Author Topic: NWN Reviewers Guild: Farewell message  (Read 1092 times)


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NWN Reviewers Guild: Farewell message
« on: September 23, 2011, 11:43:10 pm »

               A sad message from QSW.

It is with deepest regret that we of the NWVault Reviewer's Guild put down our pens and say a fond farewell to NWN in our present capacity.

The Reviewer's Guild was originally established by Maximus of the Vault, and run by volunteers in the community. DocTari was the first review admin administrator followed by Hall of Fame author Alazander. In mid-2005, QSW took over as admin and it was at this time that the reviewers got their own forums hosted by the NWVault. In 2007, Dormammu took over as admin until QSW returned in late 2008.

Along the way we've had a great many people join the review guild and contributed their time and effort. Some were only around for a limited time before drifting into other pursuits. Others were around much longer. But each
contributed to the tapestry of wonderful reviews that have enriched the community over the past several years. We would like to thank these reviewers for their dedication to the guild, and to the NWN and NWN2 community.

As the review administrator for many years, I have worked with many reviewers and would like to extend a special thanks to Eva Galana, amers1015, Lore of Old, Fire & Ice, Berliad, Hugie, Dormammu, SirChet, Gevaudan, B G P Huges, Geckofood, Jdai, and many others. Thank you all for your time and support of the NWN community.

I would like to extend extra thanks to our Grandmaster Peer Reviewer shia luck. She is the one and only reviewer to hold this revered title, a title that was created for her in recognition of her years of unwavering peer review support. The community did not see the tough (but fair) questions and suggestions that she gave most reviews, but the final
products were so much better because of her input. She understood the gaming systems and PC classes better than anyone I've ever known. As a peer reviewer she challenged us to do our best, and goaded us to prove her mean feat! Without shia, our peer review system would have surely fallen flat on its face years ago, but we also would have been without a true friend inside and outside of the guild.
And to Master Reviewer VPJ: A man who joined us and showed us how a really cool review can be written, with to-the-point comments and a smattering of humour! Generous with his time, he has always been a solid rock that
we could rely upon, and a good friend inside and outside of the guild these last few years. VPJ also agreed to assist the review admin QSW andtook it upon himself to ensure that a great deal of the tiresome admin work was dealt with, just so that QSW could enjoy a stress free administration.

Our forums will remain for as long as the NWVault wishes to host them, and while they will be 'read only', we hope that you find the information and links held therein useful.

Thank you for your support of our work over the years, and we wish you all the very best for the future in real life and in whatever games you enjoy.

Review Administrator

An afterward by me:
It is a sad day to see the Guild close its doors, and yet we all know that life moves on to bigger and better things. I would like to reiterate what Queenie said and give my thanks to all the wonderful reviewers that this guild has been a home to. I can't put it any better than QSW does above.

That said, I would like to present a special thanks to QSW herself. She has been the heart and soul of the guild
since I joined in 2009. Her positive attitude was infectious, even if her charmingly erratic spelling and grammar gave the wannabe English teacher in me fits. I have had a wonderful experience with the Guild in the past two and a half years, and it wouldn't have been nearly so without QSW sitting in the administrator's throne for most of it.

Regards and best of luck to all,
Review Assistant Administrator

Cross posted here.

[Edited to remove the manual line breaks]


                     Modifié par VPJ, 24 septembre 2011 - 08:47 .



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NWN Reviewers Guild: Farewell message
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2011, 11:55:41 pm »

               Thank you to the reviewer's guild to all that you've done.  The community is richer for your work. '<img'>

*super big hugs*  All my best. '<img'>



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NWN Reviewers Guild: Farewell message
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2011, 12:02:38 am »

               Awwww. *nostalgia*



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NWN Reviewers Guild: Farewell message
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2011, 02:10:20 am »

               *cries* Sad to see it go. Even though I popped in on and off and was mostly the "Graphics Monkey" heh I enjoyed my time there with everyone immensely.



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NWN Reviewers Guild: Farewell message
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2011, 06:08:55 am »

               Whoa!  Not even an email?  An IM?  Nothing?  

Looks like I'm out of a job!  '<img'>



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NWN Reviewers Guild: Farewell message
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2011, 08:08:45 am »

               These are no good news at all. ****!
Or... maybe I should say it in my french...        Merde!
'cause this quite interesting word overhere means either you're really really pissed, or...
to wish you luck.
For every one of you, reviewers, to use it at your own conveniance...
***And just watch it going so beautifully through the censure without any problem, when the other one didn't make it. It's a sign!***

Thanks for your future already! Beside what you brought us in your now past. 


                     Modifié par jmlzemaggo, 24 septembre 2011 - 07:17 .



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NWN Reviewers Guild: Farewell message
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2011, 09:29:41 am »


amers1015 wrote...
Whoa!  Not even an email?  An IM?  Nothing?  

QSW should have dropped you a line about this earlier.  May not have  gone through, but it wasn't our intent to keep you in the dark.  I'm sorry.  *prostrates self at your feet*




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NWN Reviewers Guild: Farewell message
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2011, 12:09:20 pm »

               Thanks everyone, it's so nice to see old and new friends here, I just wish it were under better circumstances. Thank you all for your support now and over the last 9 years. '<img'>

@Amers - I sent out a mass e-mail last night (which is likely why Gevaudan and Hugie posted here) I've had a few Postmaster mails come back, folk have moved on and their mails are dead, but yours was not one that didn't get through hun. I'll mail it to you again.



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NWN Reviewers Guild: Farewell message
« Reply #8 on: September 24, 2011, 02:35:29 pm »

               Sad to see the guild close it's doors.  I know I enjoyed my time with the guild, and I think we brought some attention to some overlooked mods in the process!  Thanks QSW and Alazander, the two admns I overlapped with in my time with the group. -B



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NWN Reviewers Guild: Farewell message
« Reply #9 on: September 24, 2011, 10:23:19 pm »

               I am sad that we had to close our doors.  I had a grand old time getting to know these wonderful persons who took time from their gaming to not only write up reviews but help the other reviewers out with our own.  I had originally taken on the task of reviewer to give back to a community that I had grown to cherish, as well as hone my writing talents.  I, having absolutely no modding talent when I began can now, at the very least, open up the toolset and see what is 'right' and what isn't.  I owe greatest thanks to shia and V for helping me with the more technical stuff, and our lovely Lady Silverwing for helping me negotiate each step through the format of a proper review, talk me down when I was getting especially frustrated with a stubborn review, and for generally being there for us all.

I would also like to point out that this group - this wonderfully mad, harrying, crazed group of gamers - was the only group I ever played Multiplayer with.  To say it was an experience...just does not do it justice.

My thanks also goes out to the wonderfully talented modding community of NWN.  For, without your taking the time to expend your talent on expanding and extending our gaming time and enjoyment, the Reviewers' Guild would never have existed.

See ya on the boards!  I'll try and have my IM open at some point.  Maybe I'll catch ya all on the flip side!



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NWN Reviewers Guild: Farewell message
« Reply #10 on: September 26, 2011, 08:03:17 am »

               Sad news indeed.  Thanks for all that you did.



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NWN Reviewers Guild: Farewell message
« Reply #11 on: September 27, 2011, 01:40:48 am »

               Thanks to all reviewers for your wonderful work over the years.  <3>


Legacy_JM Scion

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NWN Reviewers Guild: Farewell message
« Reply #12 on: September 27, 2011, 10:10:49 am »

               The reviewer's guild has been an invaluable presence for players and builders alike. The Vault won't be the same without them. I particularly enjoyed their review of "Dark Lecacy". Every builder should read that review just to see what NOT to do when making a mod.

I have to wonder, if the Reviewer's Guild is no more, than are module reviews at the Vault completely done, or can reviews be made open for all users to write?



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NWN Reviewers Guild: Farewell message
« Reply #13 on: September 27, 2011, 03:46:24 pm »


JM Scion wrote...

The reviewer's guild has been an invaluable presence for players and builders alike. The Vault won't be the same without them. I particularly enjoyed their review of "Dark Lecacy". Every builder should read that review just to see what NOT to do when making a mod.

*Winces as she reads the review* Oh that was painful, poor reviewer! I don't know the reviewer Adam, he was about a year before I joined the guild in 2005. Boy, and I thought the Sodomey Jack modules were bad! '<img'>

I have to wonder, if the Reviewer's Guild is no more, than are module reviews at the Vault completely done, or can reviews be made open for all users to write?

I'm afraid Vault module reviews are completely done. Player have always been able to give their own review in the comments box on module pages. It would not be possible for all users to use the Vault system as that would mean they'd have access to the admin side of the Vault. As you can imagine, that would not be advisable ':whistle:'

There is nothing stopping players from using the review guilds scoring/guidelines criterea, which is on the vault for all to see (links are given a the bottom of every review) when writing their own  review on a module page.


Legacy_Shia Luck

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NWN Reviewers Guild: Farewell message
« Reply #14 on: October 01, 2011, 07:34:35 pm »

               I'd like to take the time and opportunity to say thank you to all the reviewers I have met over the years for the fun and the reviews, all the wonderful module builders  for errr the modules, obviously *grin*;  VPJ for being a wonderful Evil Overlord and, most of all, to QSW, for keeping the whole thing together through good times and bad. A shinier silver dragon there has not been nor could be again.

Have fun '<img'>