Hi, i have learned a lot by your code Virusman, thank you very much for all your efforts.
Atm i am working on it to setup a proper protocol to handle GUI events, i injected asp.net web api 2 to have a restful service, it works but requires framework.net (nadi think most of servers run on linux).
I also injected jersey on the linux version, but i don't like that approach.What i am doing now is custom masking udp packets to bind widgets logic with a js wrapper and kinda jsonp to render the info sent by the server on the webpage.
I'll setup github branch in about 2 weeks (i am too busy now), and of course for me would be a honor to work with you.
Another screen of a wanted poster with custom gui.
Can you just pass the input events as native browser events that can be handled with JS?
Is it an actual browser window (Awesomium/CEF) or something else?
Do you inject OpenGL calls or draw a window on top of nwmain?