Author Topic: The Lowland General 2 - Characters  (Read 555 times)

Legacy_Dragon Studios

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The Lowland General 2 - Characters
« on: June 03, 2011, 07:13:29 pm »

               Just information about three characters in upcoming adventure; The Lowland General 2.

There are many characters you will meet in The Lowland General 2. Each with their own personality, background and goals. Here are just a few:

General Lucan Gedaliah:

Lucan Gedaliah is the ancestor of a forgotten mage called Edward Gedaliah who was responsible for The Dark Lord Dravet's banishment to a timeless island. Lucan is ruthless and cunning and sees his soldiers as mere pawns and wouldn't hesitate to kill any that would dare defy him or Midland. Lucan has ruled the southern Lowlands with an iron fist and has been the general of Durther fort for years. He rose to fame and glory and became the subject of many bard's songs after he slew an ancient dragon that was sending its' minions to attack Durther fort. From that day on, Lucan was hailed as a Midland hero by the lesser folk who saw him as being unique from the other Midland Generals who they viewed as ruthless and corrupt but little did they know that Lucan was just like them and some would even say...worse. Lucan is loyal to Midland and its' King and hates rebels and Highlanders with a passion. He has a great and dark destiny ahead of him and will play part in an event that would change Devron forever...

Note: By default, The Lowland General is a human male warrior called Lucan Gedaliah but you will be able to choose whatever class, gender, race and name you want for The Lowland General. His/her last name however will remain as Gedaliah. There are also three personalities you can develop for The Lowland General.


Above, Naer Ron - a city - is sieged due to the player's actions and choices.


Peron has served as Lucan's officer for years. Raising from the ranks of a lowly soldier to officer very quickly. Peron has been subject to Lucan's abuse as Lucan took his anger out on him and often threatened him with death should he fail a task. For years, Peron has stood loyally by Lucan's side and has served him well. Despite the constant abuse and threats that he receives, he lives a better life than the lowly soldiers and even receives much more gold and even a tiny bit of respect from Lords and Ladies.


Crowley was once part of the Midland National Guard who served as a defense force for putting down riots and rebellions. Crowley joined The Midland National Guard after being low on gold after spending most of it on ale, his plan was originally to sell the armor and weapons they gave him so he could buy more ale but he clearly hadn't planned it through and he reluctantly ended up serving The Midland National Guard. After years of service, Crowley slowly began to become annoyed because he couldn't get as drunk as he used to be able previously before he had joined The National Guard and he also grew weary of the cause of The Guards and saw how The Lords and Ladies of Midland were using The Guards for their own greedy causes. Determined to make a stand against Midland's Officials, Crowley got completely drunk and defied his Generals. Due to The Guards having no duties at the time, Crowley's General - General Gosln - suspended Crowley from service and demoted him. Crowley was now a lowly soldier who was present during The Battle of Mavet where The Hero of Mavet guaranteed victory for Midland. After The Hero of Mavet was wounded in another battle, Lord Bulcha ordered that The Hero be left for dead and several soldiers - including Crowley - rebelled, they were tortured for their disobedience and Crowley was chucked from the army - lucky to have kept his life - after showing further rebellion.


Above, Crowley ventures with General Lucan into a vampire's lair which is where The General may become a vampire, at a sacrifice...

Having nothing to do, Crowley got drunk in Calm View which is where he met The Hero of Mavet who had survived. With The Hero, Crowley ventured to Naer Ron to gain vengeance on Lord Bulcha, several other people of notable fame also accompanied The Hero. A revelation came to and The Hero and Crowley learnt that Lord Bulcha was a lich who sought to destroy Devron, starting with Midland. The Hero, Crowley and the others killed Lord Bulcha and his son - saving Midland and Devron in the process. In this ironic conclusion, several heroes - who would be classed as rebels by Midland Officials - had saved Midland but gained no praise for doing so as they were named as murderers and rebels for their deeds.

Crowley, The Hero and the others departed ways and for years, Crowley wondered from tavern to tavern, getting drunk. On one fateful day, he crashed The King of Midland's birthday party and spilled ale into his cake, he was then seized and taken to prison where he awaited execution...

                        Be on the lookout for this epic adventure as it nears the end of development... 


                     Modifié par Dragon Studios, 03 juin 2011 - 06:19 .


Legacy_Dragon Studios

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The Lowland General 2 - Characters
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2011, 07:25:38 pm »

               Further information about The Lowland General 2 and also the future adventure and conclusion to The General and The Hero's saga: Link

Features of The Lowland General 2:
  • A dark fantasy epic with a plot full of twists, betrayal, hate and politics.
  • World changing choices with many effects.
  • Three different paths to take which alter the course of the plot.
  • Three different companions each with their own personality, morals, goals, codes, tactics, dialogue, companion items and class.
  • Over 20,000 words of dialogue with plenty of dialogue choices.
  • LV 15 module which progresses your character into the epic levels.
  • Plenty of action packed combat mixed with exploration and role playing. There's a great amount of everything.
  • Develop the personality of The Lowland General and influence companions with companion gifts.
  • Over 50 detailed areas to explore with plenty of lore, enemies treasure and quests involved with them.
  • Over 15 quests, each with their own surprises, choices and consequences.



                     Modifié par Dragon Studios, 03 juin 2011 - 06:27 .



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The Lowland General 2 - Characters
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2011, 09:05:16 am »

               If I may suggest something: soldiers in the first screenshot look to much alike. It feels as if they were a clone army. The privates should look different then captains, sergeants and so on. I'm not only talking about armour, but the weapons too, for example few privates have spear, few longswords and some short swords only. They should definitely have different heads or helmets. Also please consider using armour different from nwn regular ones, or at least use it only in few cases.


Legacy_Dragon Studios

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The Lowland General 2 - Characters
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2011, 04:48:16 pm »

               They actually belong to a mercenary group and are the berserkers for them. The captains, soldiers and generals of this group actually wear different armor and use different weapons from the berserkers and the berserkers are the only troop to use basic NWN armor, almost every other armor in this game has been custom made and that includes the armor you can buy.

Basically the mercenary group has:

Rebels - townsfolk wearing petty armor and using clubs.
Mercenary lessers - often with petty gear like the rebels.
Mercenaries - fully armored with swords or maces
Higher mercenaries - dwarfs with hammers
Last Resort - the half orcs you see in the picture above.


                     Modifié par Dragon Studios, 04 juin 2011 - 03:50 .