Author Topic: PHoD - DOCTOR WHO  (Read 3692 times)


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« on: May 23, 2013, 04:48:21 am »

               DOCTOR WHO - The Only Slightly Deranged PHoD NWN Series

The aim of this project is to create a series of Modules starting off (more or less) from the point the very last episode of Doctor Who (part 3 of "Survival", December 1989) ended. The plan is to try to get as much of the spirit of the series into the somewhat different medium of a computer game as possible.

Naturally, being utterly demented, PHoD has ignored all the obvious constraints and obstacles despite their blatant immensity, and has embarked upon a ludicrously massive spree of CC creation to build TARDISes and all manner of Placeables (some of farcically prodigious proportions), Creatures, Tilesets and other strange, ikky little whatsit things. (Vast thanks must once again be pointed toward Henesua for doing the Dalek model since this series just wouldn't be right without Skaro's finest).

As some progress has been made and things continue to move forward at a good pace, I have decided to tentatively start this thread for discussion of the project.
Doubtless there will be more to discuss as and when the Modules actually start to be released, but I thought I might as well start to share a few screenshots now that "Fifi" and I have started doing some test playthroughs to find what works and what's a heaving pile of Yeti manure.
Hopefully, these images (all taken from the actual Modules as named) will be of some interest though I have quite deliberately resisted the actually quite strong urge to show some of the "best bits" since I want the most impressive stuff to come as a surprise/shock/heart-stopping experience when it is encountered in the Modules.

This thread is CURRENTLY intended for any and all discussion anyone wishes to raise concerning the below screenshots and brief outlines of the twenty Modules so far in existence, etc. Hopefully it will continue to serve when the Modules and their outrageously huge Haks are released... As to whether I do more than these twenty, that remains to be seen. First things first.

For ALL the images and any further ones I add, you can, if you can be bothered, look at the rubbish, hopelessly disordered PHoD Album thing situated on this site by following this not at all exciting link which, given my zero knowledge of what I'm doing, probably won't work but can still be copied into the search box thing...


So, welcome to the travels of Velpa Lepta, a feral, stripy forest creature from Sythera and the Doctor, who, post-regeneration in the tenth Module is, well... a bit... feminine...
You can blame Tom Baker for first suggesting (jocosely) that the next Doctor might be played by a woman back in 1981...
Of course, Time Lords do NOT spontaneously change gender when they regenerate, but, with blistering PHoD attention to (conveniently made up on the spur of the moment) detail, when the Doctor is exposed to the terrifying power of the Core of Rassilon's Forge AND then exterminated by the extremely irate Dalek Supreme in "Retribution of the Daleks", the damage is such that the artificial nanocytes within his Time Lord DNA have to go back to a basic blueprint of a Gallifreyan vertebrate to have any hope of regenerating him at all... and as all vertebrate embryos start out inherently female...

Naturally the Doctor doesn't seem to really notice the change, far too interested in discovering new abstruse facts about highly irrelevant things, apparently more manic and eccentric than ever...

The Modules are focused upon storytelling and on making the characters as strong and distinctive as possible; the Doctor(s), Velpa and the array of others, both friendly and decidedly less so, that they meet on their travels in the TARDIS.
Whilst those familiar with Doctor Who (1963 - 1989) will, naturally, identify far more of the references made to the series and probably get more out of these Modules, I have tried to provide enough information (usually in the Doctor's explanations to Velpa) that even a player who has never so much as seen a single episode should be able to understand what's going on and the nature of the returning characters without too much bewilderment

The amount of CC for these Modules is going to be grotesquely large, I'm afraid, what with all the new stuff, the Doctor Who Monsters, Dalek soundset (voiced by a rabidly maniacal PHoD with electronic aid), many original sound effects from the BBC Radiophonic Workshop and other sources, tons of new music (from the series and from the Alien and Predator films, PHoD's own compositions, etc, etc) all edited specifically for NWN use, assorted new Tilesets including a completely custom built one for the Time Lord prison planet of Shada and so on and so forth.
Hopefully everyone will agree it's all worth the outrageously immense Hak sizes because, whatever else might fail nastily and be nailed badly back together in an unconvincing way, these Modules LOOK and SOUND good.
Even if I do say so myself.


                     Modifié par PLUSH HYENA of DOOM, 23 mai 2013 - 07:44 .



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« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2013, 04:51:54 am »

               Though my original plan was to start releasing the Modules at Doctor Who's 50th Anniversary (23 November 2013) I have been poked with sharp sticks and told to get on with it. Progress has been such that I'm now hoping to start release of the first completely complete and properly finished Modules in late July, early August. But that's not a Carved-in-Granite promise complete with chromium-plated, fully-illuminated, genuine accessory guarantee of certainty. Just so long as that's understood.

For the partial edification of anyone sufficiently interested, there now follows a complete list of the Modules so far initially complete (though most still require a whopping great pile of polishing, bug-hunting, testing, hitting with bricks, etc)... Well, actually, there now follows a Module list AFTER more gratuitously lurid screenshots...
'Posted 'Posted'Posted'Posted'Posted
The First Doctor's stories... at least so far as these Modules are concerned - strictly, the Eighth Doctor, following the Seven Doctors who appeared in the television series.

01. PLANET of FEAR - The newly regenerated Doctor arrives on the forest world of Sythera, instantly finding himself in trouble and saving the life of a feral forest creature named Velpa, thus earning her fierce loyalty. Fleeing further trouble in the TARDIS, much to Velpa's uncomprehending amazement, they find themselves on a remote planet known as Phobos. Mysteriously, there is no record of it in the TARDIS databank, suggesting a deliberate excision of the information by the Time Lords. Investigating a mayday signal, the Doctor and Velpa find the survivors of a beleagured Earth survey expedition, the derelict wreck of an old TARDIS and the ruins of a once mighty civilization... whilst they are all plagued by manifestations of their darkest nightmares made corporeal... but by what?

02. CURSE of MANDRAGORA - The TARDIS is dragged into the Mandragora Helix (not for the first time), the intelligence at its heart threatning the Doctor with a terrible vengeance for its past defeat. The Doctor and Velpa escape, the TARDIS arriving in medieval England. Once again, however, Mandragora Helix Energy has used the TARDIS to transport itself to Earth, swiftly beginning to establish a bridgehead, possessing the monks at a monastery. Nervously aided by an unpossessed monk named Hubert, the Doctor and Velpa must act quickly to discover exactly what it is the Mandragora Helix wants the Earth for as its twisted servents wipe out local villages and lay siege to the nearby castle...

03. The PARADISE FACTOR - The Doctor, Velpa and Brother Hubert (who has joined them in their travels) investigate a bizarre etheric message beamed across half a galaxy announcing "Paradise Awaits". They arrive in a gleaming, metal city of incredibly advanced technology, creatures of countless different species all cohabiting in utter bliss. Velpa dislikes this "Paradise" as it has no trees and feels unnatural but Hubert and even the Doctor fall under the spell of the tiny, child-like controllers. The bliss, however, is chemically induced, the near mindless citizens nothing but livestock and the heart of Paradise conceals a very ugly secret indeed...

04. DARKLIGHT - The Doctor, Velpa and Hubert arrive on the desert world of Varquelys and join a scientific survey group studying a bizarre Black Light Anomaly. The Doctor fears that the colossal, mile-high pillar of black light is just the shadow of an interdimensional fissure that cannot otherwise be seen... but the fluctuations within the darkness are growing, suggesting that the fissure could soon open... Matters are complicated by the arrival of a taskforce of Daleks who exterminate Brother Hubert amongst others. However, as the rift starts to open and that which lurks beyond starts to emerge, threatning the entire Universe, the Doctor is forced into an uneasy alliance with the Daleks, cooperation the old enemies' only hope, a number of Daleks already dragged through the fissure to seeming destruction... but how far can the Daleks be trusted?

05. The PLAGUE of PELADON - The TARDIS once again materializes on the storm-shrouded slopes of Mount Megeshra, the Doctor soon discovering that all is not well. As usual... The Galactic Federation has collapsed, leaving the primitive world of Peladon isolated and broken. A terrible plague spreads throughout the land whilst two brothers vie for the throne and the royal beast Aggedor is appearing in large numbers, the creatures insanely savage for unknown reasons... The Doctor and Velpa must venture deep into the ancient catacombs within the mountain to discover the malevolent, alien source of the strife...

06. NIGHTMARE CIRCUS - Apparently materializing in Nevada in the year 1884, the Doctor and Velpa find themselves in a town named Deception, the former puzzled to find strange blank patches in the land, the latter becoming involved in a bleak showdown against the town's only apparent inhabitant... who is evidently a machine... Velpa is drawn into a nightmarish circus tent and must fight to survive the twisted "entertainment", whilst the Doctor discovers himself within a vast, sentient computer system known as Zenith... and he's not alone. Behind the evil machinations is his old enemy, the Master...

07. GREELRAT - Arriving on Earth, in the sewers of London, the Doctor and Velpa are attacked by huge, hideous, mutated rat creatures that walk upright like men. Also investigating the monsters, who are evidently responsible for a spate of disappearances and killings, are Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart and UNIT. Once the Brigadier has got over his amazement at the Doctor's latest travelling companion, UNIT does battle with an increasing number and variety of rat monsters as the beasts move into the London Underground, attacking all in their path, heading for the surface... Recalling the Weng-Chiang incident in Victorian London, the Doctor begins to suspect that the time-hopping war criminal Magnus Greel did not die but instead underwent a hideous transformation...

08. The LOST and the DAMNED - The TARDIS arrives on a barbaric world where tribes of lumbering beastmen do battle with stone clubs, the tribes in turn preyed upon by gigantic spiders. Velpa is in her element amongst the feral savagery and soon fights to the death with one of the giant spiders, killing it only to discover that it is a highly sophisticated robot. The tribes speak of mysterious gods who arrived from the sky and inhabit a great dome of metal, the robot spiders revealed as their servitors... The Dome proves to be a colony belonging to an alien species the Doctor has met before and has plenty of reason to hate... yet they are all but extinct and beg for his aid in saving them from oblivion...

09. LEGACY - The Doctor is alarmed to discover the badly damaged K9 upended in a junkheap on a dead world on the very edge of the Universe. Repairing his old dog, the Doctor is even more alarmed to hear that once his friend Romana had used her skills as a Time Lord to free them from slavery, the cruel Tharils turned upon her and K9, attempting to retake their former empire and enslave a galaxy. The Doctor, Velpa and K9 travel across a swathe of worlds under attack by Tharil forces in a race against time to halt the Tharil expansion and save Romana from a fate worse than death...

10. RETRIBUTION of the DALEKS - The Time Lords confront the Doctor, informing him that a number of his past actions in defiance of the Daleks, especially his gambit with the Hand of Omega, have, ultimately, worked to the creatures' good and the ancient prediction of the Matrix concerning the total domination of all Time and Space by the Daleks is fast becoming a reality... The new Dalek Empire now spans several galaxies, the vast legions of the Dalek Supreme crushing world after world, utterly unstoppable... for they have discovered the oldest and greatest secret of the Time Lords, the location of Rassilon's Forge, a powerplant the size of a planet with which Gallifrey was able to chain the Eye of Harmony. Whilst the Daleks control the Forge, no force in existence can halt them... As star system after star system is ruthlessly exterminated, the Doctor risks all in an attempt to infiltrate Rassilon's Forge and destroy its Core. To do so, he must make the ultimate sacrifice and the Dalek Supreme exterminates the greatest enemy of the Dalek race, once and for all...


                     Modifié par PLUSH HYENA of DOOM, 23 mai 2013 - 11:07 .



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« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2013, 04:52:29 am »

               And, after yet more unecessary screenshots, the adventures continue post-regeneration... (much to the irritation of the Daleks who really, definitely thought they'd got him)...
The Second Doctor's stories... (or technically, the Ninth Doctor)...

11. ETERNUM - Undergoing a sub-regenerative reconstruction in the wake of the devastating battle within Rassilon's Forge, the Doctor awakes a very different person, much to Velpa's puzzlement. Rapidly betraying herself to be seemingly mad, the new Doctor eagerly commences an attempt to examine everything interesting in the universe all at once, fails abysmally and stumbles across an ancient Time Lord capsule containing a single dire warning concerning the shadowy, secret Time Lord prison planet of Shada which exists only as a dark myth to most Time Lords... The Doctor and Velpa discover Shada not only to be real, but also to be considerably more than just a prison. Though seemingly long-abandoned, it was evidently also a research centre... but what was the nature of the research, what happened to the Time Lords supposedly in control of Shada and what is stalking the lower levels? And can the Doctor really make a truce with the prisoner in the special unit - a very unusual Dalek?

12. The FORGOTTEN GODS - A mysterious telepathic wave is sweeping across the cosmos, a silent scream in the void that can drive entire worlds insane, an etheric tremor that can destroy a civilization or restore life to a dying flower... The Doctor and Velpa investigate the source of the nameless disturbance, finding a planet which, by rights, cannot possibly exist, situated on the very brink of reality. On the surface they find a landscape of gigantic, contorted, semi-fossilized skeletal remains... The Graveyard of the Gods... They exist only because of belief, and as faiths die, so too do the gods, gods that never were save in this one place... yet some of the dead gods crave a true existence, demand the worship of all sentient life... and some are not as dead as they seem...

13. SUNDOWN - Reunited with K9, Romana having finally returned to Gallifrey, the Doctor journeys to the tropical paradise planet of Florana, determined to enjoy a bit of peace and quiet to catch up on reading a huge pile of books. However, mysterious events plague the world and the Doctor is prevailed upon to help investigate. It soon transpires that a swarm of Isopterids, malignant hive creatures that feed upon entire worlds, has established itself upon Florana and is rapidly growing in strength... However, behind the monstrous insects lies a far older and deadlier threat, one the Doctor knows all too well...

14. SCREAM of the BANSHEE - Arriving on Earth in 1940, the Doctor and Velpa find themselves on the bleak, windswept coast of southern Argentina. Here, they stumble across a hidden German U-Boat base but find it curiously abandoned. Hideous, utterly inhuman screams arise from somewhere deep below and they discover evidence that the soldiers at the base have mostly been killed by something that can reduce a man to bones near instantly... Deep beneath the base, bored into the bedrock, is a huge alien artefact, apparently organic in nature. The base scientists had been trying to utilize the alien thing - and its servants - as a weapon of war, but "Project Banshee" has evidently gone disastrously wrong and the few survivors must aid the Doctor and Velpa in stopping what they have unleashed before it causes infinitely more harm than the Second World War ever could...

15. RACE WAR - The last days of 1963; the Caribbean island of Talanagua... The native people are caught between the racist hatred of the self-imposed British rulers who seem to think they still have an Empire and the "black trash" thrown out of Haiti who are abducting locals to sacrifice in dark voodoo rites to praise their evil "god" who dwells in the island interior, apparently arriving after a firey light lit up the sky... Upon arrival, the Doctor's concern at the human racial prejudice is all but totally swamped by the discovery that the voodoo cult are worshipping none other than Davros! Davros and the last remnant of his white and gold Dalek faction are trapped on the island following the crashlanding of their escape pod in the wake of the Hand of Omega incident in London, 1963... but the Doctor's alarm is caused less by the presence of Davros so much as the rapid approach of the true Daleks who seek to exterminate their insane creator. As the human race war is eclipsed by the far more devastating conflict between the two Dalek Factions, the Doctor must struggle to keep the islanders safe as the forces of the Dalek Supreme hunt down Davros for one final meeting with their ancient creator...

16. An EMPIRE'S TEARS - Disappearance of ships in the Bermuda Triangle rises enormously, whilst a holiday resort island in the Indian Ocean is mysteriously wiped out by creatures that emerge from the ocean... The Doctor recognizes the hand of the Sea Devils and Silurians in the attacks, quickly trying to locate their leaders and beg for a peaceful solution... However, it rapidly becomes clear that this time, the ancient reptiles, rightful rulers of the Earth and its most ardent defenders, are not primarily concerned with cleansing their world of the polluting mammalian filth - rather they are rising to prevent an insidious alien invasion that has considerable human support. The invaders are not bent on mere conquest, however, their goal altogether more subtle. And when the Doctor discovers the identity of the invaders, she has no qualms whatsoever about joining forces with a Sea Devil attack force to put an end to their vile plans...

17. The WHISPERING of GIANTS - A strange spacecraft plunges into the midst of the bitter conflicts of feudal Japan during the time of the Sengoku Jidai. Several daimyos and their samurai warriors become possessed by the malevolent influence of that which lurks within the craft as it moves about the land. The Doctor soon perceives that, as events lead inexorably toward the great battle of Sekigahara, the alien influence seems determined to prevent Ieyasu Tokugawa from becoming Shogun and uniting Japan as a single nation, thus changing the course of history... but why? As Velpa and K9 do all they can to aid the Tokugawa clan in battle against the alien presence, the Doctor must brace herself for a harrowing encounter with the shadows of her past...

18. TERROR of the KRAKEN - On the distant ocean planet of Tyraleth Prime, an isolated Federation colony has come under attack from an unknown beast of incalculable size and power despite no such animal having been recorded once in 79 years of the colony's presence. The Doctor is arrested almost the instant she arrives, blamed for a spate of mysterious sabotage within the colony's main hub. Velpa and K9 are forced to flee as the colonists hunt for them. Meanwhile, outlying parts of the colony continue to be destroyed by the immense beast, the creature moving underwater in the direction of the hub. As the Doctor escapes and begins to suspect a terrible connection between the sabotage and murder within the colony hub and the approach of the unknown sea monster without, Velpa and K9 make a startling discovery in a submerged facility on the seabed...

19. SERPENT - The planet Manussa at the height of the Sumaran Empire - not a place the Doctor would have chosen to visit... However, following an abortive attempt to prevent the genesis of the hateful Mara, the Doctor, K9 and Velpa are forced to return a century later to try to rectify a dire mistake. This is easier said than done with the entire world in the grip of the serpentine Mara, its baleful, corrosive mind already leaching out into space, seeking other worlds to claim. Knowing the horror to be indestructible, the Doctor must try to banish it to the "dark places of the inside" before it can replicate itself a thousand-fold and doom the universe forever...

20. The CRUCIBLE - The Daleks return with a vengeance, capturing the TARDIS and dragging it to their new home planet of Saetor'Marada. Yet, with their sworn enemy in their power, the Daleks do not instantly exterminate the Doctor. Instead, she and Velpa are forced into running a lethal gauntlet of appalling dangers, apparently as some sort of deadly experiment. It becomes apparent that there is something else that the Daleks are wary of, something that concerns them far more than the Doctor. Though their Empire spans a hundred galaxies, they have suddenly found themselves up against a potential threat every bit as powerful as themselves... The Daleks! But these are no normal Daleks; arising from the long thought destroyed Daleks that were dragged into the Black Light Anomlay (see Darklight above), these new Shadow Guild Daleks could be the most powerful legion in the Dalek Empire... or its destroyers... Somehow, the Doctor must learn why the true Daleks see her as the key to discovering the secrets of the Shadow Guild Daleks as they blur through the event horizon of an entirely alien reality...


                     Modifié par PLUSH HYENA of DOOM, 23 mai 2013 - 11:07 .


Legacy_Tarot Redhand

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« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2013, 11:17:12 am »

               Did you here that loud thud? That was the sound of my jaw hitting the floor. I have struggled to do 1 module with the bare minimum of extra custom content and you're doing twenty!!!!! And what content. Well if nothing else, this must surely make all the doom-sayers who think NwN dead shut-up!

PS I lurve K9




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« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2013, 05:10:29 pm »

               Wow! Amazing! Great visual stuff!


Legacy_Eternal Phoenix

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« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2013, 10:40:39 pm »

               I am impressed.



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« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2013, 12:05:13 am »

               Thank you, guys - positivism noted with some small relief on the Shabby Hyena Object's behalf.
It's easy to get carried away when a project's going well and thus mistakenly assume you're creating the Greatest Whassname Thing of All Time when the reality is probably somewhere south of pants. So it's reassuring to know someone else thinks it looks OK.

I don't know that immense piles of weirdo skyboxes, ludicrously huge Placeable alien towers, domes, demised deities and things are really going to substantially alter anyone's views on whether NWN is "dead" or not, but I don't personally know of a better platform than Aurora to do what I'm trying to do with this series.

I think I am rather pushing the bounds, visually, with these Modules and trying to create environments that in no way reek of generic, seen-it-before NWN1 Tilesets wherever possible. I may put some images of the Tyraleth Prime citadel up soon because it's looking really interesting now, especially the underwater sections where you can walk along glass corridors and see BIG shark-like things swimming around in the open ocean outside.

As for K9, he looked good when I made the model but, somehow, when I got him in-game he seems to have gone slightly... squat... He put on a bit of weight somewhere down the line, so I'll have to reshape him a little before release.

In answer to a question from Rolo Kipp:- The holograph displays in the first image above, from "The Crucible", are NOT VFX. I tried emitters but the results were rubbish and glowed too much for the detail to show, no matter what settings I tried. Thus the displays are simple, two-sided flat square Placeables with exceedingly intricate path selections on the textures to cut out every last little line of the overly complicated holograms. Then the selfillumcolor setting is hit with a brick so that they give the impression of glowing without actually becoming a hideous blur as the rubbish emitter versions did. (Also, I needed a seperate emitter for each colour in the hologram which was a bit of mess with some of the big, complicated ones).



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« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2013, 12:18:01 am »

               I don't see why you needed help with the Dalek. Your work is very good here, PHoD.



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« Reply #8 on: May 24, 2013, 03:27:11 am »

               Because the Dalek had to be done RIGHT!
If I make a thousand foot high outer space city towering nonsense item that comes out not quite the way I intended, it doesn't really matter so long as it looks more or less like a towery thing. But a Dalek has to be exactly the shape of a Dalek. I can do Dalek variants once I have the base model - and the Shadow Guild Daleks are certainly very different - but getting the base accurate enough to satisfy my relentless pedantry is another matter.



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« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2013, 03:53:32 am »

               Rubbishly Futile Announcement:-

PLUSH HYENA of DOOM has lain quietly down to die... at least as far as NWN goes. The Deranged Shabby Item must regretfully hereby announce an absence from NWN for an indefinite duration.

After many years of valiantly struggling to cope with the ludicrous demands of PHoD's demented whims, the frantically nailed together hybrid that was PHoD's computer has fallen over, suffered a fatal diode aneurysm and is thus dead and sticking all its limbs in the air. Which rather obviously precludes any possibility of further work on these Modules or anything else NWN related.

Naturally, the Evil Forces of the Evil Spleen Empire chose this moment to strike as "Fifi" and I have just spent three years saving every penny in order to be able to buy all the necessary materials and paints to do a decent restoration on our full-size Alien Queen who has been malingering about in a heap of pieces in our garage for some while. (Hopefully there'll be enough paint left over to respray some of the other Aliens too as one or two of them are looking mildly shabby). Anyway, this expense has left us with precisely zero funds of any kind with which to feed ourselves or, more importantly, buy a new computer now that the old one has instantly packed it in when we have no means of replacing it.

I have a friend (strange but true) who is inordinately well-versed in computer related matters but, naturally, she's over visting family in Kyoto just now, which is too far for me to be bothered dragging the carcass of a dead computer. Her telephone diagnosis wasn't promising, but when she gets back in two weeks or so, she'll hit the inert remains with a vast brick and see if there's any hope of a resurrection, at which point, normal PHoD service may be resumed. But it's not likely...
PHoD and Fifi tried many farcical measures up to and including obscure ancient voodoo rituals to resuscitate the computer but to no avail...

As both Fifi and I do contract work (which usually goes somewhat dead in summer months) we have no income and thus it will likely be some time (months, certainly) before we are able to afford a pocket calculator, let alone a computer. (My mother's HAL 9000esque thing is fine for a few e-mails and writing messages like this one, but there's no way I can heave all my NWN, gmax, etc stuff over here from home and try installing and running it against the fervent opposition of Windows7 far from the comfortably insane working environment of my own lair.

I should point out that no data has been lost or corrupted. The Doctor Who Modules thus far and all their lumpy masses of CC are all safe and backed up on a portable HD but with no computer, I can't actually DO anything with them. Or any of my other NWN stuff.

This is, of course, exceedingly irritating with a capital "Rrrrrrrgghh!" But, I've got plenty of things to do that don't require a computer. Fort a start Fifi and I are likely to be stuck to each other and the Alien Queen with vast amounts of epoxy resin and latex for weeks... (That's a lot less pleasantly kinky than it may sound to those unfamiliar with prop-making activities).
And, as well as being Doctor Who's 50th Anniversary, this year is ALSO, of greater personal significance, the 25th Anniversary of Demoness Tales. Whilst the Anniversary NWN Demoness Tales Module will have to wait, I'm seventy-three pages through pencilling the epically ambitious 25th Anniversary story in comic strip form (the original format for her psychotic adventures). It will likely take the rest of the year to finish the pencils, do the inks, the lettering, the colouring, etc, etc, but what the hell... it's a labour of love.

Anyway, with no computer, the Doctor Who project is currently on indefinite hold for which I duly apologize to anyone who may have been looking forward to getting hold of the first Modules in July. Likewise, for the time being, though I can't imagine it'll cause widespread mortification and panic, PLUSH HYENA of DOOM must bid a fond farewell to NWN.

Head hanging low, fangs bared, the Shabby Hyena pads slowly off across the African veldt, muttering darkly and pushing the occasional termite mound over in his embittered ire, soon lost to sight amidst the endless sea of tall, tawny savannah grass...


Legacy_Tarot Redhand

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« Reply #10 on: June 09, 2013, 05:04:38 am »

               Any chance of posting the Demoness Tales on DeviantArt in sections as you go? Also promise you'll come back to nwn when (I refuse to say if) you get your hands on a working PC please.




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« Reply #11 on: June 09, 2013, 10:44:15 pm »

               As I've mentioned before in these parts, I've been stung unpleasantly regarding loathsome Spleens trying to thieve my designs, characters, stories, etc in the past, which is why I haven't put any of my Demoness Tales Modules on the Vault or ever made any of the VAST profusion of 25 years of comic strip and straight text DT stories generally available in a public way...

As to NWN, I will certainly be returning the moment I can lay paws upon a computer and will continue to do things with it of one sort or another for as long as I live and the technology exists to run it. I've created FAR too many Modules (DT and others) that I enjoy playing through to ever turn away from the seven years or so of work they entail...

Despite having no money, we are vaguely peering about in dark corners to see what sort of prices computers are and see if we can find one with XP which was the last even remotely sane OS Microsoft created. I refuse to be saddled with Vista, 7 or 8, as they're nasty and rubbery. And they reek too. The cost of even old, second-hand PCs is disturbingly massive however and definitely beyond Fifi and I for the time being...

On the other hand, whilst we may have no money at all, we DO have over a hundred and fifty life-size monsters to cram into our rubbishly overcrowded little dwelling and that's of far greater importance than money. Just to stand in the middle of a room (the only bit you CAN stand in) and be surrounded by Aliens, Predators, Catwoman, Demonesses, Egyptian Gods, Daleks, Cybermen, Undead Animals and so on and so forth is something special... at least to loonies anyway.

I'll be back.



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« Reply #12 on: October 31, 2013, 01:39:32 am »

               Shabby Hyena Weirdo hits things with bricks...


                     Modifié par PLUSH HYENA of DOOM, 31 octobre 2013 - 01:49 .



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« Reply #13 on: October 31, 2013, 04:15:38 pm »

               Does that mean that the hyane laughs again? Are you working on anything NWN related?



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« Reply #14 on: October 31, 2013, 09:01:10 pm »


The above was an abortive attempt at communication rendered useless by the fact that suddenly I can't edit my posts. When I try there's just a couple of rows of futile yellow orbs with stupid expressions and precisely NO text entry box where I can write nonsense and, more to the point, paste some new and not very exciting screenshots of progress... most irksome really.


THAT was a probably abortive attempt to get a picture on here without having to edit it in later.