They open in notepad.
First make a copy of 2das fromm cep haks you have included. Use nwhak.exe from util folder to extract them. Then check what 2das yuanti hak uses. Most probably it will only be appearence.2da, but I'm not sure. You will se that there are 2da(s) that have the same name. It means that the top most hak withthat 2da will overwrite the 2da below it in hak order.
Open both of them. Then compare what entries(rows are missing or just differ. Since CEP has more appearence then yuanti hakpak' 2da I recommend to use it as your "base" file. When you spot a nth row that differs tehn:
a) if CEP has something written, but yuanti has only asterixes(**** **** *** * **** etc.), then you may leaveit
If CEP has nothing and yuanti has something, then just copy yuanti line and paste it in place of empty CEP one
c) If both the CEP and yuanti 2da have something written, then try to find some empty entry(row) of CEP 2da, that is not reserved for something and place the line from yuanti there, but remeber to change the number of the row to the appropriate one. You will probably find one only at the end of the CEP 2da.
Repeat for every row and every doubling 2da.
It is very important that those lines to be numbered correctly, otherwise something could get overwritten.
You may also read about it here:
http://nwvault.ign.c...ombiningHakPaks or use some 2da merger.
When you have obtained your 2da(s) save it/them in different loaction, then laugh maniacally, then make a new hak(usng nwhak.exe, I think) and place it in the top of the hak list of your module properties
Hopes that will help to solve it.
Modifié par werelynx, 16 mars 2012 - 10:04 .