Author Topic: Re-post - Hero's Path Module List  (Read 762 times)


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Re-post - Hero's Path Module List
« on: October 07, 2012, 04:45:44 am »

               Someone was asking about this list in another thread and after a few days my brain responded and I found I had saved the page...  This is a completely unedited, staight cut and paste of the original post by Berliad (I hope he/she doesn't mind).  This means links to other threads on the old forums will be dead.  Vault links seem to be ok.

Happy gaming.

kaos war monk

Originally posted by Berliad

The Hero's Path Module List*
*formerly the Upper Level Module List (see this thread for discussion of name change)

The purpose
of this list is to make it easier to find good mods for established characters
or small groups of characters so that players may string together a series of
adventures across multiple modules with the same character(s) (these are
sometimes called campaigns). In order to be listed here, I set the following

A mod must...
a) have a minimum starting level requirement
of at least level 2.
'B)' not require/recommend that a character have already
played through a specific mod for plot/item/scripting reasons (exceptions:
modules created as sequels to official campaigns).
c) not include
pregenerated characters that you are recommended or required to use in the
d) not strip a character of all her/his equipment/experience and
never return it. Modules that force a character to a particular level are
acceptable if that level is above lv 2, but the fact that they do so is noted on
the entry.
e) have a score of at least 8.25 on NWVault (it’s an arbitrary
cutoff, but seems to work pretty well), or be in the Vault’s Hall of Fame.
must not be a utility module, a persistent world, an arena, or strictly a PvP
module (the idea here is to find story-based modules, however detailed or simple
the plots, that would be fun for a person or a small group of people to
g) be written in English (sorry, I’m a naive American and can’t
evaluate modules written in other languages).
h) New this month, must
not be a Bioware Contest Module (see my post below explaining this).
i) be a
freely available module (no Bioware Premium Modules)

While not perfect,
but these criteria permit the construction of a fairly comprehensive list of
modules appropriate for this play style without requiring that I personally
evaluate each one of these entries. If you have suggestions for modifications of
these criteria, feel free to post your recommendations – I'm delighted to
receive the feedback.

Modules are listed by recommended starting level
(denoted lv x-y). Following the module name is the recommended number of players
for a module (x-y pl) and the required version of NWN (N = Original NWN, S=SoU,
H=HotU, C=CEP, followed by version number if provided by author). I have also
included any comments regarding the type of character(s) you should use, as
indicated by the authors. Please keep in mind that I have not played the
majority of these mods, so I’m working largely from

The Hero's Path Module List
(NWVault Hall of
Fame modules have an asterisk (*) after their title)

lv any Ankh Morpork - City of Discworld, any # pl

lv any Demon Cards*, 1-8 pl, N1.62

lv any Diablo - The Remake, any # pl

lv any Dragon Caves, 1-4 pl, N1.29

lv any Miss Jones Spirit, 1 pl, HC
Comments: Adult module;
human/half-elf only; rangers, rogues, and fighters recommended--no

lv any Third Eye Detective Agency, any # pl
Comments: spellcaster

lv 2-3 Dweller in the Darkness, 1 pl, S1.32
Comments: good

lv 2-4 Legacy of Dracyn*, 1 pl
Comments: fighter, cleric, ranger,
paladin rec’d

lv 2-5 Orcs 1 – The Awakening of the Arak-Hur*, 1 pl,
Comments: neutral/evil recommended

lv 2-5 The Temple of Elemental Evil T1, 1-4 pl, SH
Comments: 2-4
players should be lv 2, good/neutral recommended

lv 2-5 UK2 – The Sentinel, 1 pl, N1.62
Comments: lawful neutral or
good aligned characters work best, but concessions made for evil; extra treats
for barbarians, druids, rangers, bards, monks, and rogues, though any class is

lv 2-6 Boddyknock's Tall Tale, any # pl
Comments: For good and
reluctant hero-type characters, fighters and clerics recommended. lv 2-3 in
multiplayer and lv 4-6 in solo recommended.

lv 3 Forge of Fury*, 1-4 pl, N1.62
Comments: search skill

lv 3 Hythum*, 1-6 pl, SHC1.51
Comments: lv 3 only applies to
solo play

lv 3 Lords of Darkness, 1-4 pl, SH1.65
Comments: good/neutral
req’d, turn undead rec’d. lv 3 only applies to solo play

lv 3 Rites of Ascension, Chapter 1: Turmoil in Sosiane*, 1-4 pl,
Comments: lv 3 applies only to solo play

lv 3-5 Thief!, Prelude, 1 pl
Comments: rogue

lv 3-5 Withering in the Darkness Chapter 1, Whispers in Nightmares*,
1-4 pl, SH

lv 3-6 Penultima 1 – Pest Control*, 1-4 pl, N1.30

lv 3-6 World of Limitless, any # pl

lv 3-7 Trust Lies Within*, 1-2 pl, N1.30
Comments: 3rd lv for
multiplay, lv 5-7 for solo play

lv 3-8 In the Company of Thieves*, 1 pl
Comments: rogue

3-any Lizard Raids on the Shining Plains, 1-3 pl, S1.31
Not half-orc. Solo play preferred.

lv 4-5 Missing Persons, 1 pl, SH

lv 4-6 Honor Among Thieves*, 1 pl, H1.64
Comments: rogue

4-6 Vertex I – State of Union, 1 pl, S1.30

lv 4-6 Wendel’s Woes, 1 pl, SH

lv 4-7 Desert of Desolation: I3 – Pharaoh*, 3-5 pl, SH
search skill, lore, cure disease/poison rec’d

lv 4-7 The Fate of Daggerdale, 1-any # pl, SH
Comments: lv 4-5 for
melee characters, 5-7 for spellcasters

lv 4-10 Spires of Ravenloft, The*, 1-6 pl
Comments: good. lv 4-8 in
multiplayer, lv 7-10 in solo play

lv 5 Citadel of Blood*, 1-6 pl

lv 5 Dusk of a Samurai DEMO, 1 pl, SU1.66
Comments: Humans only,
no magic users.

lv 5-7 Beasts of the Night, 1 pl, SH
Comments: paladin, druid,
ranger, rogue rec’d

lv 5-7 C1 – Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan*, 3-6 pl, SHC
well balanced character, some areas not accessible if solo.

lv 5-7 Elena's Tale - Roses for Rosa, 1 pl, SH
Comments: There is
an available pre-generated character, but it is not necessary to use

lv 5-7 Hunt Through the Dark, A*, 1 pl, SHC
Comments: elf
subrace:drow, neutral/evil, melee rec’d

lv 5-7 Into the Stink, 1 pl, SHC
Comments: good/neutral

5-7 Prophet - Prologue - It Cannot Be Denied*, 1-5 pl,
Comments: Average to above average intelligence recommended, emphasis on

lv 5-7 Tragedy in Tragidor, A*, 1 pl,

lv 5-8 Elegia Eternum*, any # pl, N1.30

lv 5-8, Mountain of Mirrors, 1 pl, H1.66
Comments: good rec’d.
Bluff skill rec’d.

lv 5-8, Prophet – Prologue – It Cannot Be Denied*, 1-5 pl,
Comments: emphasis on non-evil, average or above average intelligence
recommended, first in a series.

lv 5-10 CC1: Gates of Myth Drannor*, 1-4 pl, SH

lv 6 The Bitter Taste of Blood, 1 pl, SH
Comments: Character
will be forced to level 6 at start of module. Human or elven recommended;
barbarians and monks not recommended.

lv 6-7 BardSong 1 – Earth and Sky, 1 pl, N1.32
Comments: elf bard

lv 6-7 Halo of Flies, A*, 1 pl, S1.32

lv 6-7 Picture in the House, A, 1 pl, S1.30

lv 6-8, AL2: Crimson Tides of Tethyr*, 1 pl, SH1.66
neutral or good

lv 6-8 Of Kings and Desperate Men, 1 pl, H1.61
Comments: tank

lv 6-9 Scourge of the Slavelords: Pt 1, 1-6 pl, SHC
lv6-8 for multiplayer, 6-9 for solo. Rogue & Cleric rec’d.

lv 6-10 Tallanvor’s Pride, 1-3 pl
Comments: multiplayer lv 6-7,
solo play lv 8-10

lv 6-14 The Dragon's Teeth, 1-10 pl
Comments: Large party (4+)
should be ~lv 8, solo lv14, civilized behavior recommended

lv 6-15 TC1 – Return to the Caverns of Tsojcanth, 1-5 pl
Multiplayer lv 6-9 for a party of 2 to 4, multiplayer recommended, a rogue in
the party is required, dwarves are recommended, good alignment preferred,

lv 7+ Desert Madness (Dark Summoning), 1 pl
Comments: lv
recommedation depends on class (see readme)

lv 7-10 Thunderclap, Prelude, 1-3 pl
Comments: Multiplay lv 7-8,
solo play lv 8-10. Tanks lv 8, spellcasters lv 10

lv 7-14 Edge of the Sun, 1-5 pl
Comments: Spellcaster or scroll
user req’d. Multiplay lv 7-11. Solo play lv 14+

lv 7-15 Foreboding in Sylvani*, 1-5 pl, H1.64
Comments: tank

lv 7-15 Wormwood 1 – kicking arse and smashing heads, 1-3 pl,
Comments: paladin pref’d. Solo play recommended – when last checked
there was an unresolved game-breaking bug.

lv 8, Darkness Over Daggerford, 1 pl, SH
Comments: Characters set
to level 8 upon start.

lv 8-9 Journey Unknown, The, 1 pl, S1.32

lv 8-10 Cormyrean Nights*, 1 pl, S1.62

lv 8-10 DL16 - Dargaard Keep, 1-4pl, SHC 1.67

lv 8-10 Shadow of the Underdark, 1 pl, SHC

lv 8-11 Exile of the West (episode 1), H1.68
Comments: Warrior,
ranger, or rogue recommended. Human recommended, male required. Lawful good
characters are less suitable for the module.

lv 8-12 Against the Giants (G1) Steading of the Hill Giant Chief*, 1-5
pl, SH

lv 8-12 GC1 - Powder Plot, 1-4 pl,
Comments: Solo play should be
lv 12+.

lv 8-12 Long Live the King, 2nd ed, 1-4 pl, SHC

lv 8-12 Haunted, 1-4 pl, N1.30

lv 8-14 Gates of Firestorm Peak, The, 1-5 pl, SH
Comments: strong
solo chr. See readme for specific level recommendations based on class/#

lv 8-20+, A Call for Heroes: The Planer Tears*, 2-6 pl
Multiplayer lv 8-18, Single Player 20+

lv 9-11 Weapons of Zhentil Keep, 1 pl, H1.64
Comments: Good rec'd,
non-humans attacked on sight by "the Red Plumes."

lv 9-12 Sandy Valley Days, 1 pl

lv 10 Desert Rose, 1 pl, SH v. 1.66

lv 10 Hex Coda 01, The*, 1 pl, SH1.66

lv 10 Paladin War, The, 1 pl, S1.30

lv 10-12 Pawns of Shadovar, 1 pl

lv 10-13 The Bastard of Kosigan*, 1 pl, H1.62
Comments: Not lawful
good or chaotic evil. Male required, human strongly recommended. No

lv 10-13 Glorious Rejuvenation, 1-3 pl, SHC

lv 10-14 Night of Venom, 1-4 pl, S1.61
Comments: evil. Multiplay lv
10-12. Solo play lv 12-14

lv 10-14 Q1 – Queen of Demonweb Pits*, 1-5 pl, SH
Comments: strong
solo chr. 3-5 Players, Level 10. 2-5 Players, Level 11-13. 1 Player, Level

lv 10-15 Bitter Harvest, 4-7 pl, SH

lv 10-13 Mines of Moria, 1-4 pl, H1.62
spellcaster/scrollreader required

lv 10-15 Stormy Night, 1 pl, SH1.65

lv 10-15 Trials of the Luremaster*, 1-6 pl, S1.32
Comments: tank
pref’d. Multiplayer may need to play at lower levels

lv 10-15 Under the Underdark, 1 pl
Comments: good/neutral, melee

lv 11-13 NWS – The Black Dragons, 1 pl, SHC

lv 11-15 Dream-Land: By a Route Obscure and Lonely, 1 pl,
Comments: Set after SoU

lv 11-16 Terror in Ten Towns, 1-5 pl, SH

lv 12 Shadow Queen, The, 1-4 pl, SH
Comments: Set between SoU and

lv 12 Trapped in Shadow, 1 pl, S1.32
Comments: Set between SoU
and HotU

lv 12-13 Nether Scrolls, The, 1 pl, S1.32
Comments: Set between SoU
and HotU

lv 12-14 Daenarian’s Tears, 1 pl, SHC
Comments: good/neutral elf
cleric pref’d

lv 12-15 Shadohaunt*, 1 pl, S1.32
Comments: Set between SoU and

lv 12-16 Black Ring Pox, The*, 1 pl, N1.30
Comments: Lawful good not
recommended, others fine.

lv 12-18 The Spires of Ravenloft: Revised Edition, 1-6pl,
Comments: Solo lv15-16, Multiplayer lv12-15, good/neutral, cleric or
paladin rec’d

lv 12-20 G1-3 Giants, 1-6 pl, H1.61
Comments: Solo play lv16-20,
Multi play 12-16

lv 13-17 MTS - Mines of Twin Summit, The*, 1-4 pl, H1.61
neutral “combat oriented” pref’d. 2-3 lv 15 players recommended.

lv 14-16
Cradle of Cold, 1 pl, SHC

lv 14-17 Aribeth's Redemption, Chapter 1, 1 pl, H1.67
Comments: Set
after the NWN1 Official Campaign. Paladin's recommended, though any lawful or
character should work; it should be someone who would be of interest to

lv 14-18 Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold, 1 pl, SH
resting is time restricted. Start at 15-18 if playing without henchmen, 14-16

lv 15 Art of Death - Back in Black, 1 pl, N1.68, CEP1.52, 1.53,
Comments: 10 of the 15 levels must be as a rogue.

lv 15-16 Journey of a Thousand Miles*, 1-2 pl, N1.29
Comments: not

lv 15-20 In the Footsteps of Dante*, 1 pl, H1.62

lv 15-30, H4 - The Throne of Bloodstone, 1-8 pl, SH
Comments: Single
play = lv18+.

lv 16-any, Seppuku (hara-kiri), 1 pl, SHC
Comments: Male required,
warrior class required, weapon master-katana recommended. Non-evil

lv 17-19 Fate of Neverwinter, The, 1 pl, SHC

lv 18-20 Citadel, The, 1 pl
Comments: not monk, druid

18-20 Under the Moonlight*, 1-4 pl, N1.30
Comments: spellcaster
pref’d. Multiplayer version found here, lv 18-20. Solo play lv 20

lv 18-22 Heart of Winter*, 1-6 pl, SH

lv 20 Angel Falls, 1 pl, SH
Comments: male human rec'd, persuade,
bluff, intidmidate, and lore will be valuable.

lv 20 Bad Day at Castle Eldath, 1pl, S1.32
Comments: rogues not

lv 20 Sex & the Singles Adventures*, 1 pl, N1.21
spellcaster pref’d

lv 20-23 Dark Water's Edge, 1 pl, SH 1.66, CEP 1.52
Comments: Mages
and rogues should be at the high end of the level range

lv 21-23 Some Distant Shore*, 1 pl, SH

lv 22-30 S1 – Tomb of Horrors*, 2-6 pl, SH
Comments: Balanced party,
high search/spot skills

lv 23-27 Black Thorn*, 1 pl, H1.66
Comments: You should have a +5 or
better weapon, good alignment recommended but not necessary

lv 25-40 Twist of Fate, A, 1 pl, SH
Comments: Set after HotU.
Monk/rogue, cleric/fighter, fighter/rogue, or weapon master recommended. Also
some wizard/sorcerer items available.

lv 25-27 After the End: The Penumbra*, 1 pl, SHC
Comments: Set after

lv 25-30 Sands of Fate 1 – Shadows over Heliopolis*, 1-4 pl,
Comments: Set after HotU

lv 26-28 The Island, 1 pl

lv 26-30 Gods Themselves, The*, 1 pl, SH
Comments: Set after HotU.
For evil characters only. Complete trilogy package can be found here

lv 30 SQ2: The Pawns of Darkness, 1 pl, SH
Comments: Set after
HotU, though it does assume the plot from The Shadow Queen as the SOU-HOTU bridge

Finally, as your characters move between these great modules, I
recommend using Zorco’s Keeps* to keep your characters refreshed and happy.
Sell their junk, buy new gear, and buy them a house where you can store
equipment and host parties between modules! Also features nodrop item removal
and HAK detection on equipment.

I am not sure if I will be updating this
list again in the future, as my interests are shifting primarily to NWN2-related
activities. Nevertheless, I could be persuaded to do so if there are a
substantial number of changes that need to be made. If I held to the
every-other-month update schedule, the next update would be mid-February.
Therefore, if there are any modules that should be added to the list, or have
been misrepresented in some way, please leave comments here or send me a PM.


Changes in this version of the list:
Dropped Tears for Twilight Hollow - Fell below 8.25
* Added Art of Death:
Back in Black by Hugie
* Added A Twist of Fate by Mykhal
* Added Aribeth's
Redemption, Chapter 1 by Daniel Muth
* Added Darkness Over Daggerford by
Ossian Studios
* Added Dusk of a Samurai by Avi
* Added Elena's Tale -
Roses for Rosa by a_chan
* Added Exile of the West (episode 1) by Fabien
Cerutti (translated by Ginni Swanton)
* Added Miss Jones Spirit by
* Added Missing Persons by peej0000
* Added Prophet - Prologue - It
Cannot Be Denied by Baldecaran
* Added Seppuku (hara-kiri) by
*Overlooked Modules Project
*The Hero's Path Module List
Edited By Berliad on 12/15/06 21:07


                     Modifié par MrKWMonk, 07 octobre 2012 - 09:51 .



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Re-post - Hero's Path Module List
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2012, 09:33:46 am »

               Hey have you tried checking  ?
Also some of the links you posted direct you to the old forums(deeead).
Same goes for your other thread.
Good work anyway.



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Re-post - Hero's Path Module List
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2012, 03:54:49 am »

               I don't mind! '<img'>



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Re-post - Hero's Path Module List
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2013, 01:55:11 am »

               Bump, get em whilst the vault links still work




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Re-post - Hero's Path Module List
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2013, 08:26:59 pm »

               I'm very glad of this resource. Thanks for posting it. :-)

MrKWMonk wrote...

Bump, get em whilst the vault links still work


The Vault isn't going anywhere, as far as I know. If this is a reference to a recent glitch that made the Vault hard to get to for a while, the issue has been resolved (and might have fixed sooner, if it had been reported to IGN sooner). See OTR's post in the NWN1 General section: Rumors of NWVault's death greatly exaggerated. Info from IGN:



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Re-post - Hero's Path Module List
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2014, 12:30:26 am »


By odd coincidence I find myself going to bump this thread a year after the last post.


The links in the OP no longer work '<img'>


If you can't find them on the new vault you might be able to get some of these titles via the wayback machine.


Go to and put into the url.  Browse for titles from there.


Good lcuk





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Re-post - Hero's Path Module List
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2014, 04:23:05 pm »


This list was my baby.  Would there be interest in me reviving it with new links?  Or did some of the lists that came later basically supplant it as needed/necessary?


It's harder to find new additions to the list these days, because the new vault doesn't (yet) have the kind of sorting and searching abilities needed.  But I could always take nominations.  I've thought about doing something similar with nwn2 too.  But again, there are already those other lists, so...



Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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Re-post - Hero's Path Module List
« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2014, 06:23:59 pm »


<examining an orange...>


Like Skunkeen's Tileset List (*my* baby now ;-), the value of a list doesn't just lie in the list entries, but also in the sorting criteria and the comments and opinions you made.


I think this list *is* valuable and might even serve as a checklist for high-priority modules to migrate to the Vault ;-)


Also, if you post it there, I guarantee it get's stickied ;-)


<...while pocketing an apple>




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Re-post - Hero's Path Module List
« Reply #8 on: July 18, 2014, 06:58:59 pm »


Hmmm... '<img'>


I'm gunna think on it.  I wonder if I could embed a google doc spreadsheet on the New Vault?  Or maybe I can figure out a good way to output it.  Keeping it on google docs would make it easier to maintain....




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Re-post - Hero's Path Module List
« Reply #9 on: July 22, 2014, 02:18:11 pm »


Ok, I've re-created the Hero's Path module list with new links to all of the modules that have been uploaded to the New Vault so far:



I will continue to update it as the migration continues.  My plan is to keep at Neverwinter Vault, though if you folks really wanted a version in this forum I might be amenable to that (haven't gotten much feedback from non-vault folks).


Thanks to MrKWMonk for finding this old copy!


Also, while this isn't the right forum, I've also created one for nwn2:




Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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Re-post - Hero's Path Module List
« Reply #10 on: July 23, 2014, 08:41:38 pm »




Hmmm... '<img'>


I'm gunna think on it.  I wonder if I could embed a google doc spreadsheet on the New Vault?  Or maybe I can figure out a good way to output it.  Keeping it on google docs would make it easier to maintain....

Can you embed google spreadsheets?!

(edit: yup

I can see several places this would be very handy, not least in the various recommendation lists...


I *can* give permissions to embed code in pages, but obviously only to trusted contributors... 

Let's discuss this, Big B :-)






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Re-post - Hero's Path Module List
« Reply #11 on: July 24, 2014, 02:12:36 pm »


Well, at this point, I've already reproduced them as classic lists.  Spreadsheets are fun, but in some ways they're a bit less "organic" (or something) when presenting these kinds of things.  I'm happy with them as they are.


That said, if there's something that I can help with, let me know!  Most of my hobbies eventually involve spreadsheets at some point. '<img'>




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Re-post - Hero's Path Module List
« Reply #12 on: February 27, 2015, 03:30:11 am »


Huzzah for Berliad necro-ing his hero's path list at neverwinter vault...  And there was much rejoicing.










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Re-post - Hero's Path Module List
« Reply #13 on: March 04, 2015, 09:03:33 am »


I didn't see it listed, but here is the lists new home: http://neverwinterva...odule-list-nwn1




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Re-post - Hero's Path Module List
« Reply #14 on: March 06, 2015, 09:44:01 pm »


Thanks icywind. '<img'>