Author Topic: The arrival of Elements Of Alma  (Read 652 times)


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The arrival of Elements Of Alma
« on: February 16, 2012, 09:05:57 pm »


 I know E.O.A has been in the long waits, but dont give up on it just yet. 
As of now two main mods for the game are just about done and ready to be uploaded to the site for your enjoyment.

The first mod will be : Shades of Tragedy
Which is more based on being an intro into the whole series. In S.O.T, your player will get to live out the events that occur five years before the sequel "The Soul".
This mod is not required to play, seeing as your character is not suppose to be used to play the continuing stories that follow after. Once making your character for Book One: The Soul, you are allowed to continue the other games with the same character once completing each story. Other wise with out completeing each story you wont fully be able to start any of the other mods.

Focusing more on Shades of Tragedy
6070, B.I (Before Invasion)
Nation of Fel' Lodorni, Nations capital "Alexandrio".
Alexandir Ferico(Fair-Reck-oh) has assembled the world alliance "Vis Vi Medius Mundus", The force of the middle world. At this time period, war was still rare, but common as well. Alexandir, seek a way to bring the war to a halt, with this new alliance of nations it allows Alexandir to forcus his efforts more on Fel'Lodorni, which has become the home to fiendish beings named Zorgs. They have grown strong and have caused countless issues for the Alexandrian army.
Of course the plan for successful alliance did not go well. All agreed but the Nation of the south, "AlederiBan"(Ally-dare-re-bond). AlederiBan, hold different beliefs, they do not believe in the creation of the world thru the Astralis. These people are well known with Jecanaization (The Infusion of Natural Energy). The nation of AlederiBan, have felt they have been ignored and denied their needs for help from the rest of the world. Thus they believe in only destroying the Capital of Fel'Lodorni, taking its land for their own, sending a message to the rest.

Before the southern nation could be delt with, things went disray.
With out break of increase crimes from bandits, the streets of Alexandrio become filled with more then just fear. With deaths rising with in the kingdom, the people began to panic. Alexandir begans to run out of  options with his army off for war, he is only left with lower rank soldiers, castle guards, and best of the best The "Elite Court".
That is until you show up with the lost gem the "Hericho"(Heir-reck-oh). From this point the world has been sent into spiral that will send spining into self destruction.

Mod Name: Elements of Alma

Tpye: Solo, Epic Story

Level: Designed for Level 1 players to play.

CEP: Yes CEP Version 2.3 is needed((If you have problems locating these contact me))

Restrictions: No real restrictons, the game is designed to fit every class, and race.
((Remember E.O.A dose NOT follow traditional D&D rules of race, and class))

Aliginment: Is not yet important in this mod

Party: Yes, its a Solo mod, that allows you to have from 3-6 party members. Each built different and have their own roles in the story. Plus optional partners


                     Modifié par Omega27, 25 février 2012 - 08:16 .



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The arrival of Elements Of Alma
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2012, 07:42:17 am »


In the story of "Shades of Tragedy", you meet and work with the Central Kingdom Alexandrio, elite forces. The High Court, known as the Elite Five. Together you all work with each other to unravel the events taken place within the kingdom. While also attempting to be diplomatic with the nation of the South.


                     Modifié par Omega27, 27 février 2012 - 06:19 .



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The arrival of Elements Of Alma
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2012, 08:07:10 am »


Inside the castle, the Elite Five, King, and the hero. Here is where a major part of the Shades of Tragedy. You will explore areas outside the castle, but a lot of events are connected to the kingdom and the castle its self. At this point in the series nothing major really goes on around the castle  in the first book: "The Soul". Things take a spin.



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The arrival of Elements Of Alma
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2012, 08:10:01 am »


Ever wonder what the apocalypse would look like?
Take a glimpse of : "Fort Valagar" in Shades of Tragedy" that is later in Book One, named Vasalarga, and become the capital Out land town for the Rim.
Fort Valagar, has a importance to the story, a lot of important events are connected to this spot, that the player will un-earth in Book One.



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The arrival of Elements Of Alma
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2012, 08:11:40 am »


A Glimpse into your Future battle.
Here you'll see what is known as an "Alurkurn". Their existance will be explained in Shades of Tragedy. Just be prepared when facing them.



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The arrival of Elements Of Alma
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2012, 01:17:26 pm »

               Good to see this coming along. Some very promising screen shots there.
As a tiny suggestion, it can be a little confusing to have the project as spread out over several web pages/sites as it is. To wit: The link above is to, whose main page has primarily a link to the bioware social EoA project page, which links back to a different site (, which is a dead link.

Some pages have some useful info, like needed HAKs (though that's premature since the actual module doesn't appear to be available yet) and some nice screenshot galleries. But, it might be worth consolidating things a bit, pruning dead or not-yet-born site links, and maybe putting a little summary on the first page a visitor to any site will see. That brief summary can explain the current state of the project, what the visitor might want to look at on that site, and what he might want to visit other links to see. For example:

Welcome to the project page. for the Elements of Alma, an NWN module due for release soon. The introduction to the EoA story is below. While you are here, please visit the gallery for some pictures of what we have been working on and please keep an eye out for project announcements here and at *link*.
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The arrival of Elements Of Alma
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2012, 10:04:29 pm »

               Thanks a lot Z, i honestly shamefully admit i had no idea my links had gotten switch up like that. That E.O.A link up top is suppose to take you to the project page connected to Bioware, and as for the broken link ill have to look into that, could of sworn i removed it off the page.
My apologies for the unintended confusion.
Try my hardest to get this project off to a great start, i know i've kept everyone who's been following in a very long wait. Don't want anyone to give up on it '<img'>. I do in return have a question for you, did you find navigation on the site hard or simple? I need to make sure that all the infomation and summaries are easy to locate.