The sword...
If I remember right (I was playing a neutral-good alignement myself, so the numbers/results might depend on your own alignement), I picked it up, set it free by destroying it on the spot (by radial-using it, not using it in a fight) which let me with the same blade but broken, one I could show to the priest for him to give me some infos, including his advice to show it to the smithess.
Now, she did say something, it's a very tiny line in her dialog, but she does say she could use it (if you carefully read the name given to that sword once broken... which I forgot, you should see it in her dialog when she makes a list of the pieces you're carrying in your backpack) as some material for her to to be able to enhance that "hero weapon" she could craft for you.
Which, at this point, should be an "enhancement +3" one, regarding the quantity (3) of ancient pieces you already found, hopfully.
Beside, it's also probably the best moment to have that special weapon finally crafted, (I found a Bodak tooth being the best ingredient to add to it), for the next but best step (+4, for 4 ancient pieces found) comes a bit too late in the game in my opinion to enjoy her gift long enough.
(Be warned if you're using Tony K's AI, the crafting cutscene might freeze the game.
Just move your override folder aside for a while if this ever happen)
About the horn, did you ever run into Manthis on your way to the fort?
That Lord was actually the hunter Manthis wanted to know about. Nothing more, but some 1500/2000? xps lost all together I suppose.
Modifié par jmlzemaggo, 15 octobre 2011 - 11:43 .