultstep... whatever...

*No, really, I think, with Fifi's ongoing aid (and her use of a whip when I fall asleep) I can make the 23rd. I think.

**Average play duration per Module, approx 4-5 hours - the whole lot, give up about a week or so (allowing for sleep and so forth) assuming your eyes withstand the constant barrage of ever more outrageously huge PHoD Nonesense CC... Whatever failings they have, these Modules are going to LOOK good (and sound good) if nothing else.



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« Reply #21 on: November 01, 2013, 03:02:49 am »

               I am eagerly awaiting your take on the doctor. You made some interesting choices companion and doctor-wise in your current setup as it is.
On a sidenote, for classic who cybermen, yours are looking pretty angry.



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« Reply #22 on: November 01, 2013, 05:30:02 am »

               These look truly spectacular. I am amazed at what you can summon from a 10+ old graphic engine and like the funky Jeff Minter's style colors  :-)



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« Reply #23 on: November 02, 2013, 01:31:30 am »

               This is amazing, major props to a job well done.



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« Reply #24 on: November 02, 2013, 02:37:27 am »

               Thanks, guys... Hope you'll all actually like the Modules (the stories, the dialogue, the characters, that kind of stuff) aside from the ridiculous plethora of eye candy.

Cybermen - WIP, as mentioned - Initially had farcically unrealistic ideas of trying to take down all the measurements of one of my "Earthshock" Cyberman suits and somehow concoct a gmax miracle. Well, it looked like a bucket of tripe, so I just cobbled together some standard NWN body parts instead and hit them with bricks. BIG bricks. Some progress now with a "Revenge of the Cybermen" type chest unit and some improvements to the helmet. They should look a bit better by the 23rd, though they're still not intended to resemble any of the assorted Cyber-variants from the series exactly so much as just be "Cybermen".

As to the Doctor, both of them, hopefully as with the seven television incarnations, they expose a different facet of the character, the first quite serious and the second, well, she's borderline loony.
As for Velpa, I wanted someone capable of tackling the physical combat the Doctor wouldn't approve of and also someone with a far more interesting background and room for character exploration than just yet another contemporary Earth person. A far more animalistic and feral Leela (with stripes) who harbours one or two secrets of her own.

As to Aurora and NWN's age, it does throw a few limitations into the mix, especially landscaping-wise, but I still don't know of anything else that can touch it for versatility as a story-telling medium in terms of computer games. I don't imagine for a second I've revolutionized NWN's graphics with these Modules (half the CC is stuff I've been using in "Demoness Tales" for years, but I think I have heavily dented a few boundaries in terms of the sheer ludicrous size and epic strageness of some of my new Placeables and Tilesets. The hope is that it'll all look so overwhelmingly amazing that everyone'll think the Modules are really good and not notice all the technical glitches.

All twenty Modules are now basically playable; most of the work Fifi and I are now engaged in is bug squashing, kicking the s##t out of some recalcitrant scripts that seem to believe there are five Terileptils when we can only see three, ensuring players who don't know what's coming next can't go wandering too far astray... and some last minute aesthetic touches because I can't stop faffing with Placeables and polishing the teeth on weird monsters.

I counted, and there are thirty-seven distinct Planets/Time zones to visit and explore with some hopefully interesting cultural and societal depth, some of them of considerable size - and some of the stories let Velpa off the leash and, along with the player, do a bit of free exploring - and perhaps find a few useful articles in doing so. Beware the lurking Death Monsters through.

Now going back to figuring out how to get the Sea Devils to actually RISE from the water instead of just suddenly appearing in it...


Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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« Reply #25 on: November 02, 2013, 03:23:07 pm »

               <making an offer of time...>

Send me the model and I'll give it a custom cappear anim (like the stingers) rising from say, 3m behind their position. That lets them appear to rise out of unwalkable water, as the actual origin is on the walkmesh.

Conversely, you could probably do it yourself :-)

< the time lord>



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« Reply #26 on: November 03, 2013, 12:52:50 am »

               Many thanks for the offer...

It's walkable water in question and, as usual, I solved the problem in the most inefficiently difficult way possible by adding three new Tiles with a bloody great trench so when the Sea Devils spawn, they're deep enough under the surface that they can then just walk forward and genuinely rise... Looks good too. I wasted half an hour firing the spawn script off repeatedly just so I could watch them stalk up to the beach looking menacing a lot (though they're the good guys to all intents and purposes).



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« Reply #27 on: November 03, 2013, 02:28:27 am »

               For all those who have asked about the PHoD Collection of Outrageously Large Creatures which infest my murky little dwelling, there are now some pictures to look at of just SOME of the beasts in the rubbish PHoD album thing... Just use the link at the top of page 1 of this thread.



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« Reply #28 on: November 03, 2013, 05:02:09 am »

               Sea Devils, and good guys are two things I didn't think I'd hear in the same sentence.

I haven't seen any Classic Who in years.



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« Reply #29 on: November 04, 2013, 10:54:43 pm »

               Sea Devils were ALWAYS good guys, technically speaking.

They and their "Silurian" counterparts were honourable, highly intelligent, culturally advanced rulers of Earth. They were forced to enter into deep hibernation to avoid a catastrophe...

...and their revival systems failed, so they finally woke up to find their world shatteringly altered over millions of years, everything they'd ever known altered beyond recognition and their planet infested with gibbering ape creatures who were polluting it something chronic and chucking bombs around.

Naturally, this horrific infestation of greedy, divisive, aggressive, corrupt, intolerant, anthropocentric baboons (who attacked them on sight) put the ancient reptiles into a somewhat foul mood and they defended their world and their culture from the said baboons (who had only risen to dominance due to the reptiles enforced absence anyway).

Can't really blame them for wanting to eradicate mankind, can you? Look at it from their perspective.