Author Topic: Modules for NWN casual/arcade gaming on a LAN?  (Read 961 times)


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Modules for NWN casual/arcade gaming on a LAN?
« on: December 24, 2011, 05:00:14 pm »

               Here's my quandry: I've installed NWN on just about every computer in the house, including the laptops/netbooks our children have and even the other children who visit regularly.  But we don't really play NWN that much simply because I don't have a good "casual" game module for everyone to hop onto. 

I'm looking for something I can basically drop onto a server, have everyone roll up their characters and start playing, leave when they get bored and come back to when the desire strikes them.

Right now a lot of the kids are playing Realm Of The Mad God, Titan Quest, and Facebook games because they can just drop in and start having fun.  We've even fired up MAME for arcade multiplayer D&D: Shadow Over Mystara.

I want that for NWN.  Where can I find it?  I've tinkered with making something like what I'm asking for but don't have anything we can actually play, just prototypes and stuff like that.

Thanks and Happy Holidays!



                     Modifié par OldTimeRadio, 24 décembre 2011 - 05:00 .


Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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Modules for NWN casual/arcade gaming on a LAN?
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2011, 12:24:32 am »

               <actually digging...>

Been meaning to give the Endless Nights series a try myself... Guess I'll give it a try tonight (though I'm * supposed* to be doing any one of about a hundred other things :-)

<...into the Vault himself>



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Modules for NWN casual/arcade gaming on a LAN?
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2011, 04:45:10 pm »

               Thanks, Rolo!  That looks to be just the kind of thing I'm searching for.

Any other suggestions? 



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Modules for NWN casual/arcade gaming on a LAN?
« Reply #3 on: December 25, 2011, 07:05:30 pm »

               Maybe one of those infinite dungeons type of things? (Not the premium module, it was awful except the puzzles) I'm sure there are few random dungeon generators out there.


                     Modifié par werelynx, 25 décembre 2011 - 07:06 .



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Modules for NWN casual/arcade gaming on a LAN?
« Reply #4 on: December 25, 2011, 07:39:26 pm »

               What about the Good vs Evil series?

Or Lord of Terror - a Diablo remake?

Not exactly arcade gaming, but easy to get moving in:
I had a great deal of fun playing the Salt Marsh series by Oraweb with some friends in multi-player during NWN's early days.

My recommendation for any of these older modules is to install the NWNCQ override and liven up the old tilesets.



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Modules for NWN casual/arcade gaming on a LAN?
« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2011, 02:16:38 am »

               Honestly I felt the same way as you OTR. several years back I was in the same dilemna, I wanted to play with my friends, but sometimes my cousin would come, othertimes some others couldnt make it, other times even more people showed up..
I tried many modules, and although I can give you the best that I felt worked for us, they all had one was too story-driven...I mean sometimes a few of us would be battling like crazy having fun, telling other friends about it and getting them excited to 'drop in' and join in the fun...but then we discovered that when they did join in sometimes we were in the 'midle' of some long non combat oriented dialog/quest system which ultimately bored these newe players that might only have a chance to play for a few hours once in a great while..

long story never really gave me that p&p feel where as a DM you could always wing it and add some extra fun stuff in just for the newbies..

so I made my own PW. so yeah all this rambling and I am selling a PW. but seriously, I built it FOR players like us, so you start it...players roll their PC's and you just start playing, I guarantee that it will give them a good idea of the fun that can be doesnt rely on DM's and possesed creatures to further the plot, there isn't a solo character quest, its just a bunch of fun stuff to do around several cities, towns, hillsides, underdark, mountains, get the idea.
quests like clearing out the old haunted Hawthornes Manor..or perhaps you wish to rid the halfling village of Stumpett Groves of its increasing Troll Attacks.. Many of the players play the PW alone and don't complain of boredom, other than not having any other players to play with.
for the long playing people (over time) the system has persistant housing, furniture, unique loot...and its updated alot so if you ever (which considering your gametime setup I doubt would happen) ran out of things/quests to do you could download the newest module build.

now of course this requires a little bit of a setup on your half..but its easy,I used NWNx2 (its easy, its as easy as *launching* the toolset and I had my PW running on a crappy ibm thinkpad (originally ran win2000) , i use thebuilt in sqlite system so there is no alternative downloads or setups, or funky passwords..or linux installs *wink* and you "don't" have to have it running 24/7...I originally only loaded up Arbor Falls when we(friends) planned on playing, but through suggestions of these same friends, they asked me to keep it up so they could play amoung themselves...and thus the reason for its 24/7 hours.

it also contains alot of haks (but a few of them are your very own ideas and inventions (plane of sky relies heavily on your cloud based textures--when I find the link I will edit it here)
but even if I wasn't the creator of Arbor Falls I would still have to say its Fun (woops, before anyone misunderstands...there are GREAT PW's out there, but mine is one that is also available for download to run for your own use thats why I am encouraging him to check out mine and not Amethysts Dragon's Aenea or many of the other greats)

if your even *slightly* intrigued by this idea let me know otherwise I shall leave now and wish you luck as nothing is more fun than actually getting to play this addicting game once in awhile!
click 'downloads' to get everything you'll need..also PM' me for any help needed.. I will gladly help you get through any setup needed.


                     Modifié par lordofworms, 26 décembre 2011 - 02:18 .



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Modules for NWN casual/arcade gaming on a LAN?
« Reply #6 on: December 26, 2011, 05:12:37 am »

               @werelynx - Cool idea, actually.  I had looked at the earlier version released by (his name slips my mind) before the system was polished and rolled into Infinite Dungeons.  Now that you mention it there was another guy who made an "infinite" style system, at least that's what I think it was.  I haven't gotten the time to check it out yet.  Have you used the other one by the guy who wound up doing Infinite Dungeons?  What did you think?

@heneusa - Oh, thanks for the reminder about Good and Evil!  I haven't tried Lord of Terror or the Salt Marsh series but I'll check them out.

@lordofworms - Sounds like you know the boat I'm in!  I don't consider it poor form to mention your own creation at all.  I've actually logged in a few times and I can say it's the most beautiful server I've personally logged into, hands down.  I would log in sometimes and just....gawk, heh heh.  Anyway, that's another good suggestion.  I like the ability to set up/modify my own instance locally- I'm leery of letting my kids (or especially sleepovers) playing on a PW I don't have control over.

Thanks and, again, keep the ideas coming if they come to mind!


Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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Modules for NWN casual/arcade gaming on a LAN?
« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2011, 10:59:08 pm »

               <tamping down his pipe...>

First response to Endless Nights IV: playable fluff, exactly what it's intended for.

Ran a 1st level for an hour, a high teens (Skeaver) for an hour and Rolo for an hour (a natural 40th). Had fun with all and will probably return now and then. Could be quite fun with a group.

That said, it's too random for me to really enjoy (currently my meager playing time is being spent on the Relbonian Chronicles, The Prophet series, The Sanctum series and WCoC - and loving all of them)

<...and settling in for a good read>


                     Modifié par Rolo Kipp, 26 décembre 2011 - 11:01 .



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Modules for NWN casual/arcade gaming on a LAN?
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2011, 04:06:02 pm »

               Look what I found: L-4-T


                     Modifié par werelynx, 28 décembre 2011 - 04:06 .



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Modules for NWN casual/arcade gaming on a LAN?
« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2011, 03:21:21 am »

               @rolo - Thank you!

@werelynx - Thanks!  That's on my list to check out as well, now.

Glad I asked- thank you for the responses and information, everyone! 



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Modules for NWN casual/arcade gaming on a LAN?
« Reply #10 on: January 02, 2012, 10:32:40 pm »

                I don't know if that fits your wishes, but that Eye of the Beholder module is a beautiful dungeon crawling. 
H&S mostly, but seems to be built for multiplayers as well. 
(A bit heavy on the requirements side, but my computer is not that big anymore and I'm doing fine... so far)



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Modules for NWN casual/arcade gaming on a LAN?
« Reply #11 on: January 10, 2012, 02:48:25 am »

               This might be a fun mod to try: Medieval Dead
Capture the flag, but with zombies.  I've always thought it would be a fun mod to try, but I don't do the multiplayer thing, so...


                     Modifié par Berliad, 10 janvier 2012 - 02:48 .



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Modules for NWN casual/arcade gaming on a LAN?
« Reply #12 on: January 13, 2012, 04:31:21 am »

               Very nice, thank you!  I think I might go the mashup route with a few of these.



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Modules for NWN casual/arcade gaming on a LAN?
« Reply #13 on: January 14, 2012, 03:00:30 pm »

               *Puts on AME Chairman Hat and prepares for a shameless plug*

Good discussion, all. If there's enough interest in this subject and you come up with some good suggestions, I hope that some of you will consider joining the Academy for Modding Excellence (AME) and helping us to bring back our Best Multiplayer Module category -- because this is precisely the kind of input that we need to do that. '<img'>

Unfortunately, most of the members who've volunteered to join the AME over the last several years have been mainly SP rather than MP players. Because of that lack of participation from the MP community, the AME hasn't been able to award its NWN1 Best Multiplayer Module award since 2007. As a result, and under the new procedures we set up last year, we currently have an award category for the "NWN1 Best Multiplayer Module of 2008-2011" that is open and waiting for nominations. So far it has only two (one from 2008 and one from 2009) which have had only a few votes cast on them. That isn't nearly enough to move the category to the finals to eventually be awarded.

Starting last year with our reorganized procedures, the AME now operates strictly on a "do what you want when you can" model. So a new member could join the AME even for the purpose of participating in advancing and voting on nominations in only one category, such as NWN1 Best MP Module. Other than a few minutes to read our guidelines and understand our nominating and voting procedures, there's very little that prospective members would need to commit themselves to in terms of time in order to participate. So if you're already doing the work to identify and evaluate good candidates in one of our awards categories -- even if it's just one category -- then I hope you'll consider using that knowledge to help us in our community mission, and to recognize the contributors who've given so much to it and to us for so many years. '<img'>


                     Modifié par AndarianTD, 14 janvier 2012 - 03:35 .



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Modules for NWN casual/arcade gaming on a LAN?
« Reply #14 on: January 28, 2012, 05:36:24 pm »

               I followed the link to the Arbor Falls entry on the vault.  I downloaded the .mod file at the bottom of the list as I thought I might play through some of it at home to see if it would be suitable for my casual gaming friends.  I picked the last option as it seemed like the best choice.  After that I can't figure out what else to download.  All the files seem the same or very similar.  I didn't see a clear set of "read me" instructions.  Are all 14 downloads different and therefore required?  Clearly, some are (like the builders' docs) but most seem like different versions of the same thing.
Any suggestions appreciated