Author Topic: I am in quite a pickle and need answers from the NWN community for a new module series...  (Read 872 times)

Legacy_Dragon Studios

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               I have no idea what the personal tastes of the current NWN community are. Currently Dragon Studios as a whole is developing Crowley's Magnificent Adventure which is a party-based traditional RPG. CMA features a set protagonist who (as you probably guessed by the name) is a male.

However I myself am now working on a seperate module series while my colleague finishes the final touches for CMA. The seperate module series is set in a new universe and is going to have four parts. There will be the prologue and then Chapter I, II and III afterwards. The prologue has a set protagonist (unlike the three parts afterwards which are for a custom character who can be imported into the next chapters with equipment, EXP and consequences carrying over) who is female.

Now I have no idea what the demographics of the NWN community is. I have no idea what statistics like (or don't care) playing as a female. I don't want the first adventure in this series to turn people off because they don't enjoy playing as a female because they can't identify with the character. This is also the first character players will play as in the series and a rather major character afterwards. For the reason above about the NWN community, I'm almost considering making the character in the prologue a custom character whose gender and name can be chosen but this wouldn't do well with the story I have in mind.

Maybe I'm wrong but I wanted to check up with the community before I make any choices. This new series is intended to be based upon what the community wants and what the community is starved of (based on what I've seen).

Now that that's out of the way. I'd like to introduce the new module series with the prologue module:

Celeritas Eos - Equilibrium of The Night!

A new survival horror RPG.

  • Undead that eat people and can transform some people into zombies.
  • Low fantasy world with guns and swords.
  • Dark horror survival RPG set in a new mature universe (so there's nudity, sex, grotesque monsters and towns filled with all sorts of detestable people doing horrible things).
  • Wound system where the character takes injuries from battle and can be crippled.
  • Reputation system where NPC's act according to what you are known as. Be hated by people and become known as a prostitute, murderer, cheat and coward or be praised by people and become known as a heroic knight, vampire slayer, pious knight and one who is righteous.
  • A rest system where the player has to rest.
  • Food and water system where the player has to feed and drink.
  • Permanent death (to be implemented in CMA too so the player has to reload. No more respawning crap).
  • 24/7 NPC schedules (possibly).
  • A unique lore and back-story to the world.
  • Fully customizable companions.
  • Limited supplies such as healing potions and bullets.
  • Vampires play a major role in the game.
  • Expect appearances from vampires like Carmilla (complete with her lesbian sexuality thus staying true to the novel) and a rather notorious vampairic lord...
  • Realistic vampire system where vampires have to be stabbed in the heart to die. Players will have to find their coffins to kill them. Vampires will also be damaged by sunlight.
  • Dragons existed once until the last dragon was slain by the heroic Dragon Slayer hero who grew up within some peasant village and has rose to kingship due to his deed. Sounds like a typical generic fantasy story and it happened only a few months before Equilibrium of The Night takes place. No dragon slaying for the player! Also it turns out that the Dragon Slaying hero isn't truly heroic and noble as the stories make him out to be for he cares little of the land he rules and rumors tell of him abducting women and making them his sex slaves. However stopping the tyrant (who will have a cameo role) isn't part of the story and can't be done. Not by the prologue hero anyway.
  • No epic levels and no high level player characters or companions. This means that players will need to rely on companion help, potions, traps and guns to help them out. I intend for the maximum level to be LV 5 whereas you will have some high level enemies (not to high though as to be impossible) at maximum.
  • Equilibrium of The Night follows a preset character but the three adventures afterwards will feature a new custom character who sets out on the same quest as the Equilibrium hero and the following trilogy will encourage the player to import their character to the next adventure for choices made in the previous one to be recognized.
  • Open world with everywhere accessible from the start. However Equilibrium of The Night will not have the same scope in size as Crowley's Adventure and certainly won't be a 30 hour adventure. Most likely it will be five hours (or maybe eight). However the smaller size means that choices can be more instant, recognized and play out more. There's a massive castle in the game wherein evil is brewing and the character has set out to bring it to an end.
  • Ability to die in dialogue by picking the wrong dialogue choices.
These features will also feature in the modules after the prologue.

Not fully decided features:
  • Sexual relations with characters and prostitutes. This is certainly going to be a feature that the player can perform in the installments after Equilibrium but I'm not sure how to go about it with the set protagonist. Should who the set protagonist likes be up to the player to decide? I intend for the set protagonist's morality and views to be influenced and chosen by the player but some things need to be set (like the character's reason for wanting to put an end to the evil within the castle) so that the character is unique to the later custom character.
  • Becoming a prostitute. Well you can rob people and murder people so why not this? I have an idea of making an entire story-line based around this where you get gold and later quests for this. This would also change your reputation to that of a loose woman...sorry, BSN won't allow me to use the correct word ;-)
  • Ability to become a vampire. This could be gained by being bitten by a vampire and would change gameplay completely. Alternatively this could lead to the player being hunted down by the townsfolk but the character will have to despise their newly gained curse and this could be incorporated into the story where the secondary goal for the character will be searching for a cure alongside the primary goal of ending the evil within the castle. Not only will this add an ironic twist to the story but the game will become even more of a survival as the player will now need to drink blood, avoid daylight and avoid the town's knights (who can sense vampires) alongside creatures of the night who will still hate the player.
Most of the scripts have already been implemented into the module and half of the world has been built and filled out with encounters, placeables, sounds, items, treasure, caves, dungeons and ruins. The world actually feels very dark and depressing so I guess I've achieved what I wanted.

I intend for this project to be "community based" (so to speak) so I'd like for some ideas of what could be implemented into the module. What hasn't a module done before? What type of NEW features does a NWN module desperately need that few (or none) modules have done before?


                     Modifié par Dragon Studios, 31 juillet 2012 - 11:31 .


Legacy_Mr. Versipellis

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               This sounds brilliant. I wouldn't worry about the set character - half the fun of role-playing is stepping into someone else's shoes for a time. The one thing I'd like to see more of in modules and games in general would be more attachment to NPCs and the setting - I want to know why I should fight for country x or why I'm travelling with person y - "doing it for the money" isn't nearly as much fun as fighting for a doomed homeland alongside your brother or best friend.



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               Just can't figure the use of guns but everything seems great



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               I'm surprised at the few comments, though this is only fifteen days since post (yeah, what took me so long?).  

DS, if this module holds up to your billing, I agree with Mr. V, that it sounds like it could be brilliant.  Dances with Rogues and Gladiatrix proved people don't mind a female protagonist, especially if the story and dialogue, etc are well developed.  

While I can understand the whole 'need food and water' thing, for me it often bogs down the flow and enjoyability of 'play'.  I've been in community mods that became nearly unplayable because of that single feature.  I guess it depends on how you implement it into the story and structure of the mod itself.  

While I'm generally more a fan of 'lighter' (non horror) mods, if this one is done as well as it sounds I will gladly play.  Cudos on your efforts.


Legacy_Dragon Studios

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Mr. Versipellis wrote...

This sounds brilliant. I wouldn't worry about the set character - half the fun of role-playing is stepping into someone else's shoes for a time. The one thing I'd like to see more of in modules and games in general would be more attachment to NPCs and the setting - I want to know why I should fight for country x or why I'm travelling with person y - "doing it for the money" isn't nearly as much fun as fighting for a doomed homeland alongside your brother or best friend.


Then you will surely love this module. Characters aren't the only ones with depth, the setting has depth too and the entire enviroment you explore will tell a story. From the ruined tower in the woods with its door open, to the corpses of a family being eaten by zombies.

cds13 wrote...

Just can't figure the use of guns but everything seems great


I decided against using them in the end. They could possibly arise in a future installment but I doubt it as this point after the trouble I went through with one of the haks.

mochamage wrote...

I'm surprised at the few comments, though this is only fifteen days since post (yeah, what took me so long?).  

DS, if this module holds up to your billing, I agree with Mr. V, that it sounds like it could be brilliant.  Dances with Rogues and Gladiatrix proved people don't mind a female protagonist, especially if the story and dialogue, etc are well developed.  

While I can understand the whole 'need food and water' thing, for me it often bogs down the flow and enjoyability of 'play'.  I've been in community mods that became nearly unplayable because of that single feature.  I guess it depends on how you implement it into the story and structure of the mod itself.  

While I'm generally more a fan of 'lighter' (non horror) mods, if this one is done as well as it sounds I will gladly play.  Cudos on your efforts.

The food and water system is gone now. It was presenting more problems than it was worth so I scrapped it. I'm most likely going to implement the sleep system from Baldur's Gate into the module though. So occansionally you need to rest otherwise you get tired and your statistics suffer somewhat.

The setting isn't entirely horrific. You won't encounter zombies and other nightmarish creatures everywhere you go. Some places won't even have such enemies whereas other places will be the domain for such creatures. Also while the summary I put up may make the module sound like it's dark themed all the time, this isn't the case. There will be light humored dialogue and even a few areas which are rather enchanting as opposed to other areas where the atmosphere will be aiming at horror.

(Same avatars FTW!)


And here's some dialogue:

Now I know what you're all thinking, "surely not every dialogue option has different responses from an NPC" and you'd be wrong. Not only does every dialogue option above lead to a different response but they can lead to different outcomes as well. Also some dialogue will only appear based on your reputation, character traits and the faction you are with. So there's massive role-playing potential in terms of dialogue.

And here's some more dialogue and responses:


Other pics:

Lucia (protagonist):

Fighting an NPC (because you can attack anyone and everyone is killable. Good luck trying to kill a LV 20 character though what with the LV cap being around 5 - 7 and you'll know who they are but if you can pull it off, you can look forward to looting their equipment):

Rural area:

Zombie monster:

Top of a mountain:

Zombie attack:

The gate before entering Avue (Guards here will check you before letting you in. So if you're a vampire you're going to have to try and fight the high level guards or attempt to find an alternative way into town):

A gory end (yup, zombies eat dead characters including you. Please note that the respawn option won't be in the final build):



                     Modifié par Dragon Studios, 18 août 2012 - 10:50 .



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               I can honestly say I will play this when it comes out.

EDIT: Those screenshots paint a pretty (figuratively) picture. Looking good so far.


                     Modifié par NineCoronas2021, 20 août 2012 - 02:03 .



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               Have you thought about using zombies appearence override?


Legacy_Dragon Studios

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               Any you have in mind werelynx? I found some on the NWN vault. One was a Resident Evil override which messed up the module by turning names of creature appearances into dialogue from the NWN campaign. Another simply changed the color of the zombies and another had the zombies with human models.

I really liked the Resident Evil one as it was gory and the zombies had an appropriate appearance. Further more, some of them could be used for this setting but unfortunately it wasn't meant to be it seems.

Still the zombies aren't the main focus and there's only several areas which contain them so it's not as if you'd be fighting waves after waves of similar looking zombies.


That should be soon and asides from the survival element, I think the dialogue, choices and characters are the crowning points for the module.



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               I was talking about this one: http://nwvault.ign.c...s.Detail&id=605


Legacy_Dragon Studios

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               How did I miss that?

Still it's an override which I'm weary of using. I'd much prefer a hak...

Hmmm. Perhaps I could convert the files into a hak...

I'll have to look into that. Those zombie models are far better than the default NWN zombies.



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               Good sir, send me your email, I already have that override hakified.


A rest system where the player has to rest.



                     Modifié par NineCoronas2021, 23 août 2012 - 05:08 .


Legacy_Dragon Studios

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               Let's see if it works then...


Legacy_Dragon Studios

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               Ha ha ha ha! I've just implemented a romance that can *possibly* play out between two of your companions!



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               You mean a non-player romance? Like Haer'dalis and Aerie from BG2?


Legacy_Dragon Studios

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Oh and the player can also romance two companions as well.

The player can also be a vampire or a prostitute (or both) now.

So all the "not fully decided features" are now in.